My Vision for the Victory of Aquarius
Saint Germain’s Call to Lightbearers
Prophecy for the 1990’s
Ladies and gentlemen, keepers of the flame of Life on earth, I, Saint Germain, come to this city welcomed by you and your hearts’ love for the flame of Liberty. And I am grateful to be the champion of your soul’s victory in the age.
I am grateful for your presence providing the chalice for my coming and for the coming of my Messenger. I am grateful to those who keep the violet flame blazing in this city and whose hearts by devotion’s fire keep the channels open to the etheric octave and the Temple of the Sun.[1]
Thus I may return again and I may deliver my message to you who are born to be Aquarian stars and bearers of the water of Life to all people, you in whom the ancient memory is rekindled as you hear segments of the story of a cosmic history revisited again and again. So the [tossing and the] tumbling and the coming up again of the same faces and the same karma, the same agenda, the same retribution–this does place you at a vantage of beholding hundreds of thousands of years in[to] the past and into the future.
Now you see yourself against the backdrop of events cosmic, cycles old and very old yet new, and against the backdrop of the racing of the fallen ones and the Lightbearers in this century to meet their respective destinies; and somehow you look at yourself and in moments you feel [yourself the] victim of [the] destiny of a century and a decade and you wonder and say to me, “Why am I here on earth in this time, Saint Germain? And what can I do before such seemingly insurmountable odds?”
Blessed ones, as you know, the solutions to such equations are never easy. And perhaps we have well said all that we may say upon the subject of alternatives. Yet, beloved, there is a destiny that is higher than [the] destiny [that is] predicated upon the karma and the works of evildoers and mankind.
There is a destiny that you perceive when you poke your head above the clouds of human creation and that destiny is the destiny of the soul of a people in Aquarius and of your own soul. Apart from all that surrounds you, there is that inner life and inner walk with God and there is that determination, above all, to attain [that] reunion [with your Mighty I AM Presence] in this life [which] is the victory of the ascension.
I adjure you: never lose sight of the goal! For if you desire to help this planet and not to desert her in her hour of trouble, then remember, the Light [that] you carry prior to the ascension and after it is the means of effecting a great alchemy, a world chemicalization whereby the resurrection of the saints does take place, not as some of our Christian brothers and sisters view it but a resurrection as a resurgence of Light in the [physical] temple where[by] you walk the earth in physical bodies, yet bearing the flame of the resurrection, a spiral of mother-of-pearl radiance whereby the rainbow rays of God are emitted from you.
The resurrection of the soul, then, is her restoration to the heart of the Inner Light, the Inner Christ, the Inner Buddha. The resurrection, then, is a goal to be realized not after death but before it. And it is the absorption of that Light of restoration whereby the Lord did say, “Behold, I make all things new.”[2]
Aquarius is the entrance into a vast cosmos and this cosmos itself is a clean white page. Entrance into this cosmos requires prior initiation, for you must discover yourself and be that integrated personality in God. Thus you enter, as you would enter a temple of Light, an etheric city, this cosmos called Aquarius. To enter there, beloved, may surely be accomplished by you as you keep the flame [of God] on earth and go there, once you have passed your initiations, out of the body during the sleep of night.
Beloved ones, come what may, be pioneers of the Spirit and know that as you poke your heads through the clouds you create an opening that others will find and follow. Every one of us has left our footprints in the ethers, in akasha, and on the sands of time. These footprints are firm and you also have found them, whether my own or [those of] another elder brother or sister ascended. Therefore you have pursued the higher wavelength and the higher vibration.
Sensing yourself surrounded by a company of heavenly hosts, you have had the courage to stand apart and not be swayed by the downward momentums of civilization. You have cared not so much for reputation but you have cared to espouse a flame of truth and honor. Therefore you have integrity. It is the sign of those who pursue the quest in all ages. That integrity, beloved, becomes the very means of integration, a flame of honor producing integrity, producing integration in the Light and in the Real Self and in the I AM THAT I AM.
You have passed through civilizations of great planetary changes and of wars. And many of you have survived these, not descending into the astral plane but journeying on to etheric octaves until a more opportune time should be afforded you to reembody. You have been as a thread–a thread threading the eye of the needle of cosmic purpose on earth, pulling in and out, in and out, coming back and forth until you have arrived at the present hour.
