A Message of Urgency from the Violet Planet
In the teachings of the Ascended Masters, Omri-Tas stands as a pivotal figure, known as the Ruler of the Violet Planet. His messages carry profound spiritual significance, particularly emphasizing the transformative power of the violet flame—a divine tool for transmuting negative energies and facilitating spiritual growth.
The violet flame, associated with the Seventh Ray, embodies mercy, forgiveness, transmutation, and freedom.
Omri-Tas’s message from September 25, 1994, titled “The Call of Padma Sambhava: Padma Sambhava Calls Home His Tertöns,” offers an urgent call to action for lightbearers and followers of the Ascended Masters.
In this blog post, we will explore the key themes and insights from Omri-Tas’s message, providing context and interpretation to help you understand its relevance and importance in today’s spiritual journey.
We will also include the full text of the message, allowing you to engage with its original content directly.
2. Context and Interpretation
Summary of the Message
Omri-Tas delivers a message of urgency from the Violet Planet, emphasizing the acceleration of karmic cycles and the critical role of Saint Germain in this era. He calls upon lightbearers to recognize the significant impact of their spiritual work, particularly through the invocation of the violet flame, which can transmute negative energies and purify the soul.
Key Themes and Insights
Urgency and Karmic Acceleration: Omri-Tas highlights the increasing intensity of karmic cycles, stressing that the time to act is now. The descent of karma is accelerating, and humanity must prepare spiritually to face these challenges. This urgency underscores the need for constant spiritual vigilance and dedication.
The Role of Saint Germain: Saint Germain, a central figure in the teachings of the Ascended Masters, is portrayed as a pivotal leader in this time of transformation. His historical and spiritual significance is emphasized, urging followers to honor his contributions and support his mission. Recognizing Saint Germain’s role helps lightbearers understand the broader spiritual context and their place within it.
The Power of the Violet Flame: The violet flame is described as an alchemical solution to personal and planetary challenges. By invoking the violet flame, individuals can transmute their negative karma, purify their auras, and contribute to the collective spiritual upliftment. This practice is presented as essential for mitigating impending karmic consequences and achieving spiritual growth.
Spiritual Preparedness: Omri-Tas calls for followers to assess their spiritual state and commit to regular violet flame decrees. Spiritual preparedness is depicted as a paramount necessity to navigate the turbulent times ahead. This involves not only personal dedication but also collective efforts to invoke the violet flame for global healing.
Service and Sacrifice: Followers are encouraged to prioritize their spiritual duties over worldly concerns. The message highlights the importance of selfless service, sacrifice, and dedication to the divine mission. By doing so, individuals can contribute to the salvation of the planet and the upliftment of humanity.
Relevance to Current Spiritual Practices
Omri-Tas’s message is highly relevant to contemporary spiritual seekers. In a world facing numerous challenges—ranging from environmental crises to social unrest—the teachings of the violet flame offer a powerful tool for personal and collective transformation. By integrating these practices into daily life, individuals can contribute to a higher vibration of love, mercy, and forgiveness, fostering a more harmonious world.
By understanding and applying Omri-Tas’s teachings, we can better navigate the complexities of modern life while staying true to our spiritual path. The message serves as a reminder of the profound impact that dedicated spiritual practice can have, not only on our own lives but on the broader tapestry of humanity.
Padmasambhava Calls Home His Tertöns

A Message of Urgency - Conquer This World, Beloved, It Is Your Greatest Priority
From the very heart of the Violet Planet, I am descended. And I place my Presence over each one who does hear me in these parts and over many millions of Lightbearers who hold up their chalices to receive they know not what, yet the violet light shall fill their chalices.
