A Message from The Great Divine Director
Crisis Resolved in the Cosmic Cross of White Fire
Beloved Friends of Earth:
I speak to you on behalf of the Karmic Board. You who are the concerned citizens of earth, you who care about pollution, the problems of population, energy, food distribution to the starving millions, the whole gamut of problems involving supply and demand nation by nation, the brutal interference with ecology, and the outcome of economic crisis in the remainder of this century—to you who call yourselves futurists, who have given your lives to heading off the collision course in which civilized man has placed himself and all of mankind, I say, I AM the Great Divine Director.
Long ago, out of concern for the survival of an evolution similar to that now inhabiting earth, I attained my adeptship and soul mastery through the application of the law of cycles to the planetary problems that defied solutions except within the context of the cosmic consciousness of God’s divine plan for every living creature.
First let me say that that which seems insurmountable seems so because it is approached from the level of the human consciousness and humanistic reasoning wherein all problems and their solutions are considered to begin and end within the framework of the human species.
The theory goes: Man has created his problems, man must solve them. There is no divine source, no divinity, no deity outside of himself that can help man out of his dilemma. Thus science has become the god of deliverance. And if science and a scientific humanism cannot deliver the race, then all is lost.
Ironically, it is the misuse of science by the humanists, who dare not peer beyond the rim of their human consciousness, that has brought upon this planetary evolution the present dilemma. Thus the beast that has caused the problem is looked to as the beast of deliverance.
I, for one, have found out that it is not so. With just a mite of wisdom, man ought to know enough not to place his head in the jaws of the same beast which has devoured his predecessors. I say, man needs a bold challenge and the thrust of new dimensions, the courage to launch a frontal attack against the steamroller of the mechanization concept that threatens to devour him and his civilization.
The waves of fear are not real. The astral storms that lower over the cities and the waste places of the earth can be transmuted by the violet flame; and in the twinkling of an eye,[1] vast segments of the population can behold the vision of the etheric cities that can be lowered into physical manifestation. The vision of the New Jerusalem beheld by Saint John[2] is available to all, and the kingdom of God is not so far from any man that he cannot dip into the wellspring of Life and renew his courses.
Let men and women of foresight and courage accept the challenge to carve out a fiery destiny. Let them not accept the setbacks of the rolling momentums of the past. These outplay themselves with the roaring of predatory beasts, but they soon unwind as a child’s toy and are seen to be nothing more than the figment of some past mechanization in the final stages of decay.
Life is real and the soul of man can soar like the lark in spring. Perhaps he has missed the goal in other springs. But this year and this decade the lark is determined to win—and he shall win if he allows the Lord of Life to enter his temple and to abide there forever as the supreme master and the saviour of his fate.
I am known as the Great Divine Director because I have merged my consciousness with the cosmic cycles of God’s divine plan for untold universes of light. And all is light. And the energy of a single atom, the atom called earth, sealed in the nucleus of the sun of even pressure in its center, can be harnessed to satisfy the law of the abundant life for every soul destined to evolve to the full potential of spiritual/material God-realization.
The immensity of God is my daily fare. I bask in the light of the sun. I direct vast quantities of illumination and love into the hearts of earth’s people. I see the sincerity of those who would help but, alas, have not placed their hands in the hand of the Great Helper.
Without the Holy Spirit, O my friends of the earth, you cannot save this planet or even save yourselves. The cycles of mankind’s consciousness roll on. The inexorable law of karma is a part of the divine plan. Karma, the eternal Guru. Karma, often the grim reaper of men’s souls stubbornly untethered to the rock of Christ.
Now let us reduce all intellectual solutions, theories, and dire predictions to a single essential truth—that life is God, life is real, and life is destined to fulfill itself within you.
I say, latch on to the cosmic spiral of divine purpose within your own heart and let it take you where it will. Be not afraid to go over the past, for its lessons are vast—though humiliating at times, unpleasant, and even sorely trying. You who would conquer the crisis of earth must stand, face, and conquer the lines of force crisscrossing your own subconscious, your astrology, and the very palm of your hand.
You are the writers of your destiny. And the writings of your yesterdays are the readings of your todays. No graph or computer, mathematical formula or crystal ball can tell you any thing or give you any sign that you yourself have not written.
Is your fate sealed and doomed by the shadows of the past? Do the specters of your ancient wars now threaten you with nuclear annihilation? There is no thing in heaven or in earth that can disturb you when you are centered and poised in the calm knowing that God in you and you in God are the author of a destiny that idles in the moment and awaits your decision to go to the promised Comforter[3] and invoke his fiery baptism. For only the alchemy of change can undo the wrong that has been done. And no human right can right any human wrong.
Are you too proud to believe it? Then, I say, to be pitied are you, would-be saviours of the earth, who cannot read the handwriting on the wall and realize that the Lord has pronounced the human consciousness wanting.[4]
Now let those who will turn from their human solutions to human pollutions become as watchmen on the wall of life. And, in accepting this calling from the Lord, let them be ready to hear what he will say as he reproves them in the course of their service.[5]
You who would serve humanity, to you I utter the challenge: dare to examine your motives. For if your motives are pure, you will serve God first and, through him, you will reach all humankind. And you who profess to serve God without serving humanity, to you I say, examine your motives. If they are pure, you will go to the source of all life and invoke from the hand of the blessed Comforter the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit that is able to change the human condition.
