Violet Flame

The Transmuting Violet Flame The Transmuting Violet Flame is a divine tool provided to humanity to harmoniously transform and transmute any condition that is less than perfect. It is the activity of divine love, consuming or transmuting negative energy. The Violet Flame works at a specific rate of vibration, acting as divine alchemy to cleanse […]


A “chela” is a term used in various spiritual and esoteric traditions, particularly within the teachings of the Ascended Masters, Hinduism, and Theosophy. It refers to a dedicated student or disciple who follows a spiritual teacher or master with the aim of achieving higher spiritual knowledge and enlightenment. Definition of Chela Origin and Meaning: Sanskrit […]

The Law of Forgiveness

The Law of Forgiveness

The Law of Forgiveness is a spiritual principle that emphasizes the power of forgiveness in releasing karmic debts and facilitating spiritual growth. Rooted in various spiritual traditions and teachings, this law asserts that forgiveness is not only a moral imperative but also a transformative tool for individuals and societies. The Law of Forgiveness posits that […]

Great White Brotherhood

The Great White Brotherhood is an esoteric concept in various spiritual and theosophical traditions, particularly associated with the teachings of the “I AM” Activity and The Bridge to Freedom. Here is a detailed description of the Great White Brotherhood: Origins and Purpose: Founded by Sanat Kumara after his arrival from Venus to Earth. Sanat Kumara […]

Cross-of-Christ Currents

The Cross-of-Christ Currents are divine energy circuits that form a cross-like pattern over specific regions of the Earth. These energy currents are believed to facilitate the flow of spiritual energy, connecting sacred sites and promoting balance, healing, and spiritual transformation. Significance of the Cross-of-Christ Currents Divine Energy Circuits: The Cross-of-Christ Currents act as channels of […]

Galactic Souls

Galactic Souls is a concept within various spiritual and metaphysical traditions that refers to the idea that certain souls originate from distant star systems, galaxies, or other celestial realms beyond Earth. These souls are believed to possess unique qualities, wisdom, and spiritual insights that distinguish them from Earth-born souls. Often, Galactic Souls are thought to […]

Christ-like Consciousness

Christ-like consciousness refers to a state of spiritual awareness and ethical behavior aligned with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. It embodies the principles of love, compassion, forgiveness, humility, and service to others. This consciousness is often viewed as the ultimate goal of Christian spiritual practice, encouraging individuals to develop an inner life that […]

Rainbow Children

Rainbow Children are considered the third generation of special children in the New Age narrative, following the and . Emerging more prominently in the 2000s, Rainbow Children are believed to be the embodiment of the next level of human evolution, characterized by their innate spiritual gifts and pure, joyful energies. Characteristics of Rainbow Children Vibrant […]

Crystal Children

Crystal Children are a concept in New Age philosophy, recognized as the successors to Indigo Children. Emerging predominantly in the early 2000s, they are characterized by their distinctive spiritual and emotional attributes. Crystal Children are thought to be part of a new wave of evolution in human consciousness, bringing enhanced spiritual qualities to interactions and […]

Indigo Children

Indigo Children are a concept from the New Age movement, first identified in the 1970s by Nancy Ann Tappe and widely popularized in the 1990s by authors Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. Indigos are believed to possess a unique deep blue aura, indicative of their intuition and spiritual awareness, which Tappe identified through her synesthetic […]


Purity refers to a state of being free from both physical impurities and spiritual imperfections. It is considered essential for attaining higher levels of consciousness and for facilitating a closer connection with the Ascended Masters and the divine. Key Aspects of Purity Vibrational Integrity: Purity is seen as a vibrational state that resonates with the […]


Manifestation is a concept widely embraced in both spiritual and personal development contexts, referring to the process of bringing thoughts, desires, or intentions into reality. It is based on the principle that thoughts can influence the physical world and that by focusing one’s mental energy on specific goals or outcomes, those goals or outcomes can […]

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