Invitation to Receive the Threefold Flame of the Holy Spirit: A Message from the Maha Chohan

maha chohan threefold flame

This Christ Self intensifies its interest and service to your outer self once you have become illumined enough to recognize and accept and begin to serve your own beloved I AM Presence. The I AM Presence is the Source of your being, whose life your Holy Christ Self is releasing to you every passing moment. It is this life that gives your physical heart the rhythm and energy of beating.

The Divine Essence of Twin Flames and The White Fire Body

gautama buddha

Gautama Buddha on The White Fire Body and Ultimate Peace In a profound discourse, Gautama Buddha shared invaluable teachings about the white-fire body and its pivotal role in achieving divine essence and ultimate peace. By understanding the pure, divine nature of the white-fire body and its connection to universal peace, we can unlock a deeper […]

Manjushri on The Power of Music


Manjushri speaks thus… If you would know the power of music whereby the soul follows sound to the heart of being, then study this form of music, the Indian raga, which you have just heard. For it does bring you into the encounter with the cosmic teacher. It does bring you into a polarity of the plus and the minus—you, the minus, negative, feminine polarity; the teacher, the plus, positive, masculine polarity. When you are in polarity, beloved, with such music, you enter into a compartment of being that truly is the heart and the goal of meditation.

The Call of Padma Sambhava: Embracing Spiritual Urgency and Transformation


Omri-Tas delivers a message of urgency from the Violet Planet, emphasizing the acceleration of karmic cycles and the critical role of Saint Germain in this era. He calls upon lightbearers to recognize the significant impact of their spiritual work, particularly through the invocation of the violet flame, which can transmute negative energies and purify the soul.

The Resurrection Flame: The Masters of Wisdom Speak

The Resurrection Flame

For the evolution presently developing upon the planet earth, the Mercy of Life has provided such a Restorative Power for those wise enough to invite It and humble enough to use Its revivifying, life giving essence.

Exercises for Engaging with the Violet Transmuting Flame

Saint Germain and the Violet Flame

Through the powerful exercises detailed herein, you will learn to invoke, visualize, and meditate with the Violet Transmuting Flame. By engaging with these sacred exercises, you will experience profound healing, purification, and spiritual upliftment, paving the way for your ascension and the realization of your divine potential.

The Violet Transmuting Flame

Violet Transmuting Flame

You are not dealing with a figment of your imagination when you deal with the violet transmuting flame. When you gaze at mass accumulations of vapor floating lazily in the sky and producing the constantly changing panorama of cloud capers, you are able to conceive that on the spur of the moment what seems a billowing froth of air may become a turbulence of unforeseen destruction.

Chakra Alchemy: Transformative Wisdom of the Energy Centers

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The Root Chakra, known as Muladhara in Sanskrit, is the bedrock of our energy system, nestled at the base of the spine between the anus and genitals. It serves as our vital connection to the physical realm, embodying themes of survival, stability, and our most primal instincts, symbolized by the color red and the grounding element of earth.

Chakra Purification: A Guide to Spiritual Alignment

Chakra Purification: A Guide to Spiritual Alignment

Chakra purification and alignment are essential practices for achieving spiritual harmony and overall well-being. By incorporating meditation, mantras, yoga, crystals, and aromatherapy into your daily routine, you can maintain the balance and flow of energy through your chakras.

The Power of Divine Will in Daily Life: Transforming Everyday Experiences

Align with God's Plan for you

Divine will refers to the highest purpose and plan ordained by God for each individual and the universe. It’s a guiding force that, when aligned with, brings one’s actions, thoughts, and words into harmony with a greater cosmic order. This alignment can lead to a life filled with purpose, clarity, and spiritual growth.

Embrace the Star-Fire on Your Journey to Align with the Divine Will

blue flame

Imagine a perfect plan crafted specifically for you, one that aligns your thoughts, words, and actions with the ultimate source of divine wisdom. This is the divine blueprint—a map guiding us toward our highest potential and true fulfillment. El Morya reminds us that “for every thought and every word and every action there is a divine blueprint, and that blueprint is held in the will of God.”

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