Ascended Master Koot Hoomi
Kuthumi’s primary teacher was Lord Maitreya, but he was also trained by Jesus, Lord Himalaya and the Lord Maha Chohan.
Kuthumi as Balthazar
In Biblical times Kuthumi was Balthazar, one of the Three Wise Men who followed the Star to the birthplace of Jesus. He had transmuted his karma at that time and could have ascended then, but postponed his ascension, as El Morya did, in order to bring forth, at a future date, the teachings of the Theosophical Society.
Kuthumi as Pythagoras
In Biblical times Kuthumi was Balthazar, one of the Three Wise Men who followed the Star to the birthplace of Jesus. He had transmuted his karma at that time and could have ascended then, but postponed his ascension, as El Morya did, in order to bring forth, at a future date, the teachings of the Theosophical Society.
One of Kuthumi’s embodiments was that of the Greek philosopher and mathematician, Pythagoras, in the Sixth Century B.C.. Pythagoras settled in Crotona, in Southern Italy, around 535 B.C. Here he established the Pythagorean Order, a school for, primarily, young people. At Crotona, Pythagoras made many important discoveries, in various fields, such as mathematics, astronomy, and music. He established the term, in geometry, later called the “Pythagorean Theorem,” determined that the Earth was spherical in shape, that the Real Self was eternal and, together with a new physical body, came back into embodiment. Pythagoras taught these doctrines at his school.
The disciplines at Crotona were very strict. Much time was spent in absolute silence. The students were given slates on which to write, also using the arched eyebrow and the gesture as a response. This way they were forced to listen to the still small voice in their hearts, rather than to the sometimes riotous whirling of the emotional and mental bodies. The mornings and evenings were spent in listening to the music that Pythagoras received from Vista, the Elohim of Music.
Pythagoras taught that, within the heart of each lifestream, is the real teacher and that the four lower bodies can be refined, through good music, to become a purer vessel. Through carefully trained chelas, Pythagoras endeavored to raise the vibratory action of the Earth, allowing these chelas to “step up” their own personal harmony.
The students of Pythagoras became aware that the substances taken into the body as food are most quickly felt by the physical atoms of the brain. Pythagoras taught that to achieve dexterity of the intellect, alertness of body, and illumination of the mind, the diet should be carefully prepared and adhered to.
Unfortunately, these endeavors at Crotona were not completed, because of some base and selfish destructive influences within certain lifestreams, who did not know or understand his motive.
Pythagoras saw his beautiful school at Crotona burned to the ground and within it, all the records of a lifetime—all the exquisite achievement of pupils, including art work the like of which had not been since the days of Atlantis. Marble figures had been dashed from their pedestals and crushed by vandals’ hands. Gardens and exquisite trees were destroyed—until only a rubble remained of a vision into which he had invested a lifetime. And yet, the experiences within that life were such that, they did enable Pythagoras to become master of energy!
His teacher said, “You are now a harmonizing presence, which will never again be disturbed by any external distress nor any internal weakness. You are fit to enter my service and become a member of my court, and one day soon, if you choose, shall wear my cloak upon your shoulders!” Although the tears rolled down Kuthumi’s cheeks, as he saw his dreams destroyed, he was happy to hear that, and it helped him to hold a certain amount of peace, even in that suffering.
Koot Hoomi as St Francis
Later on, Kuthumi embodied as Saint Francis of Assisi. He was a great lover of animals, and helped thousands of them to the point where they did not have to come back into embodiment. Therefore, he was of great assistance to the elemental kingdom. Saint Francis was a very patient and gentle man. He could spend hours or an entire day, observing a flower come into full bloom. Birds and other animals were drawn to him, because of his peaceful, harmonious aura. He founded the Order of Saint Francis, which today pours out a continual, impersonal love for life.
Saint Francis joined the Crusades although he did not fight along with the Crusaders, because he wanted to see and bless the birthplace of beloved Jesus. He wore no armor and the knights with him thought not much of Saint Francis. Saint Francis finally arrived at the Holy Land. Here he felt the radiation of Jesus, that still remained. While the mighty army of the Crusaders prepared their plans, Saint Francis walked into the camp of the “Infidels,” where he met the leader. They stood, side by side, at the Holy Sepulcher. Saint Francis found that the Prince of the Infidels and he WERE BROTHERS. THEY WERE ONE! When he returned to the camp of the Crusaders, no one would believe his story.
From the World Book Encyclopedia we learn that Francis of Assisi lived from 1182-1226 AD and that he preached to the Crusaders at Damiette, Egypt, in 1219. After visiting Palestine, St. Francis returned to Assisi in 1220!
Kuthumi Builds the Taj Mahal
At a later time, Kuthumi embodied as the Indian Ruler, Shah Jahan, who built the Taj Mahal in India (1640 AD.), one of the world’s most beautiful buildings. This completed the embodiments of Master Kuthumi.
Kuthumi’s final embodiment, during the days of the Theosophical movement would take place, using an etheric body, prepared and sustained for this purpose. El Morya explained to the students that it is difficult to contact man through the pure medium of the Electronic Presence, as they had to do under the “Bridge to Freedom Dispensation.” To materialize the etheric double is very easy, but to materialize the Ascended Master Presence is a terrific shock to the chela, until he is very, very well grounded in that peace that truly does “pass the understanding of the mind.”
Master Kuthumi made his ascension when the Theosophical outpouring was completed in 1905. He has golden hair and blue eyes. His keynote is found in the melody “Kashmiri Song.” (Pale Hands | Loved.)
Master Koot Hoomi as Chohan of the Second Ray
Kuthumi functioned as Chohan of the Second Ray until 1958. Together with beloved Jesus, he now fills the position as World Teacher. He is on the Second Ray of Wisdom and Illumination and he is a Brother of the Golden Robe.
Kuthumi officiates at the Temple of Wisdom over Kashmir, located in the ethers over the gently rolling hills of Kashmir, in northern India. This focus is also called “the Cathedral of Nature.”
Note: Except where stated otherwise, this description of the various embodiments of Master Kuthumi, is based on material found in the publications of the “Bridge to Freedom.” Werner.Shroeder.
From the I Am Discourses, Volume 6.