The Establishment Of Divine Order And The Anchoring Of Sacred Energies On Earth
O wondrous light, I AM come!
I AM the light of Cosmic Virgin.
I stand in the temple of God, and I announce to you the descent of pure light.
The descent of pure light is my annunciation.
For pure light delivers the pure wisdom of the Manchild where thou art, O soul of great worth.
I salute thee, companions of life, compatriots of the way of freedom.
I AM indeed Gabriel.
And Hope that I AM is the most gracious lady I know.
And therefore we come together to bestow the fiery light of Alpha and Omega—purity’s light descending as a mighty sphere on New Year’s Eve.
Thus from your own mighty I AM Presence, this pure light, this sphere that is the pulsating life of your own God Presence, is for the establishment—for the establishment, I say—of the sphere of purity’s consciousness in the earth.
Therefore we come to uplift and to lift the pall of darkness—astral darkness that hangs over the land.
Therefore the descent of light! Therefore the pressure from below increases.
And there is upliftment.
There is transmutation by purity’s light! There is the relief of the burden, even of Damocles’ sword[1] that hangs over the heads of the nations of earth.
My beloved, in the flame of the Virgin, will you take your rest and be seated while we commune in love.
Hear, O light.
Hear, O light I AM.
And therefore there is a parting of the Red sea.[2] There is a parting of the way of the astral plane that stands between thee and thy God!
I will not allow the shadowed hordes to stand between thee and thy Christhood! Therefore I send these sendings of sacred fire as keys of light from my heart.
Therefore I AM, I AM, I AM creating an action whereby the crystal fire is intensifying.
And there is a cleansing and a purging and the establishment of the holy light of God in earth.
We come indeed to clear the way for the incoming golden age.
That age appearing is descending.
Therefore the brides of the Spirit must rise to meet the Bridegroom midair.
Therefore there is the rapture of souls.
And this meeting of heaven and earth is that the New Jerusalem[3] may appear as the golden age.
And the rising and the descending of the golden-ratio spirals is for the establishment of light and the dispersal of all opposition to that light above and below—as the light of the mighty Spirit sphere above and the Matter below.
Therefore strive, strive for the nexus of thy Christhood! Strive to be at that point where error is denounced, truth is proclaimed, and a holy science and a holy religion are wed by the cloven tongues of the Holy Spirit.
I AM joyous.
I AM the joyous archangel.
I AM establishing the mighty keystone of the arch, for that is the nature of purity.
And the rays to the left and to the right establish a Trinity in Spirit as blue and yellow and pink, and in Matter as the action of green and purple and violet.
Therefore there cometh the Holy One of God.
Therefore there cometh the Elect One.[4] And therefore I AM in the temple upon this holy day of the Lord.
I AM drawing you into my aura, even as I part the way.
O holy light of Israel, O holy light of the Gurus, O light of science and religion proclaimed of old by our holy bands, spoken by the mouthpiece of manus and messengers as givers of the Law, as prophets proclaiming the way of righteousness and the woe unto those who manifest unrighteous deeds!
O my beloved hearts, I rejoice that the fire of the sun may flow through me that you might be dripping with the fires of Helios and Vesta and that the mighty wisdom and the love and the action of those twin flames of the Father/Mother God might raise you up and establish you in the center of the white cube, surrounded now by the descending white sphere of purity’s light.
Open, then, the white sphere! And let the flame of God burn brightly upon the altars of these temples this day.
Lo, there cometh one—priest of the sacred fire, thine own Christ Self.
Lo, there cometh one—there officiating at the altar of thy Christhood, there releasing the sacred fire.
Lo, supplicants of the living Word, come now and let angels of light place upon each one of you the bridal garment that you might know what it is to wear the seamless garment, to understand that you are indeed in waiting for the hour of the reunion.
And the robes and the garments of righteousness, washed in the blood of the Lamb, truly have become the wedding garment of the soul.[5]
Truly the Divine Union is at hand.
And we celebrate by the reenactment of that marriage—which is to take place in the days to come—whereby your soul, united with the Lamb of your own beloved Christ Self, may be in the earth the replica of the Lamb on mount Zion.[6]
This is the hour of the multiplication of the body of God, the multiplication of light, the multiplication of the bridal veil.
And therefore it is the understanding that the virgins—those who gather in the light, those who raise up the light, those who receive the descending light and do not partake of the darkness of the world—are drawn together to sit at the feet of the Lamb who is the Cosmic Christ.
