The Transformative Power of Aligning with the Divine Heart Chakra
The teachings of Ascended Master Djwal Kul offer profound insights into the transformative power of aligning with the divine heart center. By making conscious choices to live by the Spirit and committing to the divine will, we embark on a path to spiritual growth and enlightenment. This wisdom provides a blueprint for transcending the limitations of the material world and awakening to the higher realities of divine consciousness.
The Heart Center: Source of Divine Illumination
At the core of Djwal Kul’s teachings lies the significance of the heart center, often referred to as the heart chakra. This energetic center is a spiritual gateway to higher realms of consciousness. It is the seat of the inner Christ, the Christ Self, which serves as a mediator and teacher within us. When we attune to the heart center, we connect with the divine spark that resides in all beings.
The heart chakra radiates concentric rings of illumination, described as a golden pink glow-ray, which expands our aura and influences our physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies. This divine light purifies these bodies, transforming them into receptacles of God’s light. By nurturing and expanding this light, we elevate our consciousness and align more closely with the divine will.
Living by the Spirit: A Higher Path
Djwal Kul contrasts two paths: living by the flesh and living by the Spirit. Those who live by the flesh allow material concerns, lower emotions, and worldly distractions to dominate their consciousness. This leads to a life filled with anxiety, limitation, and spiritual stagnation. The heart chakra, burdened by these lower energies, struggles to radiate its divine light.
In contrast, living by the Spirit involves a conscious choice to press the light of the heart outward into the world. This path requires the will to replace the anxieties of the flesh with the eternal truths of the Spirit. It involves a joyous surrender to the divine, where what some might consider sacrifices are seen as gateways to greater communion with the divine flame. This alignment brings about an inner transformation, allowing us to experience the joy of the Lord and the fulfillment of the law of the Christ within our four lower bodies.
The Name of God: A Transformative Key
Central to Djwal Kul’s teachings is the power of the divine name, “I AM THAT I AM.” When this sacred name is written upon the heart, it initiates a profound transformation. This name, embodying the essence of divine presence, reverses the effects of the law of sin and death, liberating us to live according to the law of the Spirit of life.
The acceptance of this divine name marks a turning point in our spiritual journey. It aligns us with the eternal Spirit and the Christ consciousness, enabling us to fulfill our divine potential. The righteousness of the law is thus fulfilled in those who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. This alignment empowers us to qualify the energies of our physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies with the frequencies of the Holy Spirit, transforming our entire being into a blazing sun of righteousness.
The Alchemy of Attention and Choice
Djwal Kul teaches that the alchemy of attention is a vital aspect of our spiritual growth. Attention, as a faculty of consciousness, allows us to focalize energy for a specific purpose. Whether that purpose leads to life or death is determined by our free will. To be carnally minded, focusing on material concerns and lower desires, leads to spiritual death. Conversely, to be spiritually minded, focusing on divine truths and higher aspirations, brings life and peace.
This teaching underscores the importance of conscious choice. The voice of God thunders, “Choose you this day whom ye will serve!” This choice is a decisive moment on our spiritual path, determining whether we align with the divine or the carnal. The Y in the path symbolizes this pivotal decision, representing the choice between life and death, spiritual ascension or spiritual decline.
Commitment to the Divine Will
A crucial element of Djwal Kul’s teachings is the call for unwavering commitment to the divine will. This commitment involves a conscious and active decision to defend truth, honor, and righteousness in God’s name. It requires us to kneel before the altar within our heart, making a vow to expand the flame of God and glorify His name.
Once this commitment is made, it sets in motion a transformative process. The light of the heart expands, the aura grows brighter, and our spiritual consciousness elevates. This commitment is not merely a passive acceptance but an active stand for Christ, embodying the divine energies and manifesting them in our daily lives. The transformative power of this commitment enables us to transcend limitations and live in the light of heaven and earth forevermore.
Judgment and Spiritual Consequences
Djwal Kul warns of the consequences of misusing the energies of the heart and the light of the Christ. Those who align with darkness and chaos, pursuing material desires and egoistic ambitions, face spiritual judgment. The misuse of divine energies leads to spiritual decay and the eventual death of the soul. This path of carnality and egoism is contrasted with the path of righteousness, where the Sun of Righteousness arises with healing in its wings for those who honor the divine name.
Techniques for Spiritual Empowerment
For those committed to the divine path, Djwal Kul promises to impart techniques for expanding, controlling, and empowering the aura. These techniques are essential for Christed individuals to enter the golden age of Aquarius. The commitment to the divine path opens the door to greater power, wisdom, and love, transforming the individual into a vessel of divine light.
Aligning with the divine heart chakra, making conscious choices to live by the Spirit, and committing to the divine will are foundational steps on the path to spiritual growth and enlightenment. Djwal Kul’s teachings offer a profound understanding of these principles, guiding us toward a life of divine communion, inner transformation, and ultimate spiritual fulfillment. By embracing these teachings, we can awaken to our true divine nature and manifest the light of the Christ within and around us.