Blessed hearts, you are worth the ultimate price that we should pay for your soul’s victory to be Christed ones on earth indeed! Therefore not from the survivalist’s standpoint as the word is used today but in the sense of [your] being a pillar of fire in the earth and a light to the nations have we pointed toward the protection of your physical presence and life on planet earth wherever you live, wherever you come from. In the equation of life on this planet there must be those who, already apart [from] and above the crowd, “the madding crowd,”[3] beloved, have stood apart and will remain and thus be there when all around them there are those in chaos and unable to cope.
Thus, beloved, physical survival is as important as spiritual survival. We have no need of saints in the etheric octave, although you are most welcome. We have need for our representatives to be on earth lest the outcome of such a scenario as world war should find the fallen ones ensconced in citadels of power.
Beloved hearts, they effect war and upheaval to profit from change. Wherever there is change among nations they move people and resources, armies and armaments to support their new coalition of power bases. You have watched them do this over and over and over again ad nauseam and you are fed up with being spectators to their sport. You above all people would desire to [expose] them, to overturn them, and to seize from them that which they have seized from mankind.
Blessed ones, the signs of the times are of Neptunian delusion as seeing through the water or seeing through a glass darkly.[4] It is a time when things seem better than what they are, when illusion is rampant, and wishful thinking and the putting of one’s head into the sand of selfishness and self-love, not wanting to see the handwriting on the wall. This has been characteristic of the leadership of this nation since before the turn of the century.
Blessed hearts, you are grieved beyond words to see the infamy and the betrayal of the Light and [of] the cause of God and the Brotherhood on earth. Would you not, then, stand and face and conquer and determine that, above all, you shall be in your physical strength and health and in your right place in that point of contact with Light and therefore ready to survive to see that day when the Lightbearers will once again have the opportunity to make of earth a golden-age civilization?
A great cleansing and purging can come upon the earth in these years. And some of you will see the positive side of judgment as being the means to that purge and to that cleansing. When the judgment does come, beloved, as it is already in process, many of these fallen ones will not be allowed to embody again upon earth. They will not return.
Some of them who have already been taken to the judgment have cried out in their final cursings against the Lightbearers and mankind as they were seized by the Archangels to be taken to the Court of the Sacred Fire.[5] They have said, “You will never live to enjoy the earth, for the earth will be destroyed.” Thus, beloved, they have desired as their last breath before what is known as the second death[6] to know that if they will no longer enjoy planet earth, then the Lightbearers will not enjoy it either.
I pray that this shall fire in you such a determination by the sense of [the] gall of these fallen ones and by the sense of Cosmic Justice that you will determine that, yes, earth shall survive, you shall survive, and you will be in place when we need those of Light to teach the little ones who come into embodiment what is the difference between those who serve the Light and those who serve the Darkness.
Understand this, beloved, that they have plotted the destruction of the planet and yet their time is up. If you can endure beyond their time, then your time will come also. For superseding the hour and the power of Darkness,[7] comes an era of Light for the Lightbearers.
Where shall the Lightbearer appear if there be not parents to bring forth these souls, to replenish the earth, to be fruitful, and to multiply? Thus, beloved, for all that you have served and given to earth’s evolutions, for all the sacrifices, and [for] the injury that has fallen upon you at the hand of the archdeceivers, would you not enjoy a life or two or the opportunity to give life to others in this age to enjoy the fruits of a victory that truly can be won no matter what the consequences of the decisions of the leaders East and West?
You see, this is the moment of victory and the moment of God-mastery: when you can see and hear all that has been laid before you today,[8] [what] with the ultimate powers of this world amassed for world destruction and the ultimate karma perchance descending, when all of this does not deter you and you determine to pass through the eye of the needle and through a tunnel of darkness and to hold before you [the vision of] that light at the end of the tunnel[–it is indeed the moment of victory and the moment of God-mastery]!
Do you see, beloved, [that] it is the perspective of your cosmic history and all that you have endured in past ages when you have not had the dispensations of the Ascended Masters that makes you fighters in the spirit, in the heart, in the soul of being? And this against the backdrop of your countrymen and those of many nations who have become passive and pacifists and are ready to roll over before the threats of the fallen ones!
Blessed ones, they allow their fear to overtake them. And they are no longer willing to fight, as Arjuna was not willing to fight until the Lord Krishna gave to him the vision of the dharma, the duty to fulfill one’s reason for being.[9]
Will you allow it to be taken from you? Will you allow it to be snatched from you at the hour of victory after a million years of dealing with these conditions? I tell you, nay! You will not, not if I know you as the Lightbearers and Keepers of the Flame of Liberty upon earth! [18-second applause]
You will not roll over and say die, convincing yourself that you will go on in another octave and it matters not whether you have a physical body or not. Blessed hearts, I say [as] with Babaji, if it does not matter, then keep that physical body[10] and use it that the earth might see a greater victory than has ever come about on this planet and many systems of worlds in the face of such odds!