Blessed hearts, this celebration of the sacred mystery of the Grail must be, must come ere the light of God prevail o’er the nations.
We come into the very midst of circumstances and conditions, especially conditions in the consciousness of the people of earth, that are the detractors of the very appearance of the Manchild.
And yet, our release is a fire that intensifies, that expands, and that creates a wedding garment and a wedding train to encircle the earth.
Our priority is fire—the sacred fire imparted by Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Zarathustra, Confucius and Maitreya and the holy ones of God.
This is the fire—this is the fire I release to you! And I tie directly into your heart chakras.
And I intensify! And I stir the coals.
And I intensify! And I release letters of living fire that are ancient letters of the Holy One of God to stand as the sign, as the magnet of the gathering of more and more fire within the heart.
We know what it is to engage in the saving of a planetary body! We know the requirement of the Law! We know the science of the sacred fire—and we implement it!
And therefore God has sent the seven archangels for the rescue of the people of light upon earth.
And we are gathering our own into our arms, into our causal bodies.
We are establishing coordinates of our retreats in the planetary body.
And these coordinates are focal points of light that shall be for the turning of the way of the sword.
And it is the mighty sword—replica of the sword that kept the way of the Tree of Life in Eden.[7]
And therefore, the Cosmic Christ is the mighty sifter of men’s hearts.
And there is the sifting of the thoughts and feelings of an entire planet.
And there is ever the hour-by-hour judgment.
And there is ever the pressing out of the grapes.[8] And there is the distillation of consciousness.
And there is the purification.
And there is the judgment.
And there is the establishment of the cross where I AM.
As I speak, I release the Word for a cosmic purpose.
And as you are attentive, my beloved, you are filled with a holy light that itself, indeed, has a mission all its own! And that light perforce will perform its mission—whether you are aware of it or not.
Therefore, keep the vigil.
Keep the vow.
Keep the serenity.
Keep the peace.
Keep the loyalty to our God and to the Son and Saviour of the world, Jesus the Christed One, opening the door to divinity.
Therefore let us look, then, upon the woes that are coming upon this earth[9] and how this light may turn back those woes!
Blessed hearts, we come with answers to those who cry out for justice and for the solution to the many problems that are before the people.
Most intense is the activation of the ancient rites of Satanic ones, of the murder and the murderous intent—the crime wave sweeping the earth.
To this we give our attention.
And into the core we direct the sacred fire!
Those who are the leaders give their analyses, make their pronouncements and say, “This must stop!” But, beloved hearts, aside from meeting and talking about the deplorable conditions, they do not understand how to solve the problem of the Satanic hordes’ invasion of the mental belt and the emotional belt of the earthin these end times.
This is up to an archangel.
And thereto I AM come! And I come to establish within you that focal point of fire, that whirling sphere of purity’s light, for the deterring of this condition in the City of the Angels and throughout the planetary body.
The problem is complex.
It cannot be simplified.
It cannot be pointed out that inasmuch as more crime exists midst the minority groups that it is due to their depression and absence of education—or other attempts to explain why, in particular, crime is at certain sectors of society.
The greatest hedonists as well as sadists have existed among the white majority and other accelerated races, beloved hearts.
This is more than a superficial discussion of social conditions or gun laws.
And therefore, try as they will, unless they come into the understanding of Armageddon, of karma, of reincarnation, of the lifewaves and the seed of the wicked and the existence of astral forces and of the fallen ones, they will not deal with this problem.
And if we had in mind to teach them a lesson, by karmic decree, we would withhold the light that is the solution to the problem and then they would come to know all too late that their human solutions are not adequate to these roots of Satan in the earth.
However, we are not so disposed.
We would rather supply the healing light—even if some be healed before they recognize that they are diseased, even if some be healed and then take credit for their own healing because of their efforts, well intended, to deal with the situation.
Hearts of infinite fire, there is the spreading of a disease in the astral bodies of the people.
It is a virus like physical viruses.
It is a cancer affecting the entire astral plane and the astral bodies of those who are already unhealthy in consciousness in that they misuse the light of purity and they compromise the laws of God.
And therefore their four lower bodies are not whole, are not healthy, by the natural and harmonious distribution of the light.
There is the clogging and the constipation of the astral body, even as there is this condition within the very tiniest physical cells.
This cancer affecting the astral bodies of the races of the people most notably affects those who are a part of the mechanization-man consciousness, whether by adoption or by the intent of their original creation of the fallen ones—that is, whether by the intent to set aside their own God flame and follow in the path of the sophistication of the seed of the wicked.
