Channeled Message from Thomas Printz
When Sanat Kumara offered to enter into the Office of the Lord of the World, the Lords of Karma, who represent the Cosmic Law governing the affairs of the planet Earth and the evolution of its humanity, gave to him the full and absolute authority over the life and progress of the sons of men.
Because these Lords of Love had offered the Cosmic Law their own auras of light, to meet the requirements of the Law that the earth contribute some light to the solar system, or be dissolved from the chain, it became immediately evident that some means of training must be effected in order to teach the children of men how to expand their own spark of divinity, and, in time, become Lords of the Flame and illumine their planet, without the help of other stars.
To prepare for this day, Sanat Kumara and his counsel in Shamballa, established a great spiritual order of God-beings known as the Great White Brotherhood, whose duty and service was to interest, teach, guide and protect the children of earth, and, eventually, draw them into the Brotherhood and let them assume the offices and responsibilities originally held by the volunteer beings from more highly-evolved worlds.
Through the medium of their own great love and radiation, this Brotherhood began to awaken the spiritual light in the souls of a few of the race. These egos began to stir in their soul sleep and respond to the presence and flame of Sanat Kumara’s love. From among the great mass of sleepers, they began to reach upward in consciousness, and the Masters, reaching down, effected the first meeting between earth and heaven. The two first souls thus responding were, in much later lives, to become the Lord Gautama Buddha and the Lord Maitreya. They were the first who applied from the ranks of earth’s children for membership in the Council of Shamballa, and asked for training and assistance to prepare themselves to join in the great work of becoming lightbearers to the world of men.
How great was the rejoicing at Shamballa, when these two fresh, eager spirits, responding to the presence of love, had proved the wisdom and sacrifice of the Lords of the Flame worthwhile, for where two had come, more surely would follow. And so it has been, until thousands now are entered on the roll of the Cosmic Council and the earth’s children have assumed most of the offices formerly held by beings from other spheres. One day the Kumaras, themselves, will find that Earth’s children have released them from their self-appointed exile, and in Earth’s shining, they may go, as they came, in gentle, patient love.
From the time that Lord Buddha and Lord Maitreya presented themselves before the great Sanat Kumara, called by the reason of the length of his service, “The Ancient of Days,” until the time that they could assume their office as World Teachers, century after century of self-discipline, self-denial and self-mastery stretched relentlessly down the scroll of time, with the two brothers, incarnating again and again, passing through every experience that the Cosmic Council felt would build into their souls the strength, the constancy, the love required that they might fulfill their cosmic role with credit and with certainty of victory. As Lord Buddha himself so beautifully wrote of his long and weary way:
“Many a house of life hath held me—seeking ever high who wrought these prisons of the senses, sorrow fraught. Sore was my ceaseless strife! But now, thou builder of this tabernacle—thou! I know thee! Never shall thou built again, these walls of pain, nor raise the roof-tree of deceits, nor lay fresh rafters on the clay. Broken thy house is, and the ridge-pole split! Delusion fashioned it. Safe pass I thence—deliverance to obtain.”
Origins and Formation
The Great White Brotherhood, a spiritual order of Ascended Beings, plays an important role in guiding and protecting humanity and has done so throughout the ages. This organization, founded by Sanat Kumara, consists of highly evolved spiritual entities who are dedicated to the service of God and the upliftment of mankind. Here, we will explore the origins, mission, and impact of the Great White Brotherhood, drawing from the profound insights compiled by Werner Schroeder and other spiritual sources.
The formation of the Great White Brotherhood can be traced back to the efforts of Sanat Kumara, who came from Venus to assist the Earth in its time of need. Faced with the challenge of awakening Earth’s inhabitants to their spiritual responsibilities, Sanat Kumara established this Brotherhood to teach Cosmic Law and guide humanity towards creating an aura of Light around the planet. This was necessary to satisfy Cosmic Law and enable Sanat Kumara to eventually return to his home star

Purpose and Mission
The primary mission of the Great White Brotherhood is to set Earth and its evolutions free. Comprised of Ascended Beings who specialize in various aspects of spiritual service, the Brotherhood’s goal is to assist mankind in mastering Cosmic Law, gaining spiritual enlightenment, and ultimately achieving ascension. The Brotherhood’s members, including Gautama Buddha and Lord Maitreya, have committed themselves to this cause, often at great personal sacrifice.
The Great White Brotherhood operates under strict cosmic laws, requiring that their assistance be consciously invited and warranted. Their service is also subject to the approval of the Karmic Board, ensuring that all actions are in alignment with divine will and cosmic justice

Spiritual Guidance and Support
The Great White Brotherhood is not an outer organization that one can join through ordinary means. Instead, individuals draw themselves into association with the Brotherhood through self-correction, living the principles of the heavenly realms, and performing impersonal service without thought of financial gain or personal acclaim. This process requires deep spiritual commitment and dedication.
Ascended Masters, who have been tangible and real beings, play a crucial role in the Brotherhood’s work. These Masters, including Jesus, Mary, Buddha, and Moses, offer their guidance and support to those who seek it. However, they do not demand obedience or worship; instead, they ask to be recognized as potential forces for the common good of mankind.
Historical Impact and Legacy
Throughout man’s history, the Great White Brotherhood has made significant contributions to the spiritual evolution of humanity. Before the advent of Sanat Kumara, only a few individuals maintained the connection between Earth and the divine realm, a connection vital for keeping the planet in orbit. Over time, the Brotherhood has grown in strength and numbers, with thousands now involved in their cosmic mission.
One of the most notable accomplishments of the Brotherhood was the creation and maintenance of Shamballa, a spiritual retreat and center of light. Despite being destroyed multiple times by cataclysmic events, Shamballa was continually rebuilt, and its etheric counterpart still exists today. This retreat served as the base of operations for Sanat Kumara and other Ascended Masters until 1956, when Sanat Kumara was able to return to Venus due to the increased Light-Quota on Earth, achieved through the efforts of dedicated students of the Bridge to Freedom.
The Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood
The Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, born from the heart of Sanat Kumara, embodies the collective consciousness and spiritual momentum of all who have served this divine cause. This Spirit, nourished and strengthened by the love and service of countless beings, continues to guide and inspire those who seek to contribute to the cosmic plan.
Invitation to Serve
In conclusion, the Great White Brotherhood stands as a testament to the power of selfless service and divine love. As humanity faces ongoing challenges, the Brotherhood’s teachings and support remain ever relevant. By aligning ourselves with their principles and inviting their guidance, we too can become co-workers in the great work of uplifting our planet and achieving spiritual mastery. Let us honor and remember the profound service of Sanat Kumara and the Ascended Masters, and strive to live in harmony with the cosmic laws they have revealed to us.
For those who feel called to this path, the invitation is clear: embrace the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood, apply them in your daily life, and become a beacon of light and love in the world. Together, we can create a brighter future for all of humanity.