I remind you that one with God is a majority of Life and Light and Love to an entire evolution. But it does take work to maintain that consciousness and that presence. And it takes the most practical nature of the Mother Flame, practical in providing those things for oneself whereby one shall endure, whether through radioactive fallout or seasons where crops will not grow or of rising tides of oceans and rivers or of the splitting apart of the seams of the earth where elemental life is in turmoil. All of these things you must consider, for you must not be caught off guard.
And so in that preparedness you are strengthened in your spirit and the enemy is put on the defensive and dares not strike. For he knows already that this is not a physical warfare, physical though it may seem or be, but it is a warfare of the Spirit![11]
And those who are the victors are those who can descend into the depths of hell–whether for the preaching to those caught there[12] or for the binding of the evil spirits with the Archangels– those who can ascend to the heavens and be one in the Universal Christ. Mobility, movement, momentum, beloved, therefore practicality in the details of life, life that presents a challenge no matter what the octave[–that is the key to victory]!
Do you think it is just as easy to survive out of the body or easier? I tell you, nay. [When you are out of the body] you are more the victims of your subconscious and unconscious forces than you are now. The grounding in the physical [octave] is like none other, and here you have the greatest opportunity to balance karma and accrue new rings of light to the aura. Every day and every hour you can unite with Maitreya, the Cosmic Christ, who is an Ascended Master and is not in embodiment at this time, beloved, contrary to what some may say.[13]
Lord Maitreya is the representative of the Cosmic Christ and with him serve Jesus and Kuthumi as World Teachers. Each and every hour that you have life and breath you can become more integrated with that Christ and take the Buddhic initiations and follow the path of the Bodhisattva. While you have breath in the physical octave immense strides can be made and the percentages of karma [you] balance are ticking off daily.
Thus you will find, beloved, that if you are not able to fulfill the balancing of 51 percent of your karma at the conclusion of this life,[14] you will be hard-pressed to find an opening to reembody upon a safe and sane world in a pure environment and to be able to fulfill the karma with the evolutions of this planet who must return [to the physical octave] regardless of whether earth may provide that natural purity that is intended.
Do you see, beloved, the mere process of being born is so complexified by the tendency toward abortion, by the so many souls who desire to enter the portals of birth as opposed to that which earth can bear, [that for many the odds are against a safe reentry]. As you bear Light, then, you do not add to the karmic weight [of the planet] and thus you may receive a sponsorship of an Ascended Master. You may [re]enter this plane as a chela, already in the bonds of an Ascended Master’s overshadowing.
You see, therefore, [that] what [good karma] you sow in this life, even if you arrive at the gate [of the soul’s transition, called death,] before having completed your mission, puts the wind in your sails for that moment of reincarnation when you can be a world co-server in this earth even if you do not endure and pass over to the octaves of Light [in the ritual of the ascension] at the conclusion of this life. Blessed ones, opportunity opens wider and wider to those who take these precious moments of the sands falling in the hourglass to devote themselves to God’s Light and the internalization of his Word.
May you understand that the fundamentals of the Path must be known by you. For the way that has not been walked, that is untried, is difficult and full of surprises, as you must deal with the slaying of the not-self, the anti-Buddha, the anti-Christ that dwells at the level of the unconscious and has been called by some in the last century that dweller-on-the-threshold.[15]
When you encounter those conditions of the unleashing of what is in your own subconscious and unconscious, beloved, it is then that you need a physical teacher, [it is then that] you need a strong tie to the ascended hosts and the angels. This is why you build your momentum daily in your dynamic decrees and do not slacken. And this is why we have provided at Maitreya’s Mystery School that course and teaching whereby you can foreknow the plots and ploys of the carnal mind both within and on a planetary scale, where it has amalgamated into the forces of what I have rightly called the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy.[16]
By the authority of your I AM Presence I, Saint Germain, decree for each and every one of you your God-victory in the Light! I decree it, beloved, and I affirm it! And I tell you, the love of my heart and the shaft of light coming from me to you is such that if you will but play your part and make the Call, you shall have that victory. It is not enough that I decree it. You shall decree it also.
But I tell you, it does give you a mighty momentum and a movement toward that victory to have an Ascended Master decree that for you. And it does give you that moment of my office as Hierarch of the Aquarian Age. For you see, I decree it for you in this age and in this cosmos that is called Aquarius.
