How to Embrace Clarity, Choose Your Spiritual Path, and Manifest the Divine Plan for Your Life
In The Path of Freedom, Saint Germain offers profound guidance for those standing at the crossroads of life, urging them to embrace divine direction and make conscious, purposeful choices. He highlights the importance of aligning with the soul’s divine plan, and reveals how daily decisions shape one’s karma, dharma, and ultimate spiritual evolution. By introducing the Great Divine Director as a cosmic guide, Saint Germain emphasizes the need for meditation, goal-setting, and the transformative power of the violet flame to purify the self and manifest one’s highest purpose. This message empowers us to find clarity and choose the path of spiritual freedom.

Souls Idling at the Crossroads of Freedom:
This is a year of decision, yet some have made it a year of indecision. They stand at the crossroads of life waiting for someone else to make the choice. The traveler in the unknown country looks for waymarks along the way. Direction is needed though the goal be fixed in mind. All roads lead to Rome, they say. But then, will you be a traveler forever and a day? Or will you take the shortest route to the hub of life?
The ascended masters are not the only teachers of mankind. They simply have the most direct route. They point the way to the summit of being. They are the true guides who provide their chelas with maps, directions, and warnings of the pitfalls and detours along the way.
Once you have given answer to the demand of your own Real Self “Choose you this day whom ye will serve,” <1> you must select the path of your service. The path is a personal path, for it accommodates the soul’s evolution, attainment, its karma and its dharma. The path is a statement of the law of cosmos and it is a formula of that law that includes the equation of personal being.
The testings and the markings of the law must be identical for every soul; but the application of the testing, the interpretation of the markings by the individual consciousness, creates out of the impersonal law the very personal path of initiation. Thus the lives of the saints and sages of the centuries who have carved a destiny preordained tell the ever-new yet old, old story of the soul’s overcoming in the planes of Mater.
Divine direction is the need of the hour; and therefore I have introduced to you the Great Divine Director as the guru of gurus. Commissioned by the All Father, he stands at the gate of the cycles of the years to define and refine for initiates of the Great White Brotherhood the way and the calling of the flame of the Holy Spirit. His name is the title of an office in the cosmic hierarchy given to the one who, by virtue of diligent application over the aeons, presently focuses within his causal body the formula of the ascension for the children of God and the sons and daughters of the Most High evolving in this cosmos.
Day by day the cosmic computer of the mind of God adjusts the formula of the path according to the individual patterns of living, being, acting on the stage of life. For every action there is a corresponding reaction in the cosmos–an adjustment for the increase or decrease of light in manifestation which is the result of the individual application of free will. According to the choices you make daily, your divine plan is adjusted and, in the blueprint of your soul’s evolution, adjustments are made for the balance of cycles.
Thus the equation of living on Terra can be stated: The law plus you plus karma and dharma equals the divine plan manifest as circumstance in time and space. This equation is balanced by the handmaid of Freedom whose name is Opportunity. Daily choices to accelerate the divine plan, to make the most of life, to do one’s best and better than one’s best, must be made if an identity is to be preserved.
Souls cry out: “We know not the way to go! We know not how to make the choices, though choices we would make.” This year mankind face the collective karma of their failure to make right choices in all past ages. Thus the momentum of indecision reinforced by wrong decision pronounced by the pharaohs of the world stains the waters of Mother flow even as the waters of Egypt were turned to blood by the edict of the Lord. <2>
There is a plan for you. For every child of the light, for every chela of the law, there is a divine way. But there is always the human alternative. I come with the mantra of divine direction written by my teacher and dictated to the messenger Mark L. Prophet. I bid you make the choice of entering into a novena <3> to your own I AM Presence, to your own Real Self, to the Christed one, and to the guru who can assist you immeasurably to define the path of your own Self-realization. I initiate you in the cycle of the thirty-three–a formula for alchemy–as an exercise in proving the path of your choosing.
Begin by placing yourself at a desk, clean and cleared, where you will not be disturbed. Take a blank sheet of white paper, and with pen in hand commune with the innermost light of your being. You can meditate upon your divine plan by visualizing a white sphere before you. Approximately two feet in diameter, this sphere is the symbol of your own cosmic consciousness which you contact in meditation.