Therefore those who have the least light or no God flame at all are the most susceptible to the astral viral diseases which create a forcefield that in turn is susceptible to the murderous intent and to the blood rites of the Satanic councils who exist both on the physical plane and on the astral plane and in certain levels of the mental plane.
Therefore the fallen ones, who proceed by deliberate design, also spawn their viruses in their astral laboratories.
Therefore understand that those who walk in the way of righteousness, those who respond to the I AM Presence and worship the God of very gods, those who are open and pure in heart and not deceitful are clear channels for that light to flow.
And that light, as a mighty waterfall, daily cleanses and purifies the four lower bodies, thus displacing any condition whatsoever which would tend to accumulate those forcefields that are conducive to the establishment of diseases of the astral body.
There are also diseases of the mental body, and conditions in the physical body make possible their establishment.
For instance, beloved hearts, the effects of nicotine on the brain and on the cutting off of the flow of light through the upper chakras will also weaken the interaction of the flow of light in the mental body.
And therefore at inner levels there is the weakening and there is the entering in of that disease which causes lack of judgment, poor understanding of life, poor perspective, paranoia, and unwise and unrighteous and unlawful decisions on a day-to-day basis.
It is called insanity by various names—emotional disorders.
But, beloved ones, there is a chemistry and an alchemy of the four lower bodies, and these are most affected.
The etheric body, being the fire body, is the last to be affected; and it is only affected when there is the gross misuse of the sacred fire in black magic itself, in witchcraft.
And therefore when that etheric body is violated, penetrating the higher atmosphere and spheres of the planetary body, there is an interaction with the false hierarchy and their misuse of the fire element.
And these individuals for a season intensify, seemingly, great powers at the etheric level.
But, I say, in the name of the Holy One of Israel: They shall not pass!
They shall not pass through the nexus unto the great sphere of the causal body of light! They shall not pass into the center of the Christ consciousness, but they stand as beggars at the gate! Recognize this and understand—once and for all!—why it is so difficult to enter into the door of your own Christ consciousness each day and to maintain that lawful position and balance of your own Christ mind.
There are many others vying for that seat; and when you attempt to enter in, they try to slip in the gate.
And they would prevent you from entering in by every ruse, by every aggressive suggestion penetrating mind and heart.
And if you allow yourself to be tempted by their own death consciousness, their fear, their doubt, their procrastination spirals, and their deliberate intent to deceive the very elect[10] —you will find yourselves, instead of being at the vortex of the Christ mind, being slightly off-centered, off the point of the door, and therefore continually embroiled in this or that problem which they succeed in stirring up even as they stir up the dust of centuries to deter you from your path.
Therefore let no thing come between thee and thy God Presence who issues forth the perfect Person of your own Christ Self! Walk ye in it! Walk in the robe of righteousness! Don the bridal veil—sealing purity’s light around the crown, third eye and throat, sanctifying, hallowing the temple of God.
Stand with the Gatekeeper! stand at the nexus! and understand that in standing you are participating in the alchemical marriage which is not a once-in-a-lifetime event but a day-by-day ritual of coming into the Bridegroom and being fused by love in the figure-eight flow that is a rising light and a descending light—ever moving, ever joyous, ever the issue of God, ever renovating, resurrecting, and imploring you to be faithful unto your first holy love!
My blessed hearts, realize then that at that point of oneness—and only at that point—are you effective in whatever you are doing for God.
Therefore strive! And strike a blow for the Lord.
And put down these enemies of the doorway of Opportunity, the doorway of God!
Seal the gate! Invoke holy angels to keep the way of the Tree of Life and to guard with a flaming sword.
Call unto the angels given to you by Archangel Michael[11] and seal the gate of consciousness, for none except Christ and his disciples may stand at that point! Therefore, all opposition to the light and life of the community of the Holy Spirit is one degree removed from that point.
Let us, therefore, be wise even as the archangels establish row upon row of legions of light guarding their retreats, guarding their sacred alchemy.
Let us now—as you are alchemists of the Spirit/Matter universe—invoke, daily, angels keeping the flame of Life at the door of consciousness.
Therefore, you will not experience the life-and-death struggle each time you depart from your household, your office, or your place of striving; for there will be tier upon tier of reinforcements of God who were created to reinforce your own Christhood.
