The Perfecting of the Aura

The Human Aura by Kuthumi

1. The Perfecting of the Aura

As we commence these auric studies, let it be understood that the combined manifestation of body, soul, and mind creates around the spinal column and the medulla oblongata those emanations called by some the human aura and by others the magnetic force field of the body of man.

Each individual in whom the flame of life resides reveals themselves as though they were shouting from the rooftops—all that they truly are, all they have done, and even the promise of what they shall become—through the force field of their being and in the magnetic emanations surrounding their physical form.

The reading in depth of the human aura is no ordinary science. Those who would undertake it should understand that by a simple change in thought, the fountain of the human aura, pouring forth from its own orifice, can change its color, emanation, magnetic affinity—its entire identity. Yet beneath the surface, it may retain the capacity to poison the individual’s atmosphere or auric emanation due to a failure to purify the heart.

“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God”[1] is more than a beatitude issuing from the mouth of the living Christ. It is a fiat of strength shining, promised to all who behold it.

We have pondered humanity’s great need for purification and, above all, advocate the purification of motive. When individuals do not see clearly their own motives, it becomes exceedingly difficult, due to internal blindness, to purify themselves. Therefore, the purification of vision has been given top priority by the Masters, as our experience has shown that when men learn to see as God sees, they recognize the need to correct their problems and generally do so without delay.

In our Brotherhood, those unascended devotees who wear the golden robe of cosmic illumination and are illuminated on many subjects hidden from the average seeker are expected to direct their lives according to the instructions issued from their own lips. A good example is the best teacher.

What, then, is humanity’s objective in wanting to read the human aura? Is it merely to satisfy human curiosity, or to find satisfaction in seeing the faults of others without correcting their own?

All who study auric emanations and the human force field as it pours forth into space should recognize the creative power inherent in mankind. Through the misuse of this creative power, people have, over countless lives, created undesirable and unwholesome conditions that plague the young, disturb the elders, and do not contribute to the quality of human life as envisioned by Almighty God.

The hope of the world as the light of the world must be considered. Today, the world emanates an aura far removed from the Christic aura of universal Christ consciousness. The bulk of people remain ignorant of even the simplest cosmic truths because the powers of darkness in the world long ago distorted the Scriptures to serve their purposes.

Man’s interpretation of his relationship to the Divine often involves pagan, anthropomorphic concepts, seeing God as one who must be appeased by sacrifice. Men fail to understand the true meaning of sacrifice. In the case of Master Jesus, due to the perfection of his nature, he required no propitiation for sin, yet he is portrayed as one who can save to the utmost those who believe in him.

Those who understand the meaning of God, Christ, and life from a true standpoint recognize no difference between the divine nature in Jesus and that in themselves. They know that heaven shows no partiality, and all may align with the image of the beloved Son.

The ninety and nine must be forsaken,[2]

for they already possess the strength to perceive this truth. The one who is lost, caught in confusion and blind to their own divine radiance, must forsake the false doctrines of blind leaders and heed the voice of God.

Through these auric studies, we anticipate that many will find their way back to the Father’s house, realizing they must offer themselves as a living sacrifice unto God. It was never the Father’s intent to demand penance or sacrifice as appeasement of wrath. The only valid wrath of God in the cosmic courts of heaven is the karmic consequence of humanity’s own misdeeds, which have created darkness in their own being.

In reality man lives in a universe of light and purpose. To veil that purpose from man was never the intention of God. For he has clearly said, “That which has been hidden shall be revealed.”[3]

Thus, in the higher sense of releasing divine knowing within, do we establish the reality of God within individual consciousness, thereby producing the perfection man seeks.

Due to ignorance, people are thwarted in their understanding of life. As our beloved Master said, “For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.” He spoke of understanding, and we intend to bequeath this treasure through these studies of the human aura. Those who read must remember that we cannot increase knowledge for those who do not first invoke it from the throne of grace.”[4]

He spoke of understanding. This most precious treasure we shall attempt to bequeath to you in our releases on the studies of the human aura. All who read should bear in mind that we cannot increase the knowledge of those who do not first invoke it from the throne of grace.

