The Law of Harmony
The Law of Harmony is one of the fundamental laws of life, upon which all else rests. God, the giver of all Life-Energy, requires that every electron of this Life-Energy loaned to individuals be qualified in a harmonious manner.
In earlier times, people were eligible for ascension only when all such Life-Energy was qualified at 100%. Today, people need only harmoniously qualify 51% of all Life-Energy loaned to them during their many embodiments. This includes energy given both during and between embodiments.
Many believe that for energy to be harmonious, it must be spent entirely in devotion, prayer, ceremonial service, and solemn invocations directly concerned with spiritual aspiration. The truth is, all constructive and harmonious energy naturally expresses the God life, whether it be in loving service to a friend or even in the constructive creation of a bench, a chair, or a garment.
Someone may be scrubbing a floor on hands and knees, immersed in suds and water, yet their energy can be very harmonious and peaceful in that activity. In such acts, every released electron rises to their Causal Body. Conversely, priests may stand on an altar in a state of rebellion, resentment, or hate, and not one electron contributes an ounce of energy toward their freedom.
Saint Francis of Assisi and many other Holy Ones dedicated their lives to humble service; walking the roads, serving the poor, feeding the hungry, and ministering to the ill. Saint Francis was a comforting presence, blessing life everywhere.
Harmony is the God-Quality of the 3rd Ray. It is the underlying principle through which all facets of all Seven Rays seek expression in the human theater. For example, a person seeking to express God’s Will (1st Ray) must do so employing the Law of Harmony. A person seeking and teaching the wisdom and understanding of Cosmic Law (2nd Ray) must do likewise.
Adhering to the Law of Harmony, maintaining an aura of undisturbed and sustained peace, expressing self-control instead of anger, is a prerequisite on the path to Ascension. Ascension is accomplished over the course of many lives by bringing the thoughts, feelings, memories, gestures, spoken words, and every activity of the outer self, into a state of sustained harmony. Then, if the great Masters of Light wish to use you as a conduit for their light and through you, bless the life around you, their light will find no opposition or resistance from any impurity in your world. After all, such impurity is only a lack of harmoniously qualified energy in your four lower bodies.
When the complete purification of those bodies has finally taken place, and sustained harmony is your natural way of life, the glories of your Causal Body flow freely through your silver cord into your outer consciousness and use. The Immortal Threefold Flame expands within you, filling your aura with perfume and radiance. You become a channel of Love, Light, Prosperity, Healing, Peace, Comfort, Truth, and Faith, and every God-Virtue this world desires and requires so much in its present state.
The Kingdom of Heaven, to which Jesus referred when he said that kingdom was within you, might well be called the Kingdom of Harmony, for it expresses the God-Quality of undisturbed, sustained peace. It allows the Immortal Threefold Flame of Love, Wisdom, and Power to be the God-Authority to act for and through you. In just such a manner was Jesus enabled to instantly still the waves of the sea.
Through daily practice of this surrender of the outer personality to the Divine Flame within, you will find the kingdom within you is externalized through and around you.
Without sustained harmony in the thoughts and feelings, the pure Life-Energy from God is unable to bring you its blessings. Harmony, like mercy, love, and compassion, is a powerful and positive force belonging to the strong, and is cultivated through centuries of self-discipline.
When we are in a crisis and our momentum of sustained peace is insufficient to hold a balance, we may call on an Ascended Being (such as Jesus, Mary, or Kuthumi), to draw the harmony of the Ascended Master Realm into our aura. Holding the attention long enough on a picture of the particular Master, and asking for the fully gathered momentum of Love, Peace, and Harmony of the Master (which is the nature of a Master) will help bring these God-Qualities into our experience.
Harmony, an action of Divine Love, requires the continuous pouring forth of kind feelings of goodwill to each other. To be in a continuous state of harmony, we must look to the God-Presence, I AM, and the Ascended Host of Light for guidance, protection, happiness, and Peace! Let each of us say and feel: ‘God grant us Peace, and Let It Begin With Me!’