Commanding Consciousness

Compte Saint Germain the spiritual alchemist

Commanding Consciousness STUDIES IN ALCHEMY – The Science of Self-Transformation – Chapter 8 Now we approach with reverent hush, with the awe of sacred awareness, the great spiritual laws governing all outer manifestation.  The purposes of God become more near to each one as they become more dear to him.  Realize what folly it is […]

The Mighty I AM: Revelations of Divine Presence and Power

The Mighty I AM: Revelations of Divine Presence and Power

The I AM Discourses Volume III – The Golden Book Discourse 2 – Revelations of Divine Presence and Power Saint Germain – October 6, 1932 Invocation: Thou Infinite, All-Pervading Presence—Thou Mighty Master within each human form! We acknowledge and accept Thy Full Presence manifest within these forms and within the human form of every individual […]

The Human Aura by Kuthumi – 2. The Susceptibility of the Aura

The Human Aura by Kuthumi – 2. The Susceptibility of the Aura

The Human Aura by Kuthumi – 2. The Susceptibility of the Aura Continuing auric studies, we examine the influences of the world upon the human monad. Man is a creature of simple design, yet complex in the externalization of that design. Little do men realize, when first they ponder the nature of themselves, the ramifications […]

The Mechanization Concept | Series | Part E. Error

pathway of light

The Mechanization Concept | Series | Part E. Error A Manifesto by the Great Divine Director – Part E. Error To Students of the Subconscious Mind, the House of RakoczyStrikes a Blow for the Freedom of Man As It Wieldsthe Sword of the Sacred Word and Separates Truth andError in the Great Chamber of Subconscious […]

The Name Jesus By Saint Germain

The Name Jesus By Saint Germain

The Name Jesus By Saint Germain Embracing the Divine Name of Jesus as a Shield of Light and Love I greet you, beloved friends, in the name of the Ascended Jesus Christ. Do these words not strike a chord through your secret hearts? How often in the centuries gone by—when the worship of the One […]

The Mechanization Concept | Series | Part D. Discrimination

The Mechanization Concept | Series | Part D. Discrimination

THE MECHANIZATION CONCEPT – A Manifesto by the Great Divine Director Part D Discrimination To Planet Earth—An Emancipation Proclamation to Free Mankind from the Monstrous Mechanization Concept by Christly Discrimination through the Law of Exact Manifestation: The carnivorous appetites of mankind, deemed a necessity by contemporary man, stem from his long and successive engagement with […]

Twin Flames on the Path of Initiation – by Ascended Master Chananda

Twin Flames on the Path of Initiation

Born Free to Love – Twin Flames on the Path of Initiation “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” How to Join Forces with Your Twin Flame for Freedom To the heroes and the heroines who have survived the ages I impart love—love from the home of love, love from the […]

The Spiritual Spark in Man – Bridge to Freedom Journal

The Spiritual Spark in Man

The Threefold Flame and the Spiritual Spark in Man Here’s a transformative passage from The Bridge to Freedom Journal, Book One, exploring the profound concept of the divine spark within each person as our connection to the kingdom of heaven. The spark referenced in the passage aligns with the concept of the threefold flame in […]

The Human Aura by Kuthumi – 1. The Perfecting of the Aura

The Perfecting of the Aura

The Human Aura by Kuthumi 1. The Perfecting of the Aura As we commence these auric studies, let it be understood that the combined manifestation of body, soul, and mind creates around the spinal column and the medulla oblongata those emanations called by some the human aura and by others the magnetic force field of […]

Creation, THE MECHANIZATION CONCEPT by the Great Divine Director

THE MECHANIZATION CONCEPT by the Great Divine Director

THE MECHANIZATION CONCEPT – A Manifesto by the Great Divine Director, Part C – Creation To All Who Would Know the Divine Intelligence of CreationThat Endows Freedom with the Power to Create Joyfully,We Come to Break the Mechanical Sense: The eternal pursuit of freedom is a divine quality which leads man to the very essence […]

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