The Pink Flame

Pink Flame of Love

The use of the Pink Flame of Love is truly one of the most practical ways to bring results into your world, especially when there seems to be obstruction of some kind between people.

All respond to the Love and Peace of the Pink Flame.

Experiment with the Pink Flame and blaze it through every cell and organ of your physical body. Visualize this activity as you blaze it through your brain and mind structure, saturate your feelings with it. See how it becomes a magnet drawing people and things into your world for its blessing.

Use it to bless everything you contact, and anything not seeming to yield the harmony and perfection you desire. It acts like ‘oil on the troubled waters’ by harmonizing and bringing perfection where imperfection seems to be manifesting.

Call to the Great Beings who serve on that ray to give you the added pressure of their love and watch the perfection you draw into your world. The Pink Flame of Adoration is without parallel.

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