Celestial Symphony: The Grand Planetary Alignment of June 3, 2024

This alignment is a rare and auspicious event, marking a period of potential transformation and growth. Observing and engaging with the energies of these six planets can provide valuable insights and opportunities for personal and spiritual advancement.
The Power of Attention: Drawing Reality into Existence

The concept of attention as a creative force finds its roots in ancient esoteric traditions. Hermetic teachings, for instance, espouse the principle of mentalism, which states that “the All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.”
Quiénes Son Los Maestros Ascendidos

Los Maestros Ascendidos Las Enseñanzas de la Gran Hermandad Blanca Los Maestros Ascendidos que eligieron posponer su propia evolución espiritual hasta que toda la humanidad esté ascendida y libre pertenecen a la Gran Hermandad Blanca. La Gran Hermandad Blanca (el color blanco está relacionado con la pureza del color, no con la raza) no es […]
Transmuting Violet Flame

All manifestation comes from the unseen – from the inner into the outer (that which is perceived by the senses.) Distress and disease are results of causes set up on the inner. They are conditions in the mental and emotional bodies caused by wrong thought and feeling.
Removing Distress From Your Mind, Feelings And Body

An Address by the Archangel Gabriel received on 1959. There are already inner, divine causes set up, waiting to burst through the veil of maya, as a manifest expression of God-perfection which the beloved Saint Germain holds for you as well as for succeeding generations.
Instructions of the Ascended Master Kuthumi

CHELA—Beloved Master: Is there any particular recommendation you can give us so we may best profit by your instructions?
GURU—Blessed Chela: Yes. Proceed somewhat as follows:
The Embodiments of Ascended Master Kuthumi

In Biblical times Kuthumi was Balthazar, one of the Three Wise Men who followed the Star to the birthplace of Jesus. He had transmuted his karma at that time and could have ascended then, but postponed his ascension, as El Morya did, in order to bring forth, at a future date, the teachings of the Theosophical Society.
The Law of Forgiveness

What is the Law of Forgiveness? During the hundreds of embodiments we have had in the past, we have misqualified a lot of energy. The fact we are here on earth today shows we have misqualified over 50% of the energy ever allotted to us. Through Divine Grace there is a tool available to us […]
Master Saint Germain and the Age of Aquarius

Known for his legendary wisdom and spiritual prowess, Saint Germain is tasked with the monumental responsibility of ushering in the Age of Aquarius—a time anticipated to be marked by enlightenment, spiritual advancement, and a significant transformation in civilization.
Balancing Spiritual Centers and Manifesting Divine Love

One of the core aspects of spiritual practices is their ability to help us connect with the Divine Presence within. This inner divinity, the “God within,” is a source of infinite wisdom, love, and power. By cultivating a relationship with this inner presence, we can navigate life’s challenges with greater ease, finding guidance and support in every moment.
Saint Germain’s Guidance on Divine Presence and Harmony

I assure you from My own observation, that those Great Ones — far greater than I — through aeons of investigation, have indisputable proof that there is but One God — the Life, Wisdom, and Energy of all Creation. Therefore, the Energy of God cannot be blamed for the inharmony created when someone misuses It.
Decree of Celestial Purity

I decree that my four lower bodies—emotional, mental, etheric, and physical—are now embracing the fullness of purity. Misqualified energies dissolve, and the electrons of my being accelerate, expanding their light. Through divine purification, I am restored to the original blueprint of my I AM Presence.