It is of utmost importance that the student understand that there is a process whereby every observation of his five senses is transmitted automatically to subconscious levels within himself, where, by inner hieroglyph, events he has witnessed or matters which he has studied are recorded. Thus the entire transmittal of data from the external world to the internal lies in the akashic records of his own being.

The process of recall, while quite involved from a technical standpoint, is almost instantaneous. Out of the storehouse of memory, man quite easily calls forth these treasures of being. Unfortunately, not all events are benign; not all recordings are examples of perfection.

The sorting and classification of these records is the responsibility of the body elemental and the recording angel of the individual lifestream. You will find mention of the recording angels in the words of Jesus when he spoke of the little ones, “For I say unto you that their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.”[5]

Each individual has such an angel representing the purity of the infinite God, assigned to his lifestream by divine decree from the very foundation of the world. This angel has the ability not only to read the life record of everyone upon the planet but also to commune directly with the heart of God, “to behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.” Thus the intent of God to reveal himself unto the angel of his Presence, attached to each of his children, operates through the Holy Christ Self in perfect harmony with the divine plan.

How unfortunate are those who, while always perceiving the height and depth of man, are never able to become impersonal enough in their approach to endow “the least of these my brethren”[6] with the quality of the living Christ. Men find it not at all difficult to believe that the fullness of the Godhead bodily dwelleth in Jesus,[7] but they do find it difficult to believe that it also dwelleth in themselves.

Yet this God has done. He has in the bestowal of the Christ flame placed the fullness of himself in every son and daughter. When the divine nature is properly understood then, how easily humanity can bring forth the antahkarana and thus begin the process of correctly weaving their life manifestation.

Now, as man studies the science of perfecting the aura, he should also understand that through the misqualification of thought and feeling, many undesirable traits are brought into manifestation. Most dangerous of all is misqualification in the emotional body of man, in the feeling world, for thereby the heart is touched and in turn often sways the whole life record of the individual into a miasma of doubt and questioning.

I do not say that the sincere student does not have the right to question or even to doubt. But I do say that once the truth is clearly presented to him, if the door of his heart be open, he will never doubt and never question the truth of the living God. He may not leap over the hurdle, but he will clearly perceive that it can truly be, that he will be able, yea, that he is able to realize more of God than that which his present awareness allows. Let us free humanity by right knowledge from all that has bound them and blinded them to their own great inner power, to the treasure-house God has locked within their consciousness.

Now I want to make very certain that all understand that misqualification in the feeling world—such as anger, self-righteousness, fear, hatred, jealousy, condemnation, and resentment—gives a certain leverage to the power of amplification. This is similar to the transponder system on your large aircraft. When the transponder button is pushed by the pilot, it triggers a signal from the transponder which causes an enlarged blip to appear upon the electronic board of the airport traffic controller, thereby enabling the plane to be easily identified.

Thus do the emotions of mankind often falsely amplify misqualified thoughts and feelings to the point where a dominant position is assumed by these misqualified feelings. Although this takes place without the consent of the real being of man, nevertheless, darkness does, then, cover the earth. Yet Christ has said, “I AM the light of the world.”[8]

I have given you many thoughts in this my first release on the studies of the human aura. The Brothers of the Golden Robe will joyously respond to the depth of his wisdom which we shall release in the completed series. From the archives of the Brotherhood our love pours forth.

Taken from the book version The Human Aura

Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 14 No. 21 – Kuthumi – May 23, 1971


[1] Matt. 5:8

[2] Matt. 18:12-14; Luke 15:3-7

[3] Matt. 10:26; Mark 4:22; Luke 12:2

[4] Matt. 13:12; 25:29; Mark 4:25; Luke 8:18; 19:26

[5] Matt. 18:10

[6] Matt. 25:40

[7] Col. 2:9

[8] John 8:12; 9:5; 12:46

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