Yes, I come with a message of urgency. This I do, for I declare to you, beloved, that the acceleration of the descent of karma does increase. It does intensify. And as you know, there is the cofactor of 25,800 years of karma cycling into the physical plane <1> that can trigger the descent of each one’s immediate karma until ultimately you may come face to face with that juggernaut that descends to the destruction of civilization. <2>
I say to you, beloved, though you may have heard it before: You who have known Saint Germain since the hour when he was king of the great civilization in the ancient Sahara—you who have known him then and to the present hour and some few of you who sat at table and drank the elixir that would not allow you to ever forget the God Self within or the Master Saint Germain or that civilization <3>—you have come to the place of recognizing again the dear friend who has called you, the noble one with his consort, Portia. Thus, beloved, I bid you give acclaim to Saint Germain, the great deliverer of this nation in this hour. [14-second standing ovation. Congregation gives the salutation:]
Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain!
Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain!
Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain!
Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain!
Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain!
Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain!
Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain! Hail, Saint Germain!
I thank you for your recognition of the Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, for so few among those of earth have given him his due, considering what he does daily and hourly and every moment of life for all evolutions of the planet.
So be seated, beloved, and think now of the moment in this life when you first heard the name Saint Germain, perhaps in your own language. Le Comte de Saint Germain—the name has been spoken nation after nation. Think of the moment when you first heard it.
Did it spark a violet fire to ignite your heart?
Did you say to yourself, “Who is this one, Saint Germain?”
And shortly, or after some time, you discovered just who is Saint Germain, just how wondrous he is and how expansive is his Causal Body. And then you learned of his embodiments and you learned of his great burdens, even in his final incarnation as Francis Bacon. Oh yes, beloved.
So understand that the greatest of adepts and Masters of all ages have borne burdens such as you bear. Thus, when you are persecuted, when your karma intensifies, count it as the sign that someone in heaven at your side has called you apart and said: “I will be with you. I will walk with you. I will sponsor you in life and unto your victory. Simply receive what I give you of the Great Law and apply it. And come apart and enter the golden highway of Light and the great spiraling staircase that leads to your I AM Presence, that leads to beings beyond and to your beloved twin flame.”
Yes, beloved, I expand your consciousness now so that you may see the globe before you, so that you may see the billions of lifestreams upon earth and sense their burden—how many are in turmoil, how many are bowed down because of the policies of their leaders, and how many more know not when, when the cord will be pulled and the Lords of Karma may have to say: “The Keepers of the Flame did not rise up. They danced and made merry on Saturday nights instead of recognizing the oncoming storm—a great solar storm, a storm of light so great that it would become darkness and effect changes in the earth and war itself.”
It is better to live with reality than to die in ignominy. It is better to face the consequences of a future that could come tumbling down upon you than to ignore that future and to fail to ponder the mysteries of life or the consequences of ancient karma falling due, saying to yourself instead: “I shall multiply money. I shall make business. I shall become wealthy. I shall become wise. I shall ignore the portents, for even if I look at them, what can I do about them?”
Now, beloved, all the legions of the Seventh Ray assigned to planet earth and led by Saint Germain and Portia have appealed to me to speak to you that you might know just what importance the Darjeeling Council and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood do place upon the portents of karma descending ere this Piscean age is closed as the closing of a mighty book.
Blessed ones, I speak again on this subject but I cannot assure you that the Lords of Karma will do so. As you look at yourselves and you assess your state of consciousness individually, one by one, you can see that the light of the violet flame that you have invoked has changed your life, has healed your diseases, has raised you up, has delivered you of many karmic circumstances that you no longer need to face. By your love of the violet flame this has transpired—by your love of God that is greater than your love of all things of this world.
So, beloved, know that many hear the word, many rally, perhaps through fear, perhaps through love. And at first they come again to the services and they come again and again. And then they come less frequently and less frequently and with less ardor, less intensity. As the Messenger has pointed out, the battles you have fought and won having to do with government harassment of the Community have required constant dedication, with much decree work and invocations by the hour.
Think with me, then, on a planetary scale. Think of the peoples of China and North and South Korea. Think of the peoples of the Middle East. Think of the millions of oppressed peoples who are oppressed by a leadership that does not lead them to the mountain of God but to the mountain of their own egos.
Know this, beloved: to save a planet and to mitigate karmic circumstances that we have told you about again and again does require the dedication of those who know, who know better and who must do better, else we will not be able to stand between the evolutions of earth and the returning karma of the age.
