Gautama Buddha on The White Fire Body and Ultimate Peace
In a profound discourse, Gautama Buddha shared invaluable teachings about the white-fire body and its pivotal role in achieving divine essence and ultimate peace.
By understanding the pure, divine nature of the white-fire body and its connection to universal peace, we can unlock a deeper level of self-awareness and harmony with the cosmos.

The Spiritual Meaning of the White Fire Body
The concept of ,the “white-fire body” as explained by Gautama Buddha, taps into some deep spiritual insights found in the teachings of the Ascended Masters. Essentially, this term refers to the purest part of a person’s spiritual essence. ” Imagine it as a brilliant, glowing form that’s free from any earthly impurities or emotional baggage, created by a higher divine source known as Alpha and Omega.
In spiritual teachings, the white-fire body can be thought of as a core component or the most sacred layer of the aura, representing the highest state of spiritual being.
“The white-fire body is the individualized I AM Presence, the central sphere of the causal body that is draped in the electronic fire rings of the five secret rays of the Buddhic consciousness. This ‘Divine Monad’ is then surrounded by color bands of the seven rays as illustrated on the Chart of the Presence.”

Divine Twin Flames
Twin Flames Defined
Twin flames are believed to be two halves of the same soul, created together in the beginning by the divine source (Alpha and Omega, as mentioned). The meaning of this teaching holds that each soul was split into two separate entities, each embodying a unique yet complementary aspect of the original whole. The purpose of this division is to allow the soul to experience duality, learn, grow, and eventually seek reintegration through spiritual ascension.
Spiritual Significance
The reunion of twin flames is often described as a powerful and transformative experience, marked by a profound sense of completeness and unity. This reunion is not just about romantic fulfillment but is more deeply rooted in spiritual awakening and evolution.
Role in Ascension
In the spiritual teachings discussed by Gautama Buddha, twin flames are meant to support each other in achieving spiritual enlightenment and ascension. The journey involves overcoming earthly challenges and transcending the limitations of the physical and egoic selves. The reunion and harmonious interaction of twin flames can amplify their spiritual energies, facilitating a deeper connection with the divine and accelerating the path to enlightenment.

Gautama Buddha Message
Vol. 1 No. 2 – Beloved Gautama Buddha – August 3, 1958
I Have Established a Great Focus of Peace
in Washington, D.C.
Dearly Beloved of the Light!
Accept from me tonight the full blessing of my personal ray, which is wholly free from the delusions of the outer self and its self-importance.
Men call me Gautama, and for twenty-four hundred years I have been known as the Buddha to this earth—better known in the East, from whence I ascended long ago, as you count time. Many souls who are attuned to the vibrations of peace that my ray represents and that my radiation brings have been drawn into physical embodiment in the East, where I have maintained a focus of peace for centuries.
But little do men realize the tremendous love I hold for the lifestreams in the Western world who are of my wavelength. Here in Washington, D.C., the heart of your nation’s government, I have established a great focus of peace. And that peace flows forth over America constantly with the same power by which it flows forth through the mountains and valleys of Tibet contacting receptive hearts everywhere.
The people of this city may not be aware of my Presence, but I assure you that their Holy Christ Selves are fully aware of it, and they both feel and amplify my love. My love and light pour out constantly like a great fountain, impersonally yet personally, knowing no caste, creed or race as I freely give these emanations to all, without regard as to the worthiness or unworthiness of any part of life to receive this blessing.

Achieving Eternal Peace Through Divine Connection
I assure you, beloved ones, that if the children of God are ever to find permanent peace either within or around themselves, it will be because they have once again turned their attention to their own beloved I AM Presence, becoming the instrument of the Father-Mother God’s personal-impersonal desire to release their blessings to all life! Thus shall God’s children become like us of the ascended host, who have become all Love in action, only blessing and benefiting all life we contact.
Through the victory of our personal ascension, each of us who abides here in the ascended master octaves of light knows the magnificence of the original God-pattern created by Alpha and Omega. This God-pattern is stepped down by the Great Silent Watcher, the Cosmic Christ and beloved Helios and Vesta (God and Goddess of this solar system) for every lifestream our Father-Mother God have sent forth from the central sphere of white-fire perfection, the First Cause.
Creation of the Twin Flames
From the point of First Cause—in the Beginning with the Word in Brahman—the white-fire bodies of twin flames were created out of the immaculate concept of their God Parents, and there in the spiritual Sun behind the physical Central Sun they first appeared.
The original glory of the creation of the white-fire bodies of twin flames was and still is just so magnificent—the perfection thereof being eternally beheld in the mind of God.
The Essence of the White Fire Body
The white-fire body is the individualized I AM Presence, the central sphere of the causal body that is draped in the electronic fire rings of the five secret rays of the Buddhic consciousness. This ‘Divine Monad’ is then surrounded by color bands of the seven rays as illustrated on the Chart of the Presence.
So rapid is the rate of vibration of the pure light essence of the white-fire body and the five-fold translucent, pastel, crystalline sheaths that it is quite impossible for that purity of the Buddhic mind to be interfered with by any shadow of human creation. For such shadows would be instantly and completely transmuted into light’s perfection, having no sustaining power of their own in the Presence of God.
Did not Habakkuk, the prophet of the LORD, say unto his God: “Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity”?1 Because of the complete and eternal purity of this white-fire being—this Divine Monad that is the dwelling place of the I AM THAT I AM—it is impossible for it to express anything but the purity of divine love, divine wisdom and divine power.
Therefore, those of us who even before our ascension lifted up our eyes and fixed them upon that glorious I AM Presence, the Divine Source of our being, found that its great outpouring of love, wisdom and power had completely captured our spirits so that we ourselves no longer desired to express our personhood apart from it. We had but one desire: to be the fullness of the Self-knowledge and the Self-glory of the LORD the almighty I AM Presence—to be the fullness of that God-perfection.
Standing in that Presence we, too, could but prophesy with Habakkuk: “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea!”2
And so we did extinguish, as it were, the flame of self-love that unascended mankind in their separateness from the Holy One of God feel for their own egos.
We knelt at the shrine of Almighty God and his supreme perfection. We beheld his great beauty and glory and desired no longer to express anything less than that perfect pattern of the white-fire body that God himself had created for us in the beginning.

