What Alchemy Can Mean to a Decaying World
The moon rules the night side of life and is the lesser light, the reflective light of the solar energy of God. In its reflective state, it exerts enormous control over the tides and the water element.
Luna, the moon, the great whirling satellite that rules the night, governs, in part, the emotional body of man. It can easily become either his greatest enemy or his best friend.
When properly harnessed, the energies of the moon, being put under his feet (Rev. 12:1), can help him achieve alchemical control over his emotions (his energy-in-motion). Let us see how this is so.
The moon reflects the astral body of the Earth. When dealing with the moon, we are dealing with the reflected light of the sun.
When the astral body is under the dominion of the Christ, its power becomes limitless.
When its purified energies are magnified in turn by the moon, which is nothing more than a giant reflector, their power is multiplied in almost infinite proportion.
However, until the mass consciousness is ruled by the light of the sun instead of the night, the moon will reflect the astral effluvia of the planet.
Thus, men will continue to be the victims of their own horrendous miscreations, and this will happen to an even greater degree during the cycle of the full moon.
Now, the alchemist uses his purified consciousness as a reflector of solar energies, much like the moon reflects the light of the sun.
The waters of his mind reflect the light of day and night, just as the waters of the sea reflect the golden pathway of both the sun and the moon.
But the Christ consciousness, the prism of purity like the “sea of glass” (Rev. 4:6, 15:2), filters out the impurities of the moon as it refracts the light of the sun.
All energy is God’s energy. The humanly misqualified energies reflected by the moon, sent back to the Earth according to karmic law, may be freed from the impositions of the carnal mind through the process of transmutation.
They can then be used to create, in the tradition of the Great Alchemist, more perfect works of art until the patterns in the heavens transform the patterns on the Earth, and the moon becomes a golden orb of rarefied power.
Most of you know only too well that when your emotions become disturbed over outer conditions, feelings, or concepts, there is a moment when you can still wrest control of your energies from your emotional body.
However, if these energies are allowed to rage unabated, that moment of control is lost, and it becomes easy to do, think, or say things you will regret.
Conversely, most of you are aware of the great joy and peace that come to your souls when you accomplish something for someone else.
This happens because, deep within yourself, there is a loving desire to serve your fellow man.
This desire is what prompted the descent of the Christ, the son of David, in his role as the Messiah of old.
The shepherd-king, a man after God’s own heart, communed with God and prepared himself for greater service as he tended his sheep.
Nowhere was the luster of his soul more apparent than in the beauty of his meditations upon the Spirit of the Lord, as recorded in the Book of Psalms.
One of the most skillful ways for the tired businessman or executive, the frustrated mother or wife, or the confused young man or woman to find integration and wholeness is to develop the discipline of directing their emotions to do exactly what they desire.
Such discipline will completely change their outlook, allowing them to face life with joyous expectancy rather than dissatisfaction.
For example, if it is love for another that you wish to express, you must always guard against selfish love, which would exact from the beloved the expectations of your own mind and heart without understanding the givingness of love.
To love as God loves, you must first give freedom to all parts of life, including yourself. Then you must place your trust, like a nestling bird, in the heart of God, in the heart of goodness and mercy.
Having given all, you will receive the most joyful, eternal gifts from God—far beyond what you could imagine.
These gifts will come not only through the chalice of your own heart but also through the hearts of your companions.
If you would truly love, you must learn to discipline the base emotions of selfishness, envy, jealousy, resentment, stubbornness, and ingratitude.
At this point in our alchemical studies, we emphasize the importance of controlling the emotions, for they play a significant role in the creative cloud action we are considering.
The only way to be truly happy is to give oneself entirely to the universe and to God, all while expecting from God the return gift of one’s Real Self.
One of the greatest dangers in the religious quest occurs when men give themselves to God, thinking that is all they need to do.
Without understanding the responsibilities of free will, they become like a “nebulous ninny,” blown by every wind and obsessed with the law of uncertainty.
“For if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for the battle?” (1 Cor. 14:8).
Men must understand that after surrendering to God, they must wait for the fiat of bestowal pronounced by the God Presence.
This is the restatement of the blessing given at the birth of God’s offspring: “Thou art my beloved Son: this day have I begotten thee” (Matt. 3:17).
This occurs when one relinquishes control of the four lower bodies to the Christ Self, allowing the True Self, the Christ, to obey the fiat “Take dominion over the earth!”—the earth being one’s own footstool kingdom, the four lower bodies.
Even Jesus the Christ reached the moment of his anointing when the Holy Spirit descended, and the voice of God renewed the ancient covenant: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I AM well pleased” (Matt. 3:17).
This timeless fiat reconsecrates the soul who has pledged to serve God’s will.
When man’s right to function as a son of God is restored, the moment of creativity is born.
Through the surrender of human error and the realization of the divine life within, the alchemist can align with the highest purposes of alchemy without losing true identity.
“What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world through alchemy but lose his soul?” (Matt. 16:26).
We ask students to understand that gaining control of the soul is one of alchemy’s most essential functions.
This control is achieved through surrender and humility. When the Christ entered the Holy City riding “a colt, the foal of an ass” (Matt. 21:5), he embodied utter humility, yet he was crowned with the highest honors.
Thus, we aim to develop Christlike qualities in students, making them pillars in the temple of God, unshaken by human emotions such as criticism, condemnation, judgment, or self-pity.
The alchemist must remain focused, wise as serpents and harmless as doves (Matt. 10:16), fulfilling the mission of freedom for all.
Alchemy, when dedicated to emotional control and freedom, leads to individual and collective dominion.
This freedom arises from offering all that one has received from life to the Great Spirit.
The gifts of God, multiplied, are like stars in the firmament, glowing in universal destiny.
When man becomes one with God, he realizes that he is truly God. This is not blasphemy but the fruit of surrender. The return gift of divine identity far surpasses any mortal sacrifice.
In this eighth lesson, we reveal what alchemy can mean to a decaying world, to those enslaved by the senses, and to those lost in confusion.
Alchemy transforms the self into a radiant altar of Reality.
Do you now see why El Morya, Mother Mary, and all the Ascended Masters offer their energies freely for humanity’s good? Why the creative cloud, invoked by us, enables man to understand the crucible of identity?
I AM Saint Germain

Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 13 No. 13- Saint Germain – March 29, 1970