The Activity of the Sacred Fire
In the Kingdom of Heaven where there is eternal life, ever increasing opulence of expression, and neither disintegration nor decay are known, the Activity of the Sacred Fire known as The Resurrection Flame is not required. However, for the evolution presently developing upon the planet earth, the Mercy of Life has provided such a Restorative Power for those wise enough to invite It and humble enough to use Its revivifying, life giving essence.

El Morya on the Resurrection Flame
EL MORYA: The word “resurrection” means to “bring back or restore to a normal condition”. The Activity, therefore, is taken out of the category of the “miraculous” and becomes a Workable Law by which man is restored to normal! Witnessing the action of the Resurrection Flame through the body of the Master Jesus, We see death give way to life -and know that life, not death, is the normal condition for every man. A Natural Law or a so called “Super-natural Law” is equally practicable for every part of life who wishes to utilize it. When man awakens to the fact that the Power of Resurrection is his, if he chooses to invoke It, he can quickly re-vivify his flesh, his mind, his affairs, and stand free in Its Vitalizing Power.

Master Kuthumi on The Law of Harmony and The Resurrection Flame
KUTHUMI: When the mankind of earth abided within the Law of Harmony, neither disease, decay nor disintegration was known upon the planet or its evolving life. When mankind first departed from the harmonious qualification of the God-life, the slow process of disintegration began, and man’s vehicles rather than loosing the soul from the earth plane in the dignity of perfect manhood or womanhood, slowly rotted until the soul could no longer use the vehicles and in agony and despair left the earth. It was then decreed by the Father of Light that one of His Sons might bring a Flame by which man could again restore his mind, body and world to its rightful estate, and he called This Restorative Power “The Resurrection Flame”.

The Maha Chohan on The Flame of Resurrection
PAUL THE VENETIAN, The Maha Chohan: “Before they have called, I have answered, and while they are yet speaking, I have heard.” The Great Eternal Father, looking upon the earth and its children, felt within HIMSELF the need of a Restorative Power by which those desiring to resume Their God Estate could do so. And into His Aura He projected The Flame of Resurrection. Here It lived, until One of His Sons, contemplating the nature of The Father, pierced through the blazing light of His Aura, and perceived This Flame of Hope and Life! And before the Throne of the Father, the Son asked that He might embody That Flame and bring it to earth, for the acceptance of those who chose to know again Eternal Youth and Beauty and Life Eternal! He was granted this honor and through the Flame in His Heart was anchored the quality and nature of The Resurrection Flame.

Sanat Kumara's Gift of The Resurrection Flame
SERAPIS BEY: Countless centuries ago, before the coming of Sanat Kumara, the mankind of earth had wandered away from the principle of The Law of Harmonious Qualification of God Energy, and then was the first KRISHNA (Christ) vested with the Authority and Right to bring to the knowledge of those who chose to accept His Gift, The Resurrection Flame. It is the Activity of the Sacred Fire which is drawn through the physical heart of any lifestream, which acts as a restorative power of the normal, natural, God Estate. The focus for this Resurrection Flame was located in the land now known as The Arabian Desert, and here -century after century- God Beings tended, guarded and fed the physical focus of This Flame. From Its Essence, the illuminati of all ages received into the Immortal Spark of Divinity within their hearts, the stimulus by which they, in turn, could generate and expand That Flame. And through Its Use, life was maintained in the body for centuries of time, and countless numbers of the mankind of earth manifested victory over disease, disintegration and even death itself.

Master Hilarion on the Stimulation of the Living Flame
HILARION: Within the Immortal Flame of Life in the heart of every lifestream is the potential power and nature of God. However, it is so deeply buried in the accumulation of the ages (the sealed tomb) that it requires God Assistance to direct the outer consciousness to Its Presence, Its Power, and Its Activity. For this reason, Great Physical Focuses of these God Qualities and Powers were established at certain points on the earth’s surface which act in exactly the same manner as the burning fire which stimulates the dry tinder. The tinder (with potential fire within it) would remain ever lifeless without the stimulation of the LIVING FLAME. From the Heart Center where These Spiritual God Qualities are focused, members of the human race -like living torches- carry The Flame to those who choose to expose their consciousness to Its Vitalizing Life. Like all torchbearers, they suffer often the “incendiary’s doom”!*

Master Jesus on The Resurrection Flame
JESUS: Having great interest in Life Eternal, My Mother, Mary and I applied to The Father for the privilege and honor of accepting the responsibility of guarding The Resurrection Flame in the Retreat in Arabia. In order to qualify, a Chela must consciously draw and focus through his own body, the FULL POWER OF THAT FLAME. I willingly offered to qualify for the Initiation. The story of the Resurrection is well known to all my friends of the centuries. I would like to state, however, that The Resurrection Flame lives for ALL MEN, and that It will surge in a great restoring, revivifying, sweeping action of Life eternal, WHENEVER AND WHEREVER IT IS CALLED INTO ACTION. To sustain This Flame in the vibratory action which may be assimilated by all the children of earth, My Mother and I have remained The Guardian Powers of the Resurrection** and I earnestly hope at the Easter Season that ALL will invoke it through themselves and all the mankind of earth, and see and know and feel its restorative action.

Saint Germain on The Immortal Flame of Life
SAINT GERMAIN: “Oh that man might recognize the latent powers within the Immortal Flame of Life that beats his heart! Oh, the Cosmic Tide of Springtime, when Our Lord Maha Chohan resuscitates the kingdom of Nature by tuning into The Resurrection Flame, may every lifestream utilize the magnetic power within their own heart flame to draw as much of the Resurrection Flame as they require to set their worlds in order, to restore their bodies and minds to perfect health, and to revivify the perfect Divine Memory of their natural God Estate! This is My Decree for My Beloved Ones, each and every one!”

The Resurrection Flame Footnotes
*Refers to the difficulties and sacrifices faced by those who carry and spread the divine flame or spiritual enlightenment to others. Here, Ascended Master Hilarion is speaking about the individuals who, like living torches, bring the light of divine qualities and powers to humanity.
These torchbearers, or spiritual teachers and leaders, often face significant challenges, opposition, and persecution. The phrase “incendiary’s doom” encapsulates the idea that those who ignite spiritual awakening in others, much like an incendiary starts a fire, can encounter backlash or suffer as a result of their efforts. This could be due to resistance from those who prefer to remain in spiritual ignorance or due to the inherent difficulties in the transformative process they are catalyzing.
** Beloved Lord Raphael, The Archangel is now Hierarch of The Temple of The Resurrection Flame.