Embracing Ascension: The Transformation from Human to Divine
From their limited observation of this complete surrender of the outer self to the light and love of the Inner Self, our own individual God Presence, mankind have gotten the notion that we have ceased to be! No longer perceiving us among the living, they have concluded that we are among the dead!
Now, does it appear to you that we have ceased to be, when we of our own free will have merely surrendered our human wills and lesser expressions to the Great Source of our Being, our heavenly Father, the I AM Presence, thus actually becoming absorbed into his pattern of perfection? I hope not!
The natural manifestation of our original white-fire bodies is exquisitely beautiful and perfect and carries its blessings to all life. This is our true God-identity as ascended masters; and this you, too, can become in contrast to the misshapen forms and distressing appearances that the outer self of mankind daily creates and sustains. Do you see?
The LORD, the one eternal I AM THAT I AM, is in his holy temple; and we as ascended masters are One in him. Therefore let all the earth keep silence before him and let all true Israelites be still and know that the I AM—of every son and daughter of God—is God! Hear, O Israel, the LORD, our mighty I AM Presence, is one LORD. Therefore we are One, and we are that One.
Tonight I, Gautama, Son of the Most High God, speak from the heights of God-illumination and charge forth my words and light-substance over your dear land of America. Saint Germain and beloved Portia have asked me to address you this evening because of the tremendous influx of from the East who are taking embodiment here in the West; these lifestreams have gathered momentums of my radiation from their past discipleship under my tutelage.