I have come, then, to announce the determined effort of hierarchy to work with you in seeking, finding, and retaining your own Christ consciousness! This is the will of God proclaimed by the seven archangels.
Let it be noted well.
For it is the sign of your victory in this year and until the hour of the ascension.
And we perceive that there is all too much contentment on the part of the students to be slightly off that vibration of attunement and to live in those states of imbalance, thereby making yourselves vulnerable to the entire hordes of the astral plane, making our community and the entire cause of the Great White Brotherhood vulnerable by the entering in of the unseen that is far more dangerous than that which is seen.
Therefore I return to the subject of the diseases of the mental body and the emotional body and these diseases being the cause and core of the condition whereby Satanic hordes drive through to the physical the murder and the murderous intent of those who are both the just and the unjust.
All who are of the light understand that if this continue, it will no longer be a society having the cohesion of law, love, order, and a way of life that centers upon the glory of God, even the Shekinah glory—though they speak not of it—that descends to give Life to the very downtrodden of the earth.
What must be understood is that the forces of decay and disintegration that are a part of these invading diseases already exist in the fiber of the body politic of the earth.
It is not the mystical body of God of which I speak, but it is the collective world community abiding in a twilight zone that is neither heaven nor hell, neither the absolute Christ mind nor the absolute devil mind, but somewhere in between in that plane that is called the human consciousness—which is the very threshing floor where relative good and evil are thrashed out in consciousness until the soul must ultimately stand and be confronted by absolute choices of the absolute God and the absolute tyrant of the anti-God, the anti-Guru and the anti-chela.
Precious hearts, you might say that the collective unconscious of the planetary body is diseased, that the waters of the earth reflect that disease.
And therefore already, before the last stages of the destroyers come through the hordes of murderers and the cannibalistic intent, there is a breaking down, a deliberate breaking down by the absence of enough light in a state of flow.
Light is present at the heart of a cell or an atom, but it is sealed as though by cement; and therefore it cannot penetrate, interact, or establish a fiery flow of the figure eight.
There is no devotion or love of light or of God to the extent necessary to penetrate the great, great burden upon humanity in these hours of the Kali Yuga.
Therefore without the light in flow—as was designed by God to keep every one whom he has made in a state of sheer ecstasy and joy, the very joy of living, the very happiness that comes from well-being in the four lower bodies and from the fountains of the chakras flowing—you can see that degeneration, decay, disease, and death (separately within these three lower vehicles) set in.
And when they set in, they gather momentum.
And you have observed the last stages of individuals who then outpicture in the physical body those cancers that also are a part of the plagues coming in these end times.[12]
Blessed hearts, mankind’s lower bodies interact.
Someone may be outpicturing a cancer that began in the disease of someone else’s mental body or astral body.
Yes, I tell you, it is so.
And now you know why the angels weep.
There is contagion.
And it is a deadly contagion.
And if you knew it, you would understand why God has said again and again through us: Come apart! Be a separate people![13] Come apart! Draw the line! Draw the line of separation and say to the fallen ones: You may not enter here! This is the place of the Holy One of God.
Therefore, care for the little children.
Guard the holy innocents.
Realize that there is a contamination of rebellion that comes from the Satanic courts.
There is a contamination of profanity of the light itself.
There is a contamination of pride as seeds of pride permeate the earth.
There is the contamination of violence which is observable even to the most concrete minds who are determined to do something about that which appears in the media through television, through the motion-picture industry, affecting the minds of youth.
How graphic is an image? An image itself is a formula of alchemy containing thousands and perhaps millions of dots.
Those dots are whirling centers of energy.
They become magnets.
They attract energy.
And therefore a mere image that is portrayed—accompanied with sound, accompanied with music and words—becomes a magnet of a negative polarity that then becomes a thrust of aggressive energy in the face of those who are in the passive state watching this performance.
When you think that the whole of it is fashioned out of nothing—sheer fiction, sheer essence of the psychic realm and astral consciousness—you must realize that it is through the careful employing of the science of the all-seeing eye of God, of the ‘eye magic’[14] and of the alchemy of Saint Germain, whereby the fallen ones are perverting, or attempting to pervert, an entire lifewave and an entire planetary body.
Alchemists of the Spirit must arise and take dominion over the earth! I command you now in consciousness: Arise into your Higher Body! Arise into that flaming vortex of your own I AM Presence! and realize that that is the position of the archangels and the deliverers of a planet.
And this Earth requires deliverance more than you know.
