The Transmutation of The Violet Flame
You will be amazed with the results when you practice meditations like this one, and how simply doing it with devotion and consistency, can deeply cleanse and renew your etheric body, which is your subtle energy blueprint, allowing you to better channel divine energy and knowledge in service to the light.
Find a serene and sacred space where you may be undisturbed, a haven where the Divine can touch your soul unencumbered. Arrange your space with reverence and tranquility. Sit or lie down comfortably, ensuring your body is aligned and at ease. Allow your surroundings to become a reflection of your inner sanctuary, preparing you for a sacred communion with the Divine.
Close your eyes gently and begin to deepen your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs with fresh, pure air. Hold your breath for a moment, then exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing any tension or distraction. Repeat this process a few times until you feel a profound sense of calm and presence. Let go of the external world and turn inward, focusing on the sacred space within your heart.
Invocation of the Violet Flame:
Visualize a brilliant violet flame descending from the heart of the Divine, cascading down upon you with divine grace. This flame, a radiant beacon of transmutation, envelops you completely. Picture it as a majestic column of light, shimmering with hues of violet, purple, and gold. This flame is both a cleansing and illuminating force, imbued with the power of divine love and purity.
In the sacred stillness of your heart, call upon the beloved Saint Germain and the mighty presence of the violet flame with these words or similar:
“Beloved Saint Germain, I humbly call upon your divine presence and the transformative power of the violet flame. I invoke the sacred fire to surround and permeate my entire being. Let this violet flame transmute and purify all that is not of the light within my etheric body. Dissolve all negative records, energies, and influences, and replace them with divine purity and radiant love. I surrender to the healing embrace of the violet flame, knowing it will cleanse me and restore me to my true essence.”
As you continue to breathe deeply, visualize the violet flame as it intensifies and becomes even more vibrant. See it penetrating every layer of your being, dissolving impurities and shadows. Observe as it reaches the very core of your etheric body, illuminating and purifying every atom and cell. Feel the warmth and comfort of the flame as it lovingly cleanses and restores your energy field to its original state of divine grace.
Affirmation of Transformation:
In the presence of the violet flame, affirm your renewed state of purity and divine alignment:
“I am now cleansed and renewed by the sacred violet flame. All negativity has been transmuted, and my etheric body is filled with divine light and love. I am aligned with my highest spiritual essence, radiant and pure. The violet flame has purified my being, and I embrace this new state of divine grace with gratitude and joy.”
Remain in this sacred space, allowing the violet flame’s energy to integrate fully into your etheric body. Feel the profound sense of renewal and peace that accompanies this divine purification. Visualize the violet flame gently receding, leaving behind a cleansed and revitalized field of light.
When you are ready, express your gratitude to the violet flame and to Saint Germain for their divine assistance. Slowly bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings. Gently wiggle your fingers and toes, and when you feel fully present, open your eyes, carrying with you the profound sense of purification and divine grace.
Other Articles about The Violet Flame:
- The Violet Transmuting Flame
- The Flame of Transmutation
- WIKI The Violet Flame
- Exercises for Engaging with The Violet Transmuting Flame
Books on The Violet Flame
- Violet Flame to Heal Mind, Body and Soul
- Violet Flame Alchemy for Personal Change
- Saint Germain and The Mystery of The Violet Flame