Paul the Venetian

Paul the Venetian as the Maha Chohan Paul the Venetian, also known as the Chohan of the Third Ray, is associated with divine love, beauty, and creativity. As the Maha Chohan, he played a significant role in overseeing the distribution of the energies of all Seven Rays, working closely with the other Chohans and Ascended […]


Ascended Master Jesus Ascended Master Jesus, also known as Jesus the Christ or Yeshua, is one of the most revered figures in spiritual history. He is widely recognized for his teachings on love, compassion, forgiveness, and the Christ Consciousness. As an Ascended Master, Jesus continues to guide humanity from the higher realms, offering his wisdom […]


Hilarion is one of the Ascended Masters, revered for his wisdom and guidance in the realms of healing, truth, and scientific understanding. He serves on the Fifth Ray of Healing, Truth, and Knowledge, helping humanity to integrate spiritual principles with scientific discoveries and to heal on all levels—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Attributes and Symbols […]

Serapis Bey

Serapis Bey is one of the Ascended Masters, a being of Light who has transcended the cycles of karma and rebirth and now guides humanity from the higher realms. He is primarily known for his association with the Fourth Ray of Purity, Ascension, and Harmony. Serapis Bey’s teachings focus on the path of spiritual discipline, […]

Elohim Peace and Aloha

The Elohim of Peace, a central figure in the cosmic hierarchy known as the Elohim, plays a pivotal role in instilling peace throughout the universe. These divine architects of creation and custodians of cosmic order focus on diffusing conflicts and fostering harmony everywhere. Also Known As Tranquility Elohim of the Sixth Ray: Among the seven […]

Law of the One

The Law of the One is a fundamental spiritual principle emphasizing the unity and interconnectedness of all existence. This law asserts that all beings, regardless of their individuality, are expressions of a single, universal source or consciousness. It underlines the concept that there is no separation between the Creator and creation, and that every soul […]

The Ruby Ray

The Ruby Ray is a concept in spiritual teachings associated with the qualities of divine love, compassion, and sacrifice. It is often regarded as a path of intense transformation, purification, and service, embodying the energies of the heart. Here are some key aspects of the Ruby Ray: Divine Love and Compassion: The Ruby Ray emphasizes […]

8th Ray

The Eighth Ray, often referred to as the Ray of Integration, is a lesser-known aspect in the teachings of the Ascended Masters and the esoteric traditions. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, a prominent figure in the Ascended Master Teachings, mentioned the existence of additional rays beyond the traditional seven, including the Eighth Ray, in her teachings and […]

Cosmic Beings

Cosmic Beings is a term used in various spiritual and metaphysical traditions to refer to highly advanced and enlightened entities that exist beyond the physical plane. These beings are believed to have achieved a high level of spiritual evolution and are often associated with the divine, the cosmos, or specific celestial phenomena. They play a […]

Divine Beings

Galactic Souls Wiki Category – Divine Beings Divine Beings are entities considered to possess extraordinary, often supernatural, attributes and powers, and are associated with the divine or sacred realms. These beings are central to various religious, spiritual, and metaphysical traditions and are often revered, worshipped, or invoked for their wisdom, guidance, and assistance. Divine Beings […]

Thomas Printz

Thomas Printz is a pen name used by the Ascended Master El Morya. This pseudonym was adopted primarily for publishing works associated with “The Bridge to Freedom” and “Pearls of Wisdom” series. El Morya, through his messenger Geraldine Innocente, initiated the publication of these spiritual teachings to disseminate the wisdom of the Ascended Masters more […]

Karmic Board

Karmic Board is a term used in various metaphysical and spiritual traditions to refer to a group of high spiritual beings who oversee the dispensation of karma and the evolution of souls on Earth. This board is responsible for ensuring that the cosmic law of karma—where every action has a corresponding reaction—is upheld, balancing justice […]

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