What is the Law of Forgiveness?
During the hundreds of embodiments we have had in the past, we have misqualified a lot of energy. The fact we are here on earth today shows we have misqualified over 50% of the energy ever allotted to us. Through Divine Grace there is a tool available to us that we can call on to lessen the karmic debt caused by our wrongdoings. This tool is called The Law of Forgiveness and it should always be stated before issuing Violet Flame Decrees.
Saying, ‘I AM The Law of Forgiveness for myself and all people, for all misqualified energy’, several times a day, eventually brings a lightness to your being and world you never thought possible. Remember, you may have harmed not only people in the past, but also birds, animals, and other forms of life. You may have misused the beings of the elements of earth, water, air and fire – all of which have intelligence and are endeavoring to evolve into ever greater perfection.
When accompanying the decree with the actual feeling of forgiveness for your own mistakes and those of all of humanity, it results in tremendous assistance, both to humanity and yourself.
Now, knowing about this Law of Divine Grace, should we not, in turn, ‘forgive those who trespass against us’? Some once asked Mother Mary: “How can we progress spiritually by leaps and bounds?” Her answer: “By forgiving all those who have wronged you.”
Through Divine Grace, we can call upon a tool to lessen the karmic debt caused by our wrongdoings. This tool is The Law of Forgiveness. It should always be given before issuing the Violet Flame decree.
Now, knowing about this Law of Divine Grace, it is not asking too much, for us, in turn, to forgive those who now trespass against us, or have trespassed against us in the past. The Masters stated that through forgiving those who committed wrongs against us, we would literally leap forth in our spiritual development.
So, each day, as part of the basic decrees, we should call on The Law of Forgiveness. When accompanying the call with the actual feeling of forgiveness for your own mistakes and those of others, it works like magic. When you call upon The Law of Forgiveness for all the mistakes you have ever made, and for those of all humanity, it gives tremendous assistance to humanity and yourself.
The human kingdom, the bird life, the nature kingdom are all bound by innumerable connections (karmic links) created through aeons of associations. The safest, surest way of freeing the soul from the fetters of unpleasant associations (most of which are not even known to the outer self), is to sincerely and deeply call on The Law of Forgiveness for all misqualified energy, all the way back to the time of one’s individualization. Ask the Angels of the Violet Fire to assist all who truly want to forgive and then truly accept forgiveness. Thus, the Law of the Circle can be a happy experience when students create and send forth only constructive causes and subsequently reap only happy effects.
Claire, Elohim Of Purity: Call On The Law Of Forgiveness
“I ask you to call upon The Law of Forgiveness for your own misuse of life, all through the ages, and to accept my gift of purity in its place. Thus, you may see, know, and become the perfect expression of your own individualized I AM Presence – a Holy Grail – receiving into your outer mind the Divine Ideas from the Presence. Divine Ideas that through your purified centers of thought, feeling and the spoken word, you can externalize, for your own blessing, and the benefaction of your fellow human beings.”
4th Initiation Decree
I AM, I AM, I AM The Law of Forgiveness for myself and all mankind for all mistakes, misqualified energy, human consciousness and for straying from the Light. (7x)
From the I AM Activity:
I AM the Cosmic Law of forgiveness, forgetfulness and consuming flame of all inharmonious action and human consciousness.
From: Essential Lessons From The Ascended Master Teachings