Although I have allowed you to peep behind the veils, I would not burden you with information which would quicken in you your own untransmuted fear and doubt and anxiety, for this would only cause you to become lesser alchemists of the sacred fire for God.
Nevertheless, I must expose! And you must be bold and courageous in considering what is unreal.
However intent that unreality is, most blessed hearts, it is—after all, in the final analysis—unreal.
We are determined that our chelas, our elect ones, shall not entertain unreality in the mind, setting up therefore a polarity with the unreality of the psychic realm and therefore attracting to themselves its diseases.
We are determined that your desire body shall be cleansed and that you will not entertain any form of unreality that will be a welcome to the unreality of the psychic realm.
And we are determined that you observe discipline in the care of the physical body, being balanced in all things and considerate of your position in the midst of the cities and the needs of your life to fight the good fight.
You cannot survive without the necessary ablutions of mind, heart, and body.
You cannot survive without observing basic dietary laws.
You cannot be alert and experience the full-orbed integration with your Christ Self when you take in substances or drugs or impurities that temporarily or for long periods impede the fullness of the flow of light.
Therefore, be vigilant.
Be watchful.
And understand that whenever you are out of alignment with your Christ mind, much is at stake.
As we survey a planet and foresee impending calamity of every sort, as we look to avert natural disaster, loss of life, physical epidemic, weather manipulation, the entering in of dangerous nuclear fallout and radiation into the cells of the body—we survey the earth, we take a reading within mere seconds of your own assessment of time by the computer of the mind of God, we seek out and we find those who are at a certain level of Christ consciousness, and instantaneously we direct the flow of light to avert cataclysm!
A ray of God, as a scanning ray, is able to pinpoint on the planet who is able to receive that light that will save lives and allow the holy innocents to be born and a golden age yet to appear.
All those who measure at that degree of light in that moment then become instruments.
When you see great cataclysms occurring and as you have read about them in your histories, understand that in those hours it was because there were not souls vibrating at the level of the Christ Self to be instruments of the light that was necessary to consume that inevitable descending karmic cycle before it precipitated in the physical plane.
Now see the relevance with the current crime wave and realize that the same is true.
In this hour, the only match for Satan and the Satanic consciousness is the Lord Christ.
Anything less will not have the momentum of the swing and the sling of David[15] to bind that Satanic one.
Behind every murderer are at least a thousand if not ten thousand demons and discarnates ramming—reinforcing the will to kill.
When individuals train in war and for warfare, when they are putting out the thought form to kill and to kill and to be prepared to kill, there is a corresponding momentum that is set up.
Even though it is necessary to enter into the realization of the necessary defense and the spiritual Armageddon that does become physical, nevertheless, those who enter war and warfare without the Christ mind therefore also slip into the vibrations of murder and the murderous intent.
And your own messenger has received confessions from those returning from the war in Vietnam stating that they killed for pleasure—that they saw innocent individuals in the villages and killed “to see what it would be like to kill someone.”
Yes, these confessions have fallen upon the ears of your messenger.
Do you not think that a Mother’s heart weeps not only for the dead but for the insanity that breeds in the mind of her children and can come to this distorted manifestation of absolute crime against the absolute light of God?
Blessed hearts, many light-bearers in the earth are burdened, and even the parents of the one slain recently in this city[16] weep for the diseased state of mind of the murderer.
Indeed, the compassionate Christ has shown in the hearts of this people—though they do not understand the mystery of the tares and the wheat[17] and therefore they direct compassion even to those who are of the fallen ones, not knowing that it is the hour to invoke the judgment.
It is commendable and also attributable to the intercession of the Great White Brotherhood that there was not the revenge murder of the murderer of John Lennon.[18] There was not rioting for his blood but a general concern for the state of mind and the general health of society.
And all ponder and question in their hearts what is coming upon us when no one is safe in the streets of the cities of America.
Thus, in some quarters a very mature consideration of the problem is well.
But even this cannot tell the solution; for it will not come by mere speculation or the crying again of Peace! Peace! when there is no peace[19]—but war.
War is afflicting this society.
Happy are ye when ye become not happy wanderers but happy warriors of the Spirit! For those who know what is happening and who can wield the science of the Word can truly care for the many who do the best that they can under the conscription of ignorance that is upon them.
And ignorance, as a blanket over the mysteries of God, is that which we have come to raise also.
And therefore the sphere of light burning upward is peeling away the layers of this darkness that covers the earