The Chohans of the Seven Rays Speak
The process of evolution, unfoldment, and development of the God-design of the universe is very beautiful and might be likened unto the successive presentations in a glorious opera, each act allowing the talents and natural heritage of a certain number of lifestreams full freedom to enrich the universe by the fullest outpouring of their creative endeavors.
The rhythm of creation is fulfilled through self-conscious intelligent beings, who embody the keynote of each age.
The lifestreams that these God-directors gather around them amplify this keynote, and the cycle is completed through the beings who are privileged to be evolving within that age.
We have passed through six cycles, and are now entering the final act of a major cycle of 14,000 years.
The curtain rings up on the activities of the Seventh Ray, which, under the direction of the Master Saint Germain, will unify the consciousness of the angelic host, the mankind of Earth, and the elemental kingdoms.
This era, therefore, will manifest the apex of spiritual glory through all three kingdoms, as well as the planet itself.
MORYA EL, FIRST RAY—Divine Will and Rulership
Many ages have passed into the unseen records which form “the past,” since the First Ray was privileged to be the predominant activity playing upon the Earth, stimulating the evolution of the three kingdoms ascending the ladder toward perfection, side by side.
In this long-forgotten era, the cosmic wheel had just begun to turn, and the powerful Blue Ray was the major influence of the spiritual forces which nourished the God-nature in man, angel, and elemental.
A goodly number from each kingdom responded to the outpouring of the First Ray and gained their eternal freedom while it was nourishing and energizing those centers within the evolving intelligences which would best enable them to ascend consciously through cooperation with this potent power.
When the cosmic wheel turned to allow the radiation of the Second Ray to play upon our planet, we gathered all the perfection, all the consciousness, and the developed harvest of the First Ray into the inner spheres, where it remains to this day, awaiting the final act of the Earth’s drama, when it shall be added to the heritage of the Seventh Ray, as part of the glory of the permanent golden age, which shall know no end.
KUTHUMI, SECOND RAY—Wisdom; Guardian of Youth
The second great ray, which struck the Earth when the cosmic wheel turned in obedience to the Cosmic Law’s command, played like a great searchlight upon the planet and became the invisible but palpable substance of the atmosphere in which the angelic, human, and elemental kingdoms had their being.
These evolutionary beings absorbed this God-directed nourishment, which enabled them to grow and mature according to the divine plan.
Again, only a portion of each kingdom responded, and these joined the free beings who had availed themselves of the outpouring of the First Ray.
At the expiration of the reign of the Second Ray, much beauty, wisdom, perfection, and momentum of God-power were added to the store of Akasha, to be released again in the age of the Seventh Ray as the gift of the Second Ray in Earth’s final hour.
We, the Brothers of the Second Ray, delight in anticipating our cooperation with the activities of the Ceremonial Ray, which will come to such great perfection in the near future.
PAUL THE VENETIAN, THIRD RAY—Tact-Tolerance, a “Gentle-Man”
Even as the physical sun releases certain properties which excite the growth and development of particular flowers in successive seasons, and the vibrations within the pattern of those flowers respond only to that stimulus, so do the successive outpourings of the Seven Rays, from the cosmic wheel, consecutively develop a group of angelic, human, and elemental beings, who flower and attain God-maturity in the age which is their natural time for “blossoming.”
Others who are “marked” for a later unfoldment seem to be untouched by the very vital forces which energize and attune the inner selves of the children who are a natural part of the particular ray which is active in a cycle of time.
Teachers and leaders who are inspired by the stimulation of the ray active during the time of their incarnation usually find response only from those lifestreams who are naturally destined to unfold in such a cycle, while the others remain among the indifferent masses until “their hour comes,” just as the bulb of a flower is dormant until the season for its development calls it forth to active expression.
It is only unascended beings who are impatient because all men do not respond to the same vibrations, which is as foolish an attitude as that of a gardener or a farmer who would insist that all his crops mature on the same day, in the same month, in the same season.
SERAPIS BEY, FOURTH RAY—Art and Beauty – Hierarch of Luxor
The turning of the cosmic wheel takes place in rhythmic cycles of approximately two thousand years each.
Thus, one complete revolution embodies a major cycle of fourteen thousand years.