Now address the Lords of Life, saying: “In the name of my own Real Self, the I AM THAT I AM, and the Christed one of my being, I call forth from the reservoir of my cosmic consciousness the divine plan of my life, the blueprint of being. I call to the Lords of Life, to the Great Divine Director, and to Saint Germain to assist me now in the implementation of the law of cosmos as it applies to my individual identity, to my karma and my dharma, and to the circumstances of my life in time and space.”
Light a candle and consecrate it to the spark of divinity which is your very own opportunity to fulfill your cosmic destiny. Let the flame be the focus of the threefold flame of love, wisdom, and power that burns on the altar of your heart. Let it be a focus of untapped resources, of energies available, idling in the nexus of decision, waiting for your command to descend as flowing fire for the crystallization of the God flame within you.
Now take your pen and set forth in your own handwriting upon the white page before you, symbolizing the white page that God has given to you as the gift of life, the goals that you desire to accomplish while the sands of opportunity yet fall in the hourglass. Measuring moment by moment the choices that you make in time and space, write down your fondest hopes, your impossible dreams, your heart’s longings, your desire for soul fulfillment, your educational goals, your spiritual and material expectations, the service you desire to render unto God and man, the mark of mastery and the record of victory that you have determined to leave behind for those who will follow you on the path of initiation.
You may write and rewrite this outline of your life, examining it for purity of motive, for its practicality, its probability, your own ability, your own willingness to summon from the God flame within the energies of commitment, commeasurement, and constancy. When you have set forth to your own satisfaction a realistic as well as an idealistic set of goals, make two copies. Place one between the pages of your Bible and consign the other to the flame of the Holy Spirit–that is, put it in the physical fire in the ritual of the ancient alchemist, that it might be secured in the etheric level of your consciousness and conveyed to the Great Divine Director and the Lords of Karma for the necessary ratification of the law of cosmos.
With your left hand on the Bible, take in your right hand the mantra for divine direction included with this Pearl and give it fourteen times. Repeat this exercise for thirty-three days. Each day at the conclusion of your meditation and mantra, take your pen and write upon another white page the thoughts of your mind, the feelings of your heart which come to you as a means to augment and to implement the goals you have set forth and to bring them into alignment with the goal of life for your lifestream held in the causal body of the Great Divine Director.
Do not strain to hear the word of God when the answer to your call is the bliss of the Great Silence. Do not fret when the clarity of divine direction does not manifest to your outer consciousness. For as sure as I live–and I AM Saint Germain–the alchemy of divine direction is at work within you like the leaven which the “woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened.” <4>
Even so, the alchemy begins at the fiery core of being in the center of your heart flame; and it works hour by hour, day by day, from the within to the without. As you give the mantra and the meditation, you are planting seeds of your own cosmic consciousness at conscious and subconscious levels of being. These seeds will germinate and push through to the surface by the light of your own I AM Presence and by the watering of the living word of your own Christ Self.
While you are waiting with anticipation for the manifestation of sacred alchemy within your being, pursue the purification of the vehicles of consciousness provided for your soul’s evolution. These vehicles are the four lower bodies–the etheric, the mental, the emotional, and the physical.
Let the mantra of the violet fire known by Keepers of the Flame sing within your heart and mind all the day: “I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires! I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires! I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!” For the violet flame removes the stain of personal and planetary karma from the rivers of energy coursing through your four lower bodies. Purity, purity, purity! Only thus can clarity of divine direction appear.
If you would find the path of freedom, if you would be sure that when you find it you will know it, if you would be certain that in knowing it you will take it and not be deterred by the persuasions of the world, then take my advice:
Pursue the Flaming One,
The disc of the central sun
Of your own cosmic consciousness!
Pursue with diligence the teacher,
The Great Divine Director,
And the flame of divine direction he adores!
Pursue the innermost light of being
And the clarity of right seeing.
Pursue the preparation
For the coming of the new day,
For preparation is all
In choosing and finding the way.
Freedom calls and freedom answers–
Yes, freedom’s light and freedom’s goal.
I AM the way, the open door
Of opportunity to every soul.
Now I will tarry with my readers
To train and retrain the consciousness
In right choices for new-age leaders.
I AM come to clear the way
For divine direction,
That those idling in indecision
May see and know and choose
All right decision.
I AM in the cleansing fires
Of transmutation’s ray
The Master of the Seventh Ray.
Saint Germain
- Josh. 24:15.
- Exod. 7.
- Novena: A Roman Catholic nine days’ devotion for a religious intention; the term may be used loosely to mean a specified period of prayer.
- Matt. 13:33.