Evaluating Spiritual Channels: A Guide to Discerning True Teachings from the Ascended Master Realm

Reliability of Channels The Reliability of a Channeled Message… Which Teacher to Follow? When a person is committed to making the effort needed to gain spiritual understanding, the first decision involves choosing the right teacher. Since channeling is widely misunderstood by most students, and this misunderstanding is a major obstacle for the Great White Brotherhood […]
Crisis Resolved in the Cosmic Cross of White Fire

A Message from The Great Divine Director Crisis Resolved in the Cosmic Cross of White Fire Beloved Friends of Earth: I speak to you on behalf of the Karmic Board. You who are the concerned citizens of earth, you who care about pollution, the problems of population, energy, food distribution to the starving millions, the […]
Brotherhood, THE MECHANIZATION CONCEPT by the Great Divine Director

The Mechanization Concept, Part B – Brotherhood To Brothers Who Would Probe the Mysteries of Life Lawfully,We Unveil the Word and Its Geometry in the Godheadas the Foundation of Our Brotherhood: Inasmuch as I have requested that last week’s Pearl of Wisdom be read before the commencing of this one, I restate the warning in […]
Reawakening the Fire of Divine Memory from Prince Oromasis

The Fire of Divine Memory O Precious Mankind of Earth, The fiery nature of man is but a dim memory of his days with God when the creation danced in the buoyancy of the divine flame. Mortal comprehension of Matter and substance is of but a low degree when it does not take into account […]
El Morya Teaching on Aspirations and Accomplishments

Aspirations and Accomplishments by Ascended Master El Morya To My Chelas Who Adore and Respect God’s Will: Urgency and inertia appear to be opposites, yet they are aspects of the factors governing the release of energy. Human will is a powerful factor also and is stimulated primarily by motive and wants. Divine will is set […]
Attainment, Part A of THE MECHANIZATION CONCEPT – A Manifesto by the Great Divine Director

THE MECHANIZATION CONCEPT A Manifesto by the Great Divine Director Part A – Attainment To Friends of Freedom Who Cherish Life and Would KeepIt Free—A Manifesto from the Adepts of the Houseof Rakoczy on the Attainment of Freedom from the MostDangerous Dogma of the Mechanization Concept: As the present potential of progress, personal and planetary, […]
A Call to Embody the Christ Consciousness from Archangel Uriel

Walk the Earth as Christs! Walk the Earth as Christs! For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. I was there, and my angels were with me. Together we sounded forth the love radiance that penetrated the darkest night and announced the […]
The Role of the Freedom Fighter by Saint Germain

The Whole World Is Waiting for You! The Role of the Freedom Fighter Absolute God-Freedom Must Cover the Globe:Put the Messenger on Satellite Television I come to find my freedom fighters, those who stand for freedom and do not budge from that stance when freedoms are compromised. Blessed ones, this nation has guaranteed freedoms. See […]
Sendings of the Sacred Fire by Archangel Gabriel

The Establishment Of Divine Order And The Anchoring Of Sacred Energies On Earth O wondrous light, I AM come! I AM the light of Cosmic Virgin. I stand in the temple of God, and I announce to you the descent of pure light. The descent of pure light is my annunciation. For pure light delivers […]
The Sword of Your Attention by Saint Germain

The Sword of Your Attention Is the Gate to Mastery – Part I O holy flame of freedom, all encompassing embrace of Almighty God, I adore thy presence in the universe! The sacredness of each hour consecrated to thy recognition brings to all the very sustenance of the life-force that is within them and brings […]
The Seven Rays Evolutionary Path

The Chohans of the Seven Rays Speak THE MAHA CHOHAN The process of evolution, unfoldment, and development of the God-design of the universe is very beautiful and might be likened unto the successive presentations in a glorious opera, each act allowing the talents and natural heritage of a certain number of lifestreams full freedom to […]
The Path of Freedom: Divine Direction from Saint Germain

How to Embrace Clarity, Choose Your Spiritual Path, and Manifest the Divine Plan for Your Life In The Path of Freedom, Saint Germain offers profound guidance for those standing at the crossroads of life, urging them to embrace divine direction and make conscious, purposeful choices. He highlights the importance of aligning with the soul’s divine […]