Law of Precipitation
All planets are created using the Law of Precipitation. Precipitation, as used in this book, means to manifest a material thing out of primary, electronic, light substance. An example of precipitation is Jesus’ feeding of the five thousand, as recorded in the Scriptures.
The Law of Precipitation was used during the Golden Ages, which the Earth was to enjoy at a later time. Since Cosmic Law does not change, it applies as well today, and any student may use it to his advantage in his daily affairs.
In order to understand how the Law of Precipitation operates, it is important to first learn about the action of the seven rays. Following here are the general characteristics of each ray, and an example is given as to how each ray was used in the specific case of creating the Earth.
General action and characteristics of the First Ray (color blue): the WILL, power, and determination to make a decision. Without the will to do something, there is no accomplishment. Before making a decision, one should use prayerful thought and investigate one’s motive.
Specific case: Hercules, the Elohim of the First Ray, as spokesman for the seven Elohim, said to Helios and Vesta, “We WILL externalize your pattern and plan.”
Second Ray (yellow): PERCEPTION (illumination) to recognize the idea, to grasp it, to draw forth the ways and means enabling quick and permanent manifestation.
Specific case: Elohim Cassiopea helped to PERCEIVE the glory of each planet as Helios and Vesta intended, including the mountains, the rivers and the valleys.
Third Ray (pink): DIVINE LOVE, the power of cohesion, draws the unformed into form. Love draws primal life (electrons) and makes it available to be placed into a lower vibratory level. This light-substance then obediently takes manifest form according to the pattern previously perceived. Love is a necessary ingredient during each step of an endeavor until it is completed. The more sincere feelings of love one can put into a desired manifestation, the more beautiful will be the form, and the more quickly it will manifest.
If love would cease to be, all of the universe would return to the unformed. For example, deserts are places where elementals refuse to bring forth plant life.
Specific case: It was LOVE that made the Seven Elohim say, “We will take part in the creation of the planets, accepting the design of Helios and Vesta, rather than our own.” Elohim Orion brought forth the Flame of Divine Love, that drew out of universal substance the necessary ingredients to eternalize the globe according to the design of Helios and Vesta.
Fourth Ray (white): PURITY is a matter of feeling, of consciousness, holding steady the picture, keeping it pure, not distorting it by any opinion or desire of the outer self. Through the Flame of Purity the original idea is perfected in its finest detail and clarity.
Specific case: Claire, the Elohim of the Fourth Ray, held inviolate the original design of Helios and Vesta, so that not one mountain, one tree, nor even a blade of grass would manifest out of his own design.
Fifth Ray (green): CONCENTRATION and CONSECRATION. Concentration must rest upon the original idea or light pattern, adding energy through feeling and consecration of the individual to the task at hand, until the form is totally completed — the “stick-to-it-iveness.” If one is able to concentrate upon one thing at a time, one is able to produce a manifestation. If there is no concentration, there is only mediocrity. Without concentration the once-desired manifestation is abandoned before it actually appears. The “invisible realm” is filled with incomplete prayers, with beautiful thought-forms that were sometimes within ONE hour of expression.
Being “jack of all trades but master of none” should not be one’s ultimate goal. Determination is needed to rise above the masses. Take ONE facet of living, masterfully develop it, and excel at least along ONE line.
Specific case: The concentration of energy by Elohim Vista enabled angels and elementals, including the Builders of Form, to coalesce primal life substance, drawing the Earth into form.
Seventh Ray (violet) — (for purposes of precipitation the order of the sixth and seventh ray are reversed): RHYTHM. Through the use of the Violet Fire and rhythm of invocation, the form receives its finishing touches; it is filed and polished to obtain perfect symmetry, beauty, and general perfection. Rhythm is necessary to provide substance to the form; for example, in our physical body the rhythm of the heartbeat and that of the breath determine the efficiency of our physical form.
Specific case: Arcturus, Elohim of the Seventh Ray, through RHYTHM OF INVOCATION, planed, polished and perfected the Earth until it sparkled like a many-faceted diamond.
Sixth Ray (ruby or gold): PEACE. Sealing the completed manifestation within the flame of Cosmic Christ Peace is an action of the Sixth Ray. This enables the creation to be permanently sustained. Where harmony and peace abide, that which has been drawn forth cannot disintegrate.
Specific case: Tranquility, the Elohim of the Sixth Ray set the completed Earth in motion around its axis, enfolding it in his mantle of peace, sustaining the form permanently. This axis is a current of energy, a light ray from the North Pole to the South Pole. Now the Earth assumed its rightful place among the planets of the galaxy, joining triumphantly in the celestial song of the Music of the Spheres.
From the book: MAN— His Origin, History and Destiny, by WERNER SCHROEDER
Precipitation and Etherealization