The violet flame is the gift of God through the Lords of Karma to my chela Saint Germain. This blessed soul of light has placed his entire attainment on the line on behalf of the unascended servants of the light and to them on behalf of humanity.
The violet flame is the universal solvent. It is the fiery baptism of the Holy Ghost. It is the necessary ingredient whereby earth and her evolutions can transcend themselves and enter into new states of higher consciousness that are required for the survival of America and every nation.
O friends of the earth, you have perceived that these are indeed perilous hours. All hangs in the balance. Shall it be man’s avarice, his greed, and his sensual pleasures that swallow him up? Or shall it be the misguided efforts of human do-gooders whose computers fail them in the hour of humanity’s ultimate need?
Why are human beings so self-satisfied? Why would they rather become human gods than submit to the living God and his emissaries and his hosts encamped on the hillsides of the world, ready to charge with the Faithful and True?[6] For every human problem, there is a divine solution. But I tell you, it must be invoked with humility, sincerity, and the responsibility to see it through.
Many men and women are sacrificing to a great degree for the survival of earth, of the farmer, the laborer, the teachers, the firemen, the poor, and the minorities. Can we not encourage some of these to enter into the sacrifice for living truth? for the flame of freedom?
Dare we hope that some will understand before it is too late that the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood—consisting of ascended masters and their unascended followers on the Path—is thoroughly able to deliver to the leaders of the nations not only the key to their personal survival (which seems to concern them most) but to the survival of their governments and their nation-states?
We dare to believe that some will understand and that many more who are today’s leaders can and will respond to the teachings of the adepts of East and West when they are properly presented.
Let Keepers of the Flame take heart and let them start a new thrust for the cosmic purpose of contact with that three percent of the world’s population in whose behalf the dispensation has gone forth from the Lords of Karma for enlightenment and a closer tie to the Brotherhood. This dispensation has gone forth in answer to the petition of the student body of Summit University made under the guidance of the messenger.[7]
Now, I say, let us go after those who are capable of understanding. With the acceleration of the light of mercy’s flame and the violet-flame saturation of the planetary body by legions of Omri-Tas and of the seventh ray, let us answer the call of the Lord boldly and with renewed hearts.
I am certain you can hear from the word of Pallas Athena[8] that this Goddess of Truth has taken a stand—and none dare turn their back on the Lady of Immortal Truth. Earth will not be the same for her coming, I guarantee you, blessed hearts. Her service clears the way for opportunity and the acceleration of Saint Germain’s own causal body through the beloved Portia, feminine flame of cosmic freedom, whose light will tell a noble tale of virtue and valor as it inundates the earth through fall quarter 1980 at Camelot.
This is a year and a decade |
Take heart, take heart, ye freedom friends of flame. I AM the Great Divine Director. I summon the lovers of Saint Germain to direct the violet transmuting flame unto valiant sons of light and daughters of liberty the world around who would faint and who are weary,[9] having held the line of light for many a year.
It is the sense of victory that makes the victory. It’s all within your heart. It’s joy and life and love and laughter day by day that sends the angels chasing after every discordant sound and source to consume it by that unspeakable, unutterable cosmic chord of harmony that passes through the body of lightbearers as rainbow bands of symphonies orchestrated from out the living flame.
Helios and Vesta of the sun bring to bear upon planetary crisis the cosmic cross of white fire, and they send the angels of that cosmic cross serving with the bands of the ruby ray.
All is not lost, they say. |
Lo, I AM shaking the earth and sifting the hearts of men and women who dare to be liberators of an age! The legions of the Lord are on the march, fulfilling cosmic cycles of the divine plan. Now who will summon the freedom flame in the heart of God’s divine plan for humanity?
Those who rise up and call upon the name of the Lord in this hour of earth’s crisis will not only see that crisis resolved in the cosmic cross of white fire but they shall be called forevermore the friends of the earth.
The Great Divine Director
Opening cosmic cycles of advanced adeptship unto those who seize the opportunity to save humanity and, in so doing, to save their own souls.
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 23 No. 11 – The Great Divine Director – March 16, 1980
[1] I Cor. 15:51, 52.
[2] Rev. 21.
[3] John 14:16.
[4] Dan. 5.
[5] Hab. 2:1.
[6] Rev. 19:11-16.
[7] At the request of the messenger, students at Summit University petitioned the Lords of Karma to reopen the Court of Lost Souls, first convened July 4, 1963-July 4, 1964. At that time, the Goddess of Liberty explained that “the entire Karmic Board has agreed to serve to make special adjustments…for any and all from among mankind who feel that they are carrying an excess of karma and could not find their freedom more easily if the weight thereof were mitigated or lifted temporarily.” On January 1, 1980, Sanat Kumara announced that “this is a year, then, when we have secured a more than ordinary dispensation of light implemented by the angels and seraphim for a certain number of souls to be contacted, to be presented the teachings. This is the beginning of the dispensation for which you have called of that top three percent to be accelerated.”
[8] Pallas Athena, “To Advance the Cause of Truth,” in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23, pp. 51-56.
[9] Isa. 40:28-31.