The Great White Brotherhood

The primary mission of the Great White Brotherhood is to set Earth and its evolutions free. Comprised of Ascended Beings who specialize in various aspects of spiritual service, the Brotherhood’s goal is to assist mankind in mastering Cosmic Law, gaining spiritual enlightenment, and ultimately achieving ascension.
Heart Chakra Meditation Script

Inspired by the profound teachings of Djwal Kul in the book “The Heart of the Ascension: Mastering the Auric Forcefield through Christ Consciousness”, this meditation will guide you through a process of deep acceptance, unwavering commitment, and powerful changes.
Invocation for Expansion of the Heart and Aura

The invocations are designed to awaken the Christ consciousness within, to cleanse and elevate the soul, and to fortify the auric field with divine light. These sacred words serve as a bridge between the individual soul and the infinite Source, calling forth the transformative energies of love, wisdom, and power.
The Divine Heart Chakra: A Path to Spiritual Transformation and Enlightenment

At the core of Djwal Kul’s teachings lies the significance of the heart center, often referred to as the heart chakra. This energetic center is a spiritual gateway to higher realms of consciousness. It is the seat of the inner Christ, the Christ Self, which serves as a mediator and teacher within us. When we attune to the heart center, we connect with the divine spark that resides in all beings.
Awakening the Divine Flame: A Heart-Centered Meditation on Christ Consciousness

This introit is designed to open the heart and mind to the presence of the Holy Christ Self, setting the stage for deeper spiritual work and connection. It incorporates elements of invocation, adoration, affirmation, petition, contemplation, dedication, and a closing, aligning the practitioner with the divine essence within and the greater cosmic order.
Introduction to Auric Studies: The Pulsation of Life Becoming Life

By understanding and practicing these teachings, individuals can expand their auric light, deepen their connection to the divine, and contribute to the upliftment of humanity. This journey requires dedication, sincerity, and a profound commitment to embodying divine love and wisdom in every aspect of life.
Morning Gratitude Practice: The Pulsation of Life Becoming Life

By incorporating this Morning Gratitude Practice into your daily routine, you will cultivate a deep and abiding awareness of the Christ consciousness within your heart. This practice not only enhances your personal spiritual growth but also contributes to the expansion of divine love and light in the world.
June 2024 Summer Solstice Cosmic Energies: Rituals and Reflections for Key Astrological Events

The summer solstice, which occurs on June 21, 2024, marks the beginning of Cancer season and has significant astrological implications that complement the other astrological events around this time.
Meditation: The Chakras Ascending the Light and Union with the Twin Flame

Spend a few moments in quiet reflection, integrating the peace and insights from your meditation. Carry this sense of divine union and purpose into your daily life, knowing that you are always connected to your Mighty I AM Presence.
The Law of Forgiveness: By Ascended Master Saint Germain

The question has frequently been asked: what is the proper attitude to take when one becomes aware of a projection charged with anger, hate, or other evil intent against oneself or perhaps another person who might not be conscious of the attack?
Spiritual Alchemy – The White Stone And The White Cube

Your threefold flame is it, beloved! It is your treasure. It is surely The White Stone And The White Cube. Beloved Jesus Christ – December 29, 1992
Divine Wisdom and Light: A Message from Melchizedek

In this message, Melchizedek warns of the looming darkness and calls for repentance and adherence to divine counsel, emphasizing the importance of aligning with the Great White Brotherhood and the living Word.