The Name Jesus By Saint Germain

The Name Jesus By Saint Germain

Embracing the Divine Name of Jesus as a Shield of Light and Love

I greet you, beloved friends, in the name of the Ascended Jesus Christ. Do these words not strike a chord through your secret hearts? How often in the centuries gone by—when the worship of the One God was denied through the ruling factions of that day—did we gather in catacombs and caverns, hooded and robed, knowing not each other’s faces, charlatans standing by the side of Masters, and only the name of Jesus as protection against a fate worse than physical death!

Oh, the strength and power within the name of that blessed brother! Many a saint, releasing the soul from a body on a burning pyre, entered the heart of heaven on that name! Many a discarnate found the mercy of that name, and many a desperate member of the human race found surcease from pain and agony and confusion through its magic, potent power!

How often I have pondered on the life lived by that brother, which has made of his very name a natural protection against evil and deception and confusion and all the forces of darkness!

So, again, I bring to your remembrance the power within the name of Jesus. Use it freely in your individual applications, where you find questions arising unbidden from within, or pressure from uncertainties pressing upon you from without.

I have come today from the heart of that glorious mountain, where the brothers and sisters of heaven are gathering with such great hope and gladness in their hearts, to see the progress which has been made possible through the endeavors of those of you who have chosen to respond to my present endeavor.

Oh, if you could see, as I do, the sincerity and devotion and love within each of your hearts! Then you would love, as I do, each one who has made possible a new opportunity for us to convey to mankind the plans that rest within the bosom of the eternal Father, but which can be externalized only through incarnate spirits desiring to know the will of God.

I remember, in early ages now long forgotten, how I, with others, enjoyed the feeling of God’s love—we were like small chickens, enjoying the comfort and protection of the wing of the mother hen.

We then had no particular desire to participate in the design and plan of this Great Being, whose warmth of love we absorbed and in whose presence we found such peace, but there came a day when we grew to enough maturity of spirit that our love no longer chose just proximity, but rather desired to further the cause of our beloved Father and to know something of the reason for the outpouring of his great energy.

We were then introduced to the will of God—the design and plan—and we were given the freedom to tie our own energies, graded according to the quality of our nature, into helping externalize that plan.

The Power Within

You, beloved friends of life, are at that same point of spiritual maturity, where religion no longer means a relaxation of your own emotional bodies or a personal peace.

You have, before the Cosmic Law, offered to participate in carrying the consciousness, will, and design of God into the receptive minds of those who have not yet developed themselves to a place where they may perceive that design, but yet are willing to abide in it and harness the individual energies of their lives to forwarding that cause—if a way and means can be devised to reach them.

You have no idea of the tremendous strength of your lives, individually, to have stood through these years and continued to serve, working with an invisible power, living the code of purity and honor which has made you the target for much which I do not care to describe.

I cannot commend you too highly for your fidelity and constancy and, greater still, for the fact that you continue to believe in God and good, although your souls have been singed and your minds have been disillusioned!

My eternal, individual, personal, conscious gratitude I offer to each of you, individually, because it is a difficult thing to maintain one’s faith in the integrity of a being who, through force of circumstances, must work through the consciousness of another and seemingly oppose the Law of love and justice. Such friends as you make our exile from the glorious peace of heaven a happy one!

You know, yourselves, the peace within the heart, when there is one who believes in you, but until the day that the curtain of maya parts and I may stand before you face to face and prove my presence and reality, I am dependent upon your faith and constancy for our unbroken friendship.

Let me take your hand for a moment, as I have done so often when you laid down those bodies at nighttime, and draw you out of the atmosphere of the earth, where you can look upon the sun and planets that make up our system, and let you just feel the relief and release that come from standing in that Christ-estate, rather than enmeshed in the problems and confusion of the realm in which you chose to work.

Standing thus, as we have done so many evenings, you can hear the music of the spheres, the song of the Sun, the melody of the planets, and, if you listen carefully, you will hear the overlapping of the tones of the other planets, endeavoring to cover the silence where the keynote from the earth should rise and join that song—for the mercy of life is such that the belt of energy encircling our shrouded star does not allow that cry of pain and agony to interfere with the music of interstellar space. It is just as if one key on the piano did not play. To the discriminating ear of the musician, the absence of that note is evident, but the careful artist can so arrange his chords, that to the average man, it would not be apparent.

