Collective Force Fields
The concept of the “Force Field” as described by the ascended masters is pivotal in understanding how spiritual energies are harnessed and directed for specific purposes.
This Force Field is seen as a reservoir of divine energy and light that can be drawn upon and directed for various purposes, such as healing, protection, and spiritual transformation.
Imagine the Force Field as a dynamic, energetic matrix that is created and sustained by the collective consciousness and intention of individuals united in a common purpose. This purpose could be anything from spiritual growth and evolution to the manifestation of specific goals or the transmission of divine wisdom.
The Force Field acts as a container for the energies drawn from higher realms or dimensions. These energies could be divine light, love, wisdom, or any other aspect of the divine essence. When individuals come together in a group with a shared intention, they contribute to the formation and amplification of this Force Field through their thoughts, emotions, prayers, and actions.
The strength and coherence of the Force Field depend on the purity, sincerity, and alignment of the individuals involved. When participants in a group are attuned to the higher frequencies of love, unity, and divine will, they are able to create a powerful and harmonious Force Field that can attract and anchor even greater energies from the spiritual realms.
Within this Force Field, specific instructions and radiations can be brought forth with greater clarity and effectiveness. Think of it as a channel or conduit through which divine guidance and blessings can flow into the physical realm. The more focused and concentrated the energies within the Force Field, the more potent and transformative the instructions and radiations that can be transmitted.
Moreover, the Force Field also serves as a protective barrier, shielding the group from lower vibrations and negative influences that may seek to disrupt or distort their work. It creates a sacred space where the divine can communicate and work through the individuals involved without interference.
Converting Negative Energy and Releasing Karma
Through collective spiritual practices, participants can help in the alchemical process of converting negative or stagnant energy (karma) into a higher, purified form. This is not just for their personal transformation but also as a service to the collective human consciousness, thereby alleviating the weight of unresolved energies from the human race.
The Violet Flame is often described in metaphysical literature as a powerful tool for spiritual transformation, associated with the seventh ray of light, which represents mercy, forgiveness, and freedom. This flame is said to have the ability to transmute negative energies due to its high vibrational frequency, which resonates with the energy of divine love and freedom. By invoking and visualizing the Violet Flame in group settings, participants aim to create a potent Force Field that enhances this transmutative process.
Relative Strenght and Effectiveness of a Force Field
For a Force Field to be strong and effective, each participant needs to be aligned in purpose and adequately prepared in terms of spiritual knowledge and practice. This alignment helps ensure that the energy contributed by individuals strengthens the collective endeavor rather than diluting it. The group’s collective focus and energy can then be directed towards broader spiritual goals, such as the upliftment and healing of humanity.
El Morya explains: “The Force Field is weakened by the following conditions: Those whose consciousness has little knowledge of Spiritual Law. Those who are filled with doubts, fears and personal confusion. Those who have not had the benefit of Spiritual Instruction. Those who are not firmly anchored in their belief of the Masters, and Their ability to reach through the veil and talk to Mankind. Those who have not had some training in the use of the Sacred Fire of Purification. And those whose Inner Bodies have not been gradually stepped up by drawing the Sacred Fire in the pre-liminary classes. All these factors would dilute the energy of chelas who would otherwise devote the full power of their energy currents for the good of the race.”

Individual Force Fields
A person can create a form of a Force Field, though its potency and scope may differ from those created by a collective group. The ability to create a Force Field largely depends on the individual’s level of spiritual development, consciousness, and mastery of energy manipulation.
In esoteric and mystical traditions, individuals who have attained a high degree of spiritual evolution and mastery are believed to possess the ability to create and maintain a personal Force Field. This field acts as a protective shield, harmonizing and amplifying the individual’s own energy while also serving as a barrier against negative influences and lower vibrations.
The creation of a personal Force Field involves various spiritual practices, such as meditation, visualization, prayer, and energy work. Through these practices, individuals learn to attune themselves to higher frequencies of consciousness and align with divine principles, thus strengthening their energetic boundaries and connection to the divine.
Moreover, the cultivation of virtues such as love, compassion, gratitude, and humility plays a crucial role in the creation of a potent Force Field. These qualities not only raise the individual’s vibration but also imbue their energy field with positive qualities that can uplift and inspire others.
While a personal Force Field may not have the same expansive reach as a collective Force Field created by a group of individuals, it can still be a powerful tool for spiritual protection, healing, and manifestation. Individuals who have developed their Force Field are often able to navigate challenging situations with greater ease, maintain inner peace amidst external turmoil, and radiate light and love to those around them.
Divine Will Manifestation
The Force Field is essential for facilitating the manifestation of divine will and purpose in the physical world. It is a dynamic and fluid matrix that is co-created by individuals aligned with the highest intentions, and it serves as a conduit for the transmission of specific instructions, radiations, and blessings from higher realms. By harnessing and focusing the energies within the Force Field, individuals can amplify their spiritual work and bring about profound shifts in consciousness and reality.
While the creation of a Force Field is often associated with collective group work in spiritual traditions, individuals who have attained a certain level of spiritual mastery can create and maintain their own personal Force Field also through dedicated spiritual practice and alignment with divine principles.