The planet Earth, and the angelic, human, and elemental kingdoms evolving upon it, are the recipients of the outpouring of a specific and powerfully concentrated force during each two-thousand-year cycle, and all the development through the three kingdoms, which contribute to the expansion of the Kingdom of God, becomes the heritage of the race, being held in the inner spheres by the Chohan of each Ray until the complete revolution of the cosmic wheel allows the Seventh Ray the opportunity to draw forth and present the combined harvest of the entire fourteen-thousand-year cycle.
We are at this point today, and as the Seventh Ray is just at the beginning of its reign, the fully-gathered momentum that has been attained by all beings, powers, and legions of light through the past twelve thousand years, will be drawn upon the stage of life through the combined endeavors of the Perfected Beings who have climbed the ladder of evolution while any one of the preceding rays was active.
In this era, we enjoy a triple activity: we have the natural outpouring of the Seventh Ray itself, we are the fortunate recipients of the gifts of the foregoing six rays, and we take part in the closing of the major cycle of fourteen thousand years, when the First and Seventh Rays meet—Alpha and Omega.
Thus, the immortal words, “IT IS FINISHED,” spoken by the Master Jesus in his role of Cosmic Christ, will be the stamp of eternal confirmation on the planet Earth’s victorious evolution.
Up to the present time, the evolution of the angelic host, mankind, and the elemental kingdoms have proceeded without much actual cooperation among the intelligences involved.
The work of the Seventh Ray is the drawing together and bringing to fruition the complete harvest, comprising the endeavors of these kingdoms through the fourteen-thousand-year cycle.
It is also the service of this ray to bring into harmonious, cooperative, and conscious unity the members of these three kingdoms.
This unison of the three kingdoms is best accomplished through the beautiful rituals, which embody music, rhythm, color, perfume, artistic beauty of form, including the exquisite vestments that stimulate the highest type of worship that has yet been evolved or made manifest in this chain.
The great prince, Saint Germain, as Lord of the Ceremonial Ray, will gradually draw those who are naturally attuned to his ray into conscious cooperation with the work of the new era, and he will be assisted by those volunteers from the other six rays who are most highly developed along their particular evolutionary line.
This activity of the future so far transcends anything that the human mind has yet conceived; it is impossible to describe the glorious achievement that awaits the evolving lifestreams who will attain their freedom in this final era.
JESUS, SIXTH RAY—Religious Worship through Devotion
The turning of the cosmic wheel is governed by the God-intelligence at the very center of our universe.
It is a manifestation of the love of the Father, which allows each life intelligence the opportunity to be bathed in the spiritual nourishment that corresponds to his own keynote.
To deny the progressive evolution of the race is as foolish as it would be for a man to refuse to believe that the crisp currents of April are followed by the soft, mellow outpouring of May, whose warm and gentle spirit allows the more delicate blooms of Spring an opportunity to flourish.
The currents that play upon the Earth in each two-thousand-year cycle are just like the diversified currents of the progressive seasons of the year, and the various intelligences of the three kingdoms are ordained by God to bloom and flower in a particular spiritual season, lest all the glory adorn one cycle and the balance of time be barren of any manifest perfection in angel, man, or elemental.
SAINT GERMAIN, SEVENTH RAY—Ceremonial Worship, the direction of spiritual energies of both angels and men
The Seventh Ray is to the evolving angelic host, mankind, and the elemental kingdoms as the season of harvest is to the agricultural kingdom.
Man accepts, without question, the orderly procession of the natural seasons, the specific atmosphere, and radiation of Spring, Summer, and Autumn, together with the particular gifts of harvest that each season brings, but he refuses to allow the glorious spiritual seasons the same freedom to bring their gifts and powers into the experience of life of the race.
It is as futile to attempt to hold back the glorious perfection that will be expressed during the reign of the Seventh Ray, as it would be for any man to refuse to allow nature to provide the harvest of the fields.
Oh, how we long for the day when man will stop “battling” the good that God outpours through those of us who are his messengers and, working with the current of the hour, accept the fullness of its upward sweeping energies, on whose crest he may ride to immortal freedom.
In my entire association with the angelic and elemental kingdoms, I have never heard a builder of the form of the early crocus refuse to allow the beauty of expression of the Autumn aster, nor an angel of music refuse to accept the possibility of equal expression to an angel of healing.
Man, alone, insists that all of his kind must fit into one pattern in order to appease his human notion of respectability.
Nevertheless, I thank God that we are not all of one pattern, human thought notwithstanding.
Channeled by Geraldine Innocente for The Bridge to Freedom Journal