Unbroken Communion


Unbroken Communion

Beloved Who Would Walk on the Great White Way,

Unceasing communion—how laudable!  how joyous!  What shall I say to amplify the concept of never-ending contact?  The world mind seeks to palliate through diverse and questionable measures, whereas the reality of God is best known by unbroken communion.

When Adam wandered in the Garden, communion was lost; and God said unto him, “Adam, where art thou?”[1]  The infinite love of the Creator for each son of his heart continues even through the span of prodigality.  All of life is rendered infinitely more grand when beheld through God’s eye of light.  He who extends consciousness as a pure stream of everlasting hope unto God is never soiled or damaged by a release of mortally misqualified substance.

My own, know that all substance is God; but as to the pure all things are pure, so to the unbelieving is nothing pure.[2]  Those upon whom I am raying my love may not accept it in equal measure.  The unbeliever may cast it aside, the skeptic question it, the dilettante vacillate from ecstasy to despair; but the cause of such reactions cannot be assigned unto the purity of my mind, derived as it is from the eternal Source, nor to the divine intent which heaven seeks to bring to full bloom through individual manifestation.

Each monadic expression, each soul, manifests yet another facet of evolutionary progress.  If evolution can be seen in the physical plane, it is even more readily discerned in the spiritual octaves and in the evolving soul where individuality draws down from heavenly heights the vestments of pure reality which remain forever unchanged.

The state of the world and of man changeth from glory unto glory, and the gathering storm of karmic encompassment shelters man not with comfort.[3]  Comfort is found in the progressive acceptance of universal values, and thus men must strive to throw off those disquieting attitudes of self which veil the face of the universal Christ.  If there be glory, it is for all to share; and truly there are none so blind as they who will not see.

Organizational loyalty, when practiced in good faith, is a divine attribute; but when sustained in bad faith, it is unjustifiable.  Those who seek to save their lives may well lose them, but all who let flow of the native stream of God’s own consciousness and infinite love through the aperture of self become as radiating points of light in time and space.  These shed that eternal light upon the passing scene of mortal creation and find thereby their eternal home in the realities of heaven, which are our portion.

Mindful of present world distress which, regardless of the causes and karmic roots, needs healing and transmutation, I AM come to blaze the light of God’s undying reality unto all!  The way of the Christ must be made known, and that way is total communion.  Through ignorance men have sought to exclude their God while seeking happiness in the world.  Through unbroken communion, the life experience of my final embodiment in Galilee and Nazareth can become the forte of every God-realized man.

I seek then, in response to the heart-calls of mankind, to shatter the dream that is filled with illusions, to destroy the myth that total communion is sacrificial, and to teach the way of that communion as I know it.  In this statement I have begun an effort of world service to promote out of the bonds of unbroken communion a new exaltation and fount of service that, if carried out, will speedily shorten the days of men’s cup of bitterness and lower into manifestation the City of God among men.

Let brotherhood increase and the light of understanding prevent hatred!  For my way, the way of God, is the way of peace; and the sword of the Spirit cleaves asunder the curtain of the night and more clearly reveals that hope, eternal hope, is the nature of God.  Hope can alter the unthinkable and brazen contempt of this wayward generation until the regeneration of the Son of God comes full cycle.  And divine blessings in ever-increasing tempo shall magnify the light that shines behind the span of the years and the farthest reaches of space.

In gratitude for the unbroken chain of communion with the eternal Father, I remain your elder brother,


Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 11  No. 10  –  Jesus Christ  –  March 10, 1968

[1] Gen. 3:9.

[2] Titus 1:15.

[3] 2 Cor. 3:18.

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