As the years turn, cycles turn and the intensification of karma is felt by all evolutions—from amoeba to adept. Know, then, beloved, that it is valuable to assess yourselves, the levels of your spirituality, and the knowledge you can apply to the solving of earth’s dilemma as you respond to our call to save this planet.
Accept the reality that it may very well be your karma to give the levels of dedication we require of you, the levels of decree work that can change things for the world—and if not for the world, then for you and this Community, then for you and many Lightbearers around the world.
Your spiritual preparedness is a paramount necessity. The message of urgency that I bring is that as the weeks and months fly by, the Masters of heaven can give you less and less assurance that you will be spared the descending karma and the portents that are written in akasha and in the astrology of the century.
The state of the defense of this nation is a major factor, beloved, for a segment of the prophecy and the karma delivered by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse has to do with war. <4> Whether that war be on this soil or another or on none at all will be determined by you. It is not being determined by the government. It is not being determined by NATO.
So then, beloved, understand the equation. When the people of earth and the leadership of this nation do not have the vision, as they have not in the past, for they are surfeited in their sensuality and in the pride of their intellects, it is the people of God who must rally to save the nation and the planet.
The state of the economy is equally urgent. We are concerned with world government, the world economy and the portents of world war. Then there are the diseases of the spirit. Then there is the disease of the soul. Then there is the disease carried by the leadership of the nations almost across the board.
Where shall we go to find those who have that crown chakra opened, that fire of the Divine Mother ascending?
Where shall we go to find those who will remember what we have said but a week or a month or a year ago?
Look upon these things, blessed ones, for you of all people have the gift of clarity of perception, and at any time you choose you can invoke the power of Cyclopea.
I ask that all of you pray on your knees this night and every night to be taken to the retreats to be strengthened, to be empowered, to know the Holy Spirit, the Lord Maha Chohan, and to learn to live and walk within that Holy Spirit. As you are seeking the bonding to your Christ Self, I pray you also seek the bonding to the Maha Chohan, radiating Light wherever you go, illumining minds, loving people until they are whole, bringing all to the level of sacrifice whereby they can set aside even their most cherished dreams and desires for the saving of a planet—even those, beloved, that they once thought they could not live without fulfilling.
Cycles of time are turning. Heed them. It is an urgent hour. I ask you not to allow yourselves to be lulled to sleep by the momentums of greater and greater crime affecting society, of greater and greater difficulty with children who have not been loved and who do not love—who have not known a disciplined love that guides them to bring forth their greatest talents and keeps them in line with the laws of God, allowing them to receive God unto themselves as themselves.
Blessed hearts, what with the diets children eat and the parents who are intimidated by the dweller-on-the-threshold of their own children and will not make them toe the line because they refuse to recognize that their children are at fault, it is no wonder that households are upside down! You who have lived twenty-five years and more and look back say to yourselves, “It was a different world in those days, and now see what has come upon the nation.”
This is an urgent matter. Therefore I ask you to set aside almost all else in favor of your decrees and your preaching the Word of God and your becoming that Word yourselves, beloved.
The Light that has increased in your auras, which we note as we review each one’s book of life, is great. You have no match among the evolutions of earth when it comes to giving your decrees to the violet flame. For the violet flame is the ultimate baptism of the Holy Spirit.
As you continue to invoke this flame from the altar of God and call for it to burn on the altar of your hearts, you will experience the purifying, cleansing, transmuting quality of this Seventh Ray aspect of the Holy Spirit. And as you are intense in your calls, using the violet flame daily, you will transmute the records of your karma—so much so that even the most devout in the earth who chant their prayers and do their meditations still will not be able to equal you in the balancing of karma and in the purification of the chakras.
The violet flame itself is indeed an empowerment. And you empower yourselves with the Seventh Ray and by the Seventh-Ray Masters each and every day that you invoke the violet flame.