The brilliance of the stars and planets is easily discernible to your inner sight, but the appearance of the earth is like a grey, revolving shroud, and that dear earth is what you serve.

It is to such concentration of energy that you and I and others have tied our energy, so that one day she may shine like her sister planets and the belt of substance encasing her dissonance will be melted and the song of freedom complete the anthem of our universal composition.

Coming closer, I want to point your attention to the solar devas. If it were not for their intervention, the glorious light from the physical sun would not interpenetrate the human fog that makes for her climatic conditions and often obliterates the clarity of the blue sky that men enjoy.

I would point out to you the investment of energy on the part of the beings of nature—the investment of interest on the part of the angelic host and the great devas of form.

When you enter into the atmosphere of the earth and you can hear that cry as the earth turns on her axis, and every twelve hours feel the break in the rhythm as it hits the low point, you will see with me the opportunity for service that is within your individual grasp.

I have endeavored for so many centuries to interest a group of people in freeing life. Again, again and again, certain individuals have responded, but to hold the vision before them powerfully enough to keep their enthusiasm stirred through all the long and tedious years of human life is a task for Hercules.

We do welcome every opportunity to speak to your conscious outer minds, to remind you, again, of that which you know and desire in the freedom of your inner bodies—to fan those fires of enthusiasm and keep them burning in the hope that you will endure unto the end, for that is the secret of leadership for those who are working with lesser minds.

To try to paint a picture is well, but to hold it as a living, breathing, palpable manifestation that can be achieved takes a mighty drive of energy.

To keep that vision alive among a corporate group, made up of individual lifestreams whose doubts and fears and selfish interests invert their sight and consciousness again and yet again, is no small task.

Just as in voyaging across the Atlantic, I tried through sweat, tenacity and prayer, and, what is no less important, the contagion which lies within the repetition of a vision until the consciousness of those upon whom you depend to bring that vision to fruition can accept it as a fact—to keep my crew from abandoning our quest.

Every being incarnate who has ever drawn forth anything more than the average consciousness which the masses enjoy has not only had to hold that vision against his own weaknesses, but has had to drive the energy of his own life into the resisting mass-consciousness of the race, and, in ridicule, privation, and often bodily discomfort, manifest that vision—if he were able to endure to the end.

I know—for I have been there—but now I am here by your side, willing to fire you with the love of freedom, with hope, with conviction and to assist you, as I have done through the ages, to bring the vision of a world brotherhood into form and being.

Proceed in peace, in the name of the One Supreme God and the beloved Jesus, in the name of your own beautiful Presence, and you shall not be deceived; you SHALL become ourselves in action.

The devas came this morning, as they always do prior to a visitation from any member of our Brotherhood, to prepare the canopy of force, so that our feeling of conviction, when released, might saturate your inner consciousnesses before it spreads out into the world.

If you, individually, in the coming days and months and years could take your pattern from this and prepare your soul for meeting with us, so much more could be anchored into your inner bodies.

For days and weeks and months prior to a visitation, the holy men of India, China and Asia proper, prepare their inner bodies in such communion as we now enjoy, so that not one ounce of energy might be lost.

The Western world lives so rapidly and you hurry from activity to activity with such little time for preparation of the soul—yet we prepare for days before we come, sometimes for weeks before we come, and we take action in council and decide which one will bring the gift of radiation to give the greatest assistance.

I, myself, go for an hour into the heart of the Silence before I would presume to speak to the sons of men.

We have much prepared for you, individually and as a unit, when we can join you as one body, with the lips sealed and with the hearts open to love, so that these powers of the Sacred Fire through you may manifest, but until that body has learned to hold our words in STRICT CONFIDENCE, we cannot impart these deeper truths.

I feel, however, that it will come, for I know you well, love you deeply. Yes, this I shall prove in fact, for I am not a man of fancy. I have worked with inventors, explorers, scholars, and scientists, and my entire lifestream is strictly charged with practicality. This, my beloved friends, I shall prove to you in the days and years ahead.

I thank you for the privilege of entering your hearts. I have enjoyed so fully the exquisite music and long for the day when this song can be sung collectively in every home before the activities of the day begin, that I may return—on its upward-flowing currents—my gift of the Violet Flame, to be the purifying action within that home for the ensuing twenty-four hour period. It gives me more pleasure even than yourselves, and I thank you for your individual endeavors in my name.

Saint Germain

From The Bridge to Freedom Journal, Book 1

2 Responses

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