Know, then, beloved, that it is not difficult for the Lords of Karma to assign the servants of Light to lighter worlds and planetary spheres where you can enter and take up your course. But, beloved ones, this too presents to all of us the course and path of least resistance! Yes, we can promise to take you to another sphere of Light if all should fail upon planet earth. And what? Desert in time of failure a planet and an evolution that we have almost but not quite brought to their own God-realization! Small comfort, beloved. I know that my own would rather reengage in the fray. And if you would do so after the fact, then why not do it today? This is my appeal to you, beloved. [18-second applause]
My vision of the age of Aquarius is one of endurance, those enduring the soul-testing and the path of initiation, receiving the crown of Life[17] and everlasting Life yet walking the earth as adepts and masters, able to present a path hard-won to all other evolutions who must finish their course on this planetary sphere where they have made their karma.
My vision of this age is that you will lay a foundation when it is possible to lay that foundation and that you, by the gathering of your knowledge and your professional experience from all walks of life, will be ready to lay that upon the altar of God and see how the New Age may start and have a new chance, no longer infiltrated in every field by the betrayers of the people.
I envision an age when life in its wholeness can truly be lived, for the practitioners in health may deliver what God designed to be the answer to all physical burdens and problems. This has been blocked for so very long, beloved, by an establishment of materia medica that I tell you, if you were to [be able to] determine the course of life upon earth, you yourself would say that the only way there is to deal with it is to break it and to break its stronghold and break its matrix that does further disease rather than heal it.
Do you understand, beloved, that this is true in many areas, whether in the economies of nations or in their governments? The stronghold of the [seed of the] Wicked [One] and the stranglehold they have can only be broken by Divine Intercession and the Lord God of hosts [himself].
Do you understand that it is an act of mercy to allow these things to come to pass so that there can be the purification of an earth body? Do you understand that when things have gone this far in past ages the only solution that the hierarchies of Light could bring to a planetary system was the breaking of the mold? And [that] this has occurred through cataclysm?
In past ages, beloved, the time of fulfillment had not yet come. But at the end of this 25,800-year cycle you see that the hour of the judgment is come.[18] And those who have had hundreds of thousands of years to qualify the Light of God with that God-Good have reached the extent of their opportunity, and because they have qualified it with Darkness they shall stand no more in the land of the living. But they, their consciousness, and their misqualified energy must pass through the sacred fire.
And thus is written upon their file by the Keeper of the Scrolls “Finis.” And it is the end and the termination of the opportunity for that lifestream to move forward, to have any chance whatsoever of creating misqualified energy or once again turning the children of Light aside from their divine devotion.
And so you see, beloved, where ages have come and gone and where you have returned only to find the same conditions again [and again], this will not be true at the end of this age. Aquarius is a new age not only in the sense of [the beginning of] a 2,000-year period but in the sense of [the beginning of] another 25,800-year period. It is indeed a new cosmic cycle and a new beginning. And this is why we desire to see you [be there to] enjoy the fruits of your labors and the momentum of your victory, to be there and to launch a new era.
My vision is of you walking in the Light, walking in the full-orbed Presence of your causal body and your Christ Self. As one by one by one those on earth and at inner levels who have taken my course of training [in] the violet flame and of balancing karma will regroup and reembody in one universal path of victory, we can see the seeds of hope that my beloved Guru, the Great Divine Director, might release to this planet the seventh root race and those souls of Light; and that my dispensations for America in founding this government to guarantee the rights of the individual might also bear fruit; and that the mission of America, seemingly lost in this hour, will return; and that you yourselves will have the opportunity to place the capstone on the pyramid that is the sign and the symbol of the raising up first of the 144,000 Lightbearers of the earth who came with Sanat Kumara that they might [then] be the shepherds and the open door to all other lifewaves and evolutions.
I remind you that you were with me in the golden-age civilization that was where the Sahara Desert now is more than fifty thousand years ago. I remind you that you have known this era of peace and abundance and light. And I remind you that once before you have been in a civilization whereby the entrance of the prince of Darkness has caused the undoing of that civilization and the severing of the tie of the Ascended Masters with those unascended ones.[19]
I remind you that it is because of the folly of the enjoyment of such golden ages–even as America has had, as it were, a golden age of technology and science and an abundance of material things by my sponsorship[–to the exclusion of the worship of the Lord God and the love of his laws that their downfall and disobedience came about]. It is [at] the point and the moment when a people turn their attention from their I AM Presence because they are beguiled by materialism, which was given to them only that they might be free from drudgery to master their own fate, [that they lose both the Presence and the material benefits of that Presence].