When all seems hopeless, beloved, the violet flame is the alchemical solution. When you invoke it, it can clear the minds of the people, it can cause many to receive the discernment of spirits and thereby know who are the fallen angels, who are the seed of the wicked in high places <5> who manipulate the economy, the international currencies, the educational systems, the peoples of the earth and the children.
Understand, then, that inasmuch as you do not have the power to change the world, though you deeply desire to make a difference, you must summon the Holy Spirit to come to you and to empower you. And he will come to you because you have dedicated your lives to that one purpose—that you might move in the Light, that you might be saturated with the Light, that you might be the Light and thereby be instruments of healing and comfort, bringing solace to those who are burdened by their illnesses and by the approach of death itself. What a wonderful gift it is to walk the earth with the mantle of an apostle of Jesus Christ, a disciple of Gautama Buddha!
In consideration of the urgent message I bear, I anoint each one of you to be a candle of violet flame. And I ask you to make your violet flame candle glow all the days of your life, holding it up as the Goddess of Liberty holds up her torch. Be that candle of violet flame and do not let it diminish. See to it that you balance your karma through the violet flame and through service. But above all, beloved, so increase the violet flame in your beings and in your planet that the calamities foretold will not come upon the earth.
The end times are prophesied in your own New Testament in the words of Jesus Christ [Matthew 24]. Read them. I ask the Messenger to read them to you on the morrow, for the Lord himself predicted this very hour. The Lord predicted it, on the one hand, because he knew that at the end of the Piscean age all would be required to bear their own karma and that by cosmic law he would no longer be allowed to bear it in that hour. And, on the other hand, he knew and foretold that unless a people of such extraordinary Light as yourselves should rise up, there should not be mitigation. As he said: “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” <6>
Beloved, if you give the calls to the violet flame, it will greatly enhance your personal protection as well as that of your loved ones, your family and all for whom you pray. So you see, you derive immediate reward as a result of giving these invocations. And when you do not give them, you are turning aside the great cup of Christ’s Communion, the cup of the wine of the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Know, beloved, that the prophecy can be changed, the prophecy can be turned back. But many would rather see it descend than be instruments of the transmutation of world karma.
Mitigation is the option, individual by individual. One is taken; another is left. <7> What you do to bank the fires of the violet flame in your homes and in the hearts of your children will be a blessing from everlasting to everlasting. It will assist all to make their transition at the appointed hour, when they are called home. And it will assist all who cleave to it to hold fast, to hold fast again and again so that the continuity of civilization may not be lost.
This is truly a wondrous place for the sealing of the covenants of God and for your protection in times when there could be mass movements of peoples, a society out of control. Demonstrations and disorders could mount and mount until they get out of hand as they sometimes do in competitive sports. It is true, beloved, that society is held together by the faithfulness of the people, by their trust in God, their trust in their leaders and their trust in the currency. These trusts are breaking down, beloved, everywhere.
Let this Community be a place where under the expert guidance of professionals, as well as professional sons and daughters of God, you come to grips with the problems of your children and the problems of your own souls so that you do not allow yourselves to become so insulated that you do not look to extending charity beyond your Community. You shouldn’t have time to so easily indulge in self-analysis and self-concerns. This can easily happen in a spiritual community such as yours, even though you maintain ties to the world through the media and through your preaching the Word to the nations.
Blessed hearts, it is time to fight for your personal victory and for the victory of the Community and the planet. Surya has promised that he will also come for forty-eight hours each month. <8> The great intercession of Surya is most important to all of you. You must not let the days go by without invoking his intercession and giving the Krishna mantras, the Shiva mantras.
Remember the children. Remember the people. Remember that you have seen a Rwanda. Remember that you have seen hundreds of thousands of people displaced under the threat of enemy tribes and rotten leaders in their own governments.
Who comes to their aid? Who comes to their aid?
And the West turns its back on Sarajevo and Bosnia and does not equip the Bosnian Muslims to fight their own battles if none shall defend them.
These heinous crimes become the karmas of nations and, sadly to say, the karma of this nation, beloved, where you have seen the spinelessness in your leaders since the end of World War II, where the leadership no longer stands up for the oppressed peoples of the world, whether in China or in Eastern Europe. These tragedies of neglect are a disgrace upon every American. Thus take your stand for righteousness and trust.
