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Were False Channels Responsible for the Sinking of Atlantis?

Caused a split in the ‘Priesthood’

Are there fraudulent channels? Yes, there are. Jesus warned of false prophets, so did Saint Germain. Saint Germain told the students of an experience he had long ago. He said one individual followed him from city to city, undoing a lot of the good that Saint Germain had accomplished.
Paul the Venetian: “We know that many disembodied individuals, still determined to have their own way in the world of form, utilize an embodied individual, who has an affinity of vibration to them. All psychic and astral creations, as well as their creators, are usually vampire activities, living on the faith and power of foolish people who desire, for personal reasons, to build their personal egos. Pride, especially of a spiritual nature, goes always before a fall. In this cosmic hour, the fall will come more quickly and be more evident to the spiritually discerning than in the ages past.
Therefore, we on the Third Ray do implore each earnest chela to call to Lord Michael, the Archangel, to cut himself free, now, from all known and unknown sources, that could at any time use the chela as a channel for the expression of their destructive activities and to help the chela to recognize and express, always, the good, the true, the lasting goodness of God, here on Earth, as it is always expressed in heaven.
“Many well‑meaning people are unknowingly caught in the astral realm, or suffer the many hexes placed upon them by those well trained in the use of psychic magnetism. Even in Atlantis such individuals, called the black priesthood, were able to enamor thousands of people, thus using their God‑given energies to sustain the very forces which eventually caused the sinking of that continent.”
All true dictations are intended, primarily, to instruct the students on TWO KEY POINTS, NAMELY, HOW TO GAIN THE ASCENSION IN THIS EMBODIMENT AND HOW TO HELP THE EARTH IN THE REQUIRED COSMIC INITIATION, bringing it closer to the sun. This is a valuable guide in comparing the dictations of various channels.
A true messenger is always in full control of his faculties at all times. He can stop hearing the messages at will. There is no changing of voice or shaking of the physical form or “possession”that takes place when a channel is under the control of an entity. This action never happened to either Mr. Ballard or Geraldine Innocente.
Archangel Zadkiel: “Phenomena NATURALLY comes with spiritual development, as you go higher and higher in consciousness. That is the Ascended Master phenomena, the light which you see, the magnificent Violet Fire, sometimes the face of one of the great Ascended Ones, true, but that is a result of application and a means of a conviction of a consciousness that is not merely seeking, curiously, for something new.
So these individuals who produce so-called phenomena need the prayers and application of the remaining members of the White Order on the Earth, for they are literally eating into their own etheric bodies and their vital prana, which could be used for something much greater, later, than the floating ectoplasm and manifestations at seances in the outer physical world. Why do these channels attract today’s students by the thousands? It is because of the FASCINATION OF MOST OF THE STUDENTS FOR PHENOMENA AND THE LACK OF A STRONG DESIRE FOR THE TRUTH.”
Maha Chohan: “Those who have received spiritual knowledge and use it not for the impersonal benefaction of the race, are held responsible and accountable to the Cosmic Law for neglecting to use the gifts of truth, illumination and understanding, which they have received.”
Lanto: “The chela is reminded that the words of beloved Jesus are as true today as when he first spoke them: ‘Many will come in my name, but I shall not be with them.’ Those who consciously practice and use the power of faith to forward their own destructive ends, will be held accountable before the Karmic Board at the close of this embodiment. THOSE WHO HAVE HAD SPIRITUAL INSTRUCTION, AND YET CHOOSE TO GIVE OF THEIR ENERGY TO SUSTAIN SUCH UNFORTUNATE INDIVIDUALS, ARE ALSO HELD ACCOUNTABLE TO THE COSMIC LAW, AND GREATLY HINDER THEIR OWN PROGRESS, THEREBY.”

Spiritual guidance, Energy vampirism, Ascended Master teachings, Spiritual awakening, Psychic protection, Channeling and mediums, Spiritual entities, Mystical experiences, Spiritual ego, Metaphysical practices, Lightworkers, Spiritual discernment, Ethereal vibrations, Psychic phenomena, Spiritual purification, Karmic consequences, Divine intervention, Esoteric wisdom, Higher consciousness, Spiritual evolution, Mystical traditions, Psychic abilities, Spiritual healing, Spiritual accountability, Divine cosmos

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