Revelations of Divine Love
I now speak directly into the inner worlds of the souls of all people of America and I say:
You must arise from your human feelings to embrace and express the light of pure divine love, pure divine wisdom and pure divine power in order to bring into manifestation permanent world peace and permanent world freedom and every other God-blessing that you so much desire to see manifest on earth.
It is absolutely essential for all of you to forsake the realm of action of the human ego. It is absolutely essential for all of you to look beyond the mere outer expressions of personality and to hold the immaculate concept of God’s perfect creation for yourselves and others.
In so doing you will be able to draw forth from the I AM Presence the holy Trinity of divine love, wisdom and power and all godly virtues stored in the causal body that ever have been, are being or ever shall be expressed by yourselves and others.
Your faithful practice of the Presence will displace the faithless malpractice of the human ego and its endless vainglory in seeking the pleasures of the senses. Moreover, it will hasten the bringing forth of that peace and freedom and universal enlightenment that, if mankind are to follow the divine plan for earth and her evolutions, must soon come into outer manifestation for all life on earth.
You will remember the words of the Son of God, Jesus: “Except those days [of karmic tribulation] should be shortened, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”3
As Lord of the World, it is my will, as it is also the will the Buddha the beloved Lord Maitreya and of the entire Great White Brotherhood, that all flesh should be saved—yes, even transmuted into purity and perfection once again, sublimated in spirit and purified in substance by the application of the merciful violet flame.
Beloved ones, take advantage of the many opportunities that are offered you today by the ascended host, and as never before seize upon the idea of the perfection of your mighty I AM Presence and its practical manifestation right here in this world of form!
Try to realize and to accept in your mental and feeling worlds that right within your beating heart there is sustained by your own Holy Christ Self a focus of God’s Great Silence. Right within your beating heart there is a replica of the secret place of the Most High, the divine storehouse of love, wisdom and power.
What’s more, there are bejeweled virtues of Christ of every description that can and will sustain you in any and all crises of your seemingly mortal existence. These Christly virtues will also seal you in comfort and peace as you take your leave of this world of form when your tasks are finally finished here.
Our beloved sister Kuan Yin (Kwan Yin) touched lightly upon the following in her address to you earlier this evening, but I would like briefly to speak of it again. Many who are unascended find it difficult to believe that after our having left the earth and its limited consciousness so many centuries ago, any one of us could and would communicate directly with humanity in this present age.
If you would give just a little thought to the idea that we either could not or would not communicate with our beloved brothers and sisters left behind, you would conclude that it is foolishness that people could think that we who are one in God are limited in any way or that we would even think of not communicating with our disciples on earth!
Do people think that He who is the God Source and First Cause of all life is less powerful, less purposeful, less compassionate or less aware than the creation that has almost completely forgotten its Source, the mankind who are the cause of the physical pollutions and shadows of human despair and distress here on earth?
Has the creation become greater than its Creator?
“Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou?” Nay, “He is wise in heart and mighty in strength, which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, which doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number.”4
Therefore cannot we who, through the ritual of the ascension, have become one with the all-loving, all-knowing, all-powerful God deliver the Word of the LORD to his prophets on earth? Can we not also respond to the cry of the LORD to Isaiah: “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people! saith your God.”5 I shall not answer these questions, for your soul knows the answer!
So shall I dwell no longer upon the foolishness of mortals who would cast the immortals in the mold of their image and likeness! Nevertheless, it is our most sincere hope that all of God’s children will accept the reality of our being—as well as the reality of our being perfectly capable of communicating from beyond the veil to or with whomsoever we desire on earth.
And may their acceptance come quickly! For if they will accept us, we can give them much assistance as they take our helping hand. So far as the rank and file of humanity are concerned, they may deny our existence if they wish to do so. But their denial cannot put us out of the universe, thank heaven!
Because of our respect for their God-given free will and our obedience to cosmic law, we, of course, cannot and would not change their minds, nor would we even attempt to govern their opinions. Nevertheless, our love and light have been freely poured out tonight to help dissolve much of that human effluvia that they have allowed to accumulate around themselves. This we have done in the hope that they will more easily be able to accept the truth of their own God-reality and therefore our own.
Tonight we have freely given to you our light, life, love and energies also in the hope that you will remain faithful, constant and unshaken in the face of human appearances and that you will dedicate yourselves completely to the task that is before you, that of bringing forth and externalizing the blessings of this Summit Lighthouse activity to all the world. We do hope that you will make this dispensation of hierarchy as perfect a manifestation of ourselves in action as your gracious Saint Germain desires it to be.
And right here may I say that his desire for such accomplishment is very great! He has remained silent tonight and has given his place to me, as I said, because of the great need of reaching those souls in the West who were previously embodied in the East and, further, because of the need of those who are a part of this mechanized Western world to be flooded with the great calm and stillness of my causal body, the quality of peace being a particularly powerful momentum of my lifestream.
Therefore in the name of Almighty God and by his power vested in me, I am touching with my hand the pinnacle of the dome of the Capitol of these United States. And my radiation so released through the Goddess of Freedom, whose statue is positioned aloft, shall be felt all across this nation tonight.
Our light shall guide this nation into its eternal perfection as long as its people will hold fast to the love of God, to the love of peace and freedom, and to their faith in the Invisible Hand (of the Great White Brotherhood), from which has come forth all that is visible.
Hold up the cup of your consciousness to me tonight and receive all that I can and shall give you. For while I speak not often, I assure you that my love is always flowing out to bless all life—particularly those who will consciously accept it—as I hold eternal vigilance before the throne of the Almighty.
My outpouring of blessings to you and to all is lovingly yet powerfully protected, sustained and expanded by the great angelic hosts, who faithfully serve him and all of us who are his messengers of love.
Now I seal you, each one, in the great outpouring of the actual substance and feeling of the love of my heart. I seal you in a great ocean of flame of divine love and light sent from the hearts of all the ascended host who are serving freedom’s cause and from those among them who have been with me here tonight as I have been speaking to you.
Remember that these, too, once trod the surface of this dear earth, and so they have merged their love and light tonight to pour it out in a tremendous release of purifying power to help mankind more quickly to be free.
As you know, I once served as chohan (lord) of the seventh ray in a time long ago. And so tonight we have all qualified this tremendous outpouring of light from the Great Central Sun with the forgiving, purifying power of violet fire that is the action of the seventh ray. And much of earth’s distress is being transmuted into the light of peace and freedom, particularly in the Western world and your own America.
This transmuted energy is then being poured out again upon the earth as a blessing of peace and freedom. And this release of divine love from our octave shall be a great assistance in the bringing forth of the golden age of Aquarius as quickly as possible on this earth.
Peace! Peace! Peace! I give to you.
Expand, O expand it!
Hold it! Sustain and expand it!
My peace I leave with you.
O love it and therefore keep it!
Thank you and good evening!
From Pearls of Wisdom
This dictation by Gautama Buddha was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Sunday, August 3, 1958, in Washington, D.C.