Understand that the urgency of which I speak also involves the matter of abortion and the consequent denial of souls knocking at the portals of birth. This, beloved, is a heavy weight upon the heart of Saint Germain, who nurtured the Christ Child and saw to it that none of Herod’s henchmen should take his life. <9>
Oh yes, beloved, heavy burdens of karma weigh upon the people. And therefore understand that the time is short and everywhere you look there is an urgent situation demanding remediation.
O blessed hearts, may you claim this land, may you claim this planet as your own. May you do as we have called upon you to do time and again: Give your energy to us. Give it all to us in this hour and once this victory is won we will give back to you that energy and the days and hours you need to achieve other goals and to do those other things you have desired to do.
I am speaking on behalf of millions of inhabitants of the Violet Planet, including the priesthood. And all, with one voice, send to you great encouragement for this victory—great encouragement.
See to it that this nation does not go down, for it is the nation that is sponsored by Saint Germain and it is the nation out of which the ultimate victory of the Light must come. And when it does come, beloved, that victory can be a spark that ignites all nations. But if you let America go down, beloved, no nation will be ignited, and you will know the dark night of the soul of earth and perhaps the night of the polar shift. You will know times that you would not have even dreamed you could endure.
I am not a pessimist, beloved. I am reporting to you factually what are the portents of your own history—the history of your lifestreams and of nations, going all the way back to the karma of Atlantis and Lemuria. These records have come to you full circle as your personal karma. So know it, beloved. And know that the clock strikes an hour of urgency and that all must work to bring this Path and Teaching to the many.
Consider, then, whether you are ready to join a Stump team and to go out and ignite or reignite a soul in whom the flame has been snuffed out or almost snuffed out, whether by fallen angels or that soul’s own despair. Remember this, beloved: you have the key that millions are looking for.
Thus take the Teaching. Join those who are delivering it around the world and prepare souls for whatever may come upon their nations and their lifestreams so that they will not be lost in the astral plane in time of calamity or war but that they will have the knowledge to call to Archangel Michael to cut them free and take them to the octaves of Light should they find themselves in the moment of an untimely passing.
We have not spoken to you in these terms for a number of years, but the time has come once again to consider what Saint Germain has told you regarding the need for preparedness, whether for war, famine or plague. Therefore, review his words and remember that preparedness is the key to survival, <10> both a spiritual survival and a physical survival. For we look to you! We look to you to build the foundations of a new civilization should karma descend upon the nations without mitigation.
Our call is intense, beloved. Yet have no fear, for in your hand is the gift of the sacred fire. Have no fear, for life is eternal in this world and in the world to come.
You have eternal life as long as you strive daily to achieve the bonding of your heart and soul to the heart of Jesus Christ. That bonding to his heart—your heart in his heart as one—is the security of your soul’s eternal salvation. And this is the necessity of the hour if you would preach the gospel of the Holy Spirit and of the great avatars of East and West and if you would in compassion be an instrument of healing—healing those who mourn and suffer, and taking up the calling of Jesus Christ to preach the salvation of our God to all. <11>
I AM Omri-Tas. And I ask you to set your houses in order, put first things first and know that in giving yourselves to God, you shall be empowered with the power of conversion to bring many souls into the captivity of the Light, <12> and those souls that might have been lost shall be saved.
This is the great and noble calling of the age. And in this you do have a choice, in this you do have the possibility of empowerment. You may never change the policies of nuclear defense of this and other nations, but you can win millions to the heart of God and set them on the path of their ascension.
Let us do what we can and not lament what we cannot do because the opportunity has been taken from us by our very karma. Yes, “let us do, then, what we can,” as Saint Germain has said, <13> and do it mightily, do it well, do it unflinchingly, do it knowing that the eternal reserve of cosmic energy is ours when we serve empowered by the Holy Spirit.