It is at that moment that they fall prey to the visiting princes, to those who come from the realms of Darkness. It is then [that] they become passive and are not willing to defend that freedom, that Light, and that golden age that they have achieved. It is then, beloved, that [the] cycles [of opportunity] are broken and the process of earning that freedom must begin all over again.
I tell you, beloved, you must live to teach your children and your children’s children and new souls who will embody what are the plots and ploys of the fallen ones and how they did set aside the greatest nation upon earth and cause her to come to ruin, how they did take over the major nations of the earth with their philosophies of communalism and the worship of the gods of the state and the gods of the churches.
Beloved hearts, some must pass on to new souls what can come upon them at the hour of their attainment of mastery when they, too, must choose to embody the Light and not take the left-handed path. They must know the wiles of every serpent force and consciousness, beloved, else all that you will have passed through will have been in vain.
Living midst and amongst those who are the archdeceivers come again in every field of human endeavor and knowledge, you should be the most astute of all people for having suffered at their hand with such a long-suffering that I say to you, you should not longer endure it.
Thus, beloved, teachers are required that these evolutions may ascend and not likewise lose their souls and become castaways[20] for want of some who can relight and rekindle the fervor of the heart that has gone out in them, as Mother Mary’s report through Raphael [was] given to you on the ninth of April. This report, beloved, shows that in the astral plane and on earth souls are in jeopardy of losing their souls and are losing their souls due to the fact that they have not seen the Darkness [for what it is] and [therefore] their Light is being siphoned from them [by the dark ones].[21]
Thus you have received a plea from the heart of Mother Mary and Raphael to call for [the saving of] these souls. Thus I make my plea also. They will lose the way not only [by the treachery of the dark ones and the false gurus] in this hour and in this day and age but they will lose the way if the shepherds are not in physical embodiment to assist them.
Beloved ones, as far as Divine Intercession is concerned, that may come through the Call where there is the physical vessel we can use. And I mean not alone the individual but his surroundings, his environment, and that which he does prepare. And so, beloved, to be in the right situation and the safe situation is what is before you. This is why 2,000 years ago Jesus did prophesy to Martha the establishment of the Inner Retreat and that Place Prepared that is found today near Yellowstone Park.[22] That is why, beloved, moving to the mountains and coming apart from those areas of vulnerability does increase survivability; and yet we have not said or decreed that all should do so.
But, blessed ones, it is important that a home of Light and a place for the preservation of the Teachings and the Path be sustained. For this in itself does allow the Great White Brotherhood more opportunity for dispensations from the Great Central Sun to assist those who sustain it.
May you consider all things and know that your life and lifestream is of ultimate value and of ultimate worth to the Lord God but especially to those souls who have not sufficient Light or Life in their lifestreams to save themselves. May you have compassion upon those who are not even where you are on the Path, who are the sweet, precious hearts, who are the very children of God who stand to lose the most in this warfare of the rivalries of the fallen ones. For if they have a war, beloved ones, it is their war of rivalry of who shall amass territory and wealth and nations and who amongst them shall control once again the people of a planet.
My vision is for the victory, beloved. And my vision for you is that you will find [in] the ingenuity of your souls [the means] to mitigate the effects of their conspiracy and to raise up the green shoot of new life on earth. Let the green shoot be the sign of Aquarius and let the emerald ray and the emerald matrix seal the third eye amongst you.
I AM Saint Germain. And you will not know until all is said and done on planet earth just how much you have counted for the Light and for the Victory. I send you forth, for you alone can pass your tests. You alone must figure out and calculate how you will achieve your victory, given the equation of an age.
Be it known that I am with you. And when your aura is charged and supercharged with the violet flame, you will easily hear my words of guidance specifically for you individually and you will know the footsteps of my angels at your side. Heaven is prepared to give to you all of the assistance that the Great Law will allow; yet heaven does promise you [that] it will never take from you your own challenge to achieve your own victory.
Let the can-do spirit and the spirit of ingenuity remain in this race and people. For I stand in the wings, beloved, having played my role on the stage of life; and I am the prompter. And I stand to see what your performance will be. That performance will tell what is the vision and the victory of Aquarius.
As I bow before the Light within you, so there is strengthened the tie of our hearts and its renewal in some who have not seen or known me for hundreds of years since our last service together.
Beloved, I receive you now at this altar to [give you] the transfer of Light through my heart from your own I AM Presence and the Central Sun that you might be sealed as the servants of God in their foreheads.[23]
I bring you greetings from my beloved Portia, who sends the cord of Divine Justice whereby you might be the instruments of that justice and her flame in the earth.
In the joy of a victory that is to the strong I salute you.
In the name of Cosmic Freedom I AM Saint Germain!
The Messenger Stumps New York 5
Prophecy for the 1990s
Pearls of Widom, Vol. 32 No. 32 – Beloved Saint Germain – August 6, 1989
This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered on Sunday, May 21, 1989, 6:55-7:38 p.m. EDT, at the Whole Health Expo at the New York Sheraton Centre Hotel. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Saint Germain’s direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.
[1] Temple of the Sun. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 7, p. 51 n. 4.
[2] Rev. 21:5.
[3] “Far from the madding crowd’s ignoble strife,” Thomas Gray, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, st. 19 (1750); Far from the Madding Crowd, a novel by Thomas Hardy (1874).
[4] 1989 PoW, vol. 31 no. 22, p. 250 n. 8.
[5] Court of the Sacred Fire described in Revelation. Rev. 4; 5; 6:1, 16; 7:9-12; 11:16-19; 14:1-3; 19:1-6; 20:11-15; 22:1, 3. See The Lost Teachings of Jesus II, pp. 173, 376, 378-79.
[6] Second death. Rev. 2:11; 20:6, 11-15; 21:8; The Lost Teachings of Jesus II, pp. 75, 117-19, 258, 387.
[7] Luke 22:53.
[8] The lecture “Prophecy for the 1990s” given by the Messenger prior to the dictation contains prophecies never before revealed that were delivered especially for the occasion, to be published in forthcoming Pearls. Lecture also gives a new perspective on the Four Horsemen, what could happen in the next 12 years on a personal and global level, why we are vulnerable, and the astrology of the superpowers with an incisive analysis of glasnost–from Lenin to Gorbachev. Lecture and dictation are available on 3 audiocassettes, 41/2 hr., A89079, or 3 videos, 5 hr., GP89029.
[9] Vision of the dharma given to Arjuna by Krishna. The Bhagavad-Gita, chaps. 1-2; 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 27, pp. 324-25.
[10] Babaji on keeping the physical body. Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi (Los Angeles: Self-Realization Fellowship, 1946), paperback ed., pp. 352-53.
[11] Eph. 6:10-13.
[12] Descent into hell. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 20, pp. 218-19, 220-21, 258 n. 5
[13] Benjamin Creme, British author, artist, and self-proclaimed representative of Maitreya, announced in May 1982 that Maitreya had entered the modern world on July 19, 1977, and was living in the Pakistani community in southeast London. According to Creme, Maitreya would identify himself in an international television broadcast in which he would communicate telepathically with all people on earth in their own language. In 1988 Maitreya is said to have begun to appear publicly, speaking on world problems and his mission; he reportedly appeared at a church in Kenya, addressed worshipers in Swahili, and performed healings. The Great White Brotherhood and Lord Maitreya denounce all such claims of the false hierarchy and the false-hierarchy impostors of the Cosmic Christ.
[14] Balancing 51 percent of karma as requirement for the ascension. The Lost Teachings of Jesus II, p. 566 n. 56.
[15] Dweller-on-the-threshold. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 18, p. 200 n. 2; glossary in Saint Germain On Alchemy, pp. 395-96.
[16] International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 27, p. 380 n. 125.
[17] Crown of Life. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 23, p. 257 n. 4.
[18] Hour of the judgment. Jude 6; Rev. 11:18; 14:7; 15:4; 16:5-7; 17:1; 18:8, 10; 19:2, 11; 20:4, 12-15. See 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 62, p. 492 n. 3; 1987 PoW, vol. 30 no. 6, p. 97 n. 10.
[19] Prince of Darkness who took over golden-age civilization. Saint Germain On Prophecy, Book One, pp. 3-7, 41, 42-43; 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 32, p. 249 n. 6.
[20] I Cor. 9:27.
[21] Loss of souls in astral plane and on earth. 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 24, pp. 263-65.
[22] Jesus’ prophecy to Martha of the Place Prepared. 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 42, p. 340 note.
[23] Following the dictation, those attending passed before the altar to receive Saint Germain’s transfer of light to the third-eye chakra by the “emerald matrix” as the Messenger touched their brow with a large laboratory “grown” Chatham emerald crystal. This is the “sealing of the servants of God in their foreheads” prophesied in Rev. 7:1-8.