I commend you to this Path, beloved. And I make no statement of ultimate finality, but I tell you, sometime, somewhere every individual must come to the realization that some things are final and they will remain final for the rest of one’s life. Based on decisions, circumstances and karma, as all of you have come to know, this is how life is. Life consists of choices, your choices—whether to the left or to the right. Therefore, learn what you can and cannot change.
I ask you, then, on behalf of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, to call to God and your Mighty I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters to show you, when you journey to the retreats and in your waking moments of prayer and meditation, just what are those things that may come upon the earth unless you as one and you as a million souls of Light rally to the cause of Saint Germain with a fervor not yet seen.
Thus, beloved, take this message far and wide and let us have a great increase in the harvest of souls because you go out and gather those who are purified and whitened <14> and ready for the Truth that shall set them free. <15>
Now then, beloved, the gift of the evolutions of the Violet Planet to each and every one of you, and to all who shall follow after you whom you introduce to Saint Germain and the violet flame, is a portion of violet flame. At one level each portion is entirely equal, for all are given a baseline gift. But to those who have invoked the violet flame and served Saint Germain, a greater portion is bestowed.
You can use this gift to multiply, to square the quantity of violet flame you invoke. Each time you give your violet flame decrees, you increase the momentum of violet flame stored in your aura. And it is the evolutions of the Violet Planet—the elementals, the angels, the sons and daughters of God, the adepts and the priests and priestesses of the sacred fire—who shall without fail intensify and multiply the violet flame as you call it forth.
This is the next best thing to having me perpetually on the planet. For these evolutions establish in this moment a great and mighty heart tie to your hearts. And thereafter they shall continue to send violet flame, multiplying again and again that which you have and shall invoke.
Thus, returning to you from the Violet Planet, matching the level of your calls, shall be a momentum of the Seventh Ray so great, beloved, that you will no longer think you are too small a body to accomplish the task at hand; for this task shall be possible unto you in God and through the reinforcements of the Violet Planet. This is something that we can promise and no one on earth can deny you it except you yourselves by descending into a state of forgetfulness and not giving calls to the violet flame every spare moment you have.
So, beloved, the world may be in the control of fallen angels, but it is only for a little while. The world may be threatened by war, by economic collapse, by disease and plague, but it is only for a little while. See to it that you clean escape these situations so that you are there to comfort and console souls who may be burdened, even if the prophecies do not come to pass.
I see very mature souls among you who have internalized the great wisdom of the ages that they have brought from the Sangha of the Buddha under Sanat Kumara or Gautama Buddha or Lord Maitreya or others of the ancient ones.
I see that you have a profound understanding of life on earth. Therefore do not be moved by the commercial, materialistic consciousness of this nation or this planet. For you have a calling in God and when you fulfill it, all that you require shall be supplied to you, and you shall not want and you shall not suffer as others may suffer who have rebelled against God. And you shall know his kingdom on earth and in your being. And you shall know that great dominion of God’s consciousness in you as you are one-pointed and as you let go of all that is negative, all that you hold against this one or that one. And you shall see yourself rise and rise again.
Yes, you can become a world teacher. Yes, you can become a minister of this Church, a lay brother, a lay sister. You can become a representative of God as a householder, bearing children and raising them up to be examples of the profile of the Christ in the Aquarian age. You can do anything you desire to do, anything you set your mind to. Have no sense of limitation, for the violet flame is unlimited.
I AM Omri-Tas. I bow to the Light in your heart and I add to that heart chakra this gift of the violet flame. Use it, beloved. I pray, I pray you will not forsake my words. For there comes a time when the Great Law will not allow any Ascended Master to speak again and again and again concerning those things that you have already been taught—namely, to keep your vigils, to keep that Saturday night service with Saint Germain. <16> So remember, beloved, that if you do not hear these things spoken of again, you can search your volumes of Pearls of Wisdom and find them repeatedly.
Know, then, that there comes a day and an hour when heaven does not speak again for want of the response. I do not judge, and I do not comment on your response to past messages. But I say in this hour, take them seriously and you can make all the difference in the outcome on planet earth in the next ten years.
I AM Omri-Tas. And when I journey through the spheres and systems of worlds, I always keep a slice of my attention on planet earth and the Keepers of the Flame, for my love for you is profound and forever.
Godspeed, beloved. As you have said with Archangel Michael, “We have yet other worlds to conquer,” so I say: Conquer this one, beloved. It is your greatest priority.
I thank you.
The four-day conference The Call of Padma Sambhava: Padma Sambhava Calls Home His Tertöns was held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. On Friday, October 7, 1994, the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, delivered her lecture “A Rude Awakening: Nuclear Danger in the Post-Cold War Era” and this dictation by Omri-Tas, Ruler of the Violet Planet.
1. 25,800 years of karma cycling into the physical plane. See 1990 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 33 no. 6, pp. 63-64, 71, 73-86; no. 8, pp. 120-21; no. 15, pp. 225-27; and 1993 PoW, vol. 36 no. 43, pp. 585-86.
2. juggernaut [from Sanskrit Jagann tha, Hindi Jagann th, literally, “lord of the world,” title of Vishnu, sometimes Krishna]. During the “car festival” held each year in honor of Jagann ath in Puri, India, the temple statue of Jagann th is mounted on an enormous cart and dragged by worshipers to his summer home one mile away. In past centuries, many devotees hurled themselves under the cart’s huge wheels to be crushed to death. Thus, juggernaut or car of juggernaut has come to mean any massive inexorable force or object that relentlessly crushes whatever is in its path.
3. Saint Germain’s elixir at the banquet in the Sahara civilization. See Godfré Ray King, Unveiled Mysteries, 3d ed. (Chicago: Saint Germain Press, 1939), pp. 39-61; and Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays, Book One, pp. 239-42.
4. Rev. 6:1-8. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “My Vision of the Four Horsemen,” in The Astrology of the Four Horsemen, pp. 189-204.
7. Matt. 24:40, 41; Luke 17:34-37.
8. Surya to come forty-eight hours each month. See pp. 415-16, no. 36, this volume.
9. Matt. 2:13-23. Saint Germain was embodied as Saint Joseph, protector of Jesus and Mary.
10. “Preparedness is the key.” See Saint Germain, November 27, 1986, “A Prophecy of Karma of the United States of America,” in 1986 PoW, vol. 29 no. 75, Book II, pp. 647, 648.
11. The calling of Jesus Christ to preach the salvation of God. Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18. See Jesus Christ, September 1, 1993; and pp. 185-86 (no. 18), pp. 299-301 (no. 26), this volume.
12. Isa. 61:1, 2; Luke 4:18, 19; Eph. 4:7, 8.
13. “Let us do, then, what we can.” Saint Germain, February 18, 1968. See 1968 PoW, vol. 11 no. 7, p. 29.
16. “Keep that Saturday night service with Saint Germain.” In a dictation delivered on January 2, 1994, El Morya said: “I come in the name of Saint Germain to appeal to you to restore the original fervor of your Saturday night decree services….I call you to renewed action and specific action for the judgment of the fallen ones who control the weapons of the world, whether they be nuclear weapons or conventional weapons. I ask you to make the calls for the binding and the judgment of these fallen ones, whose intent…is to blow up the earth as their final hurrah before the second death….The gravest mistake this body of chelas worldwide could make is to not heed my warning this day! For I tell you, unless you begin this day and this week to accelerate your Saint Germain services, to use your Astrea sessions daily to cast out this darkness of the fallen angels, you will be sitting on the heap of rubble of a planetary war that you cannot imagine will come upon you….There is no more time, I say, and I want you to hear it!…I ask all you who count yourselves Keepers of the Flame of Life on earth to reconsider your priorities, to trim the events in your lives and to let your focus be your call and your statement for Saint Germain….I tell you, to avert what is coming on the earth…you will have to dedicate portions of every day to these calls. This is the time, the time when you can turn back what is coming. If you wait, all will be lost.” See pp. 2, 4-8, 9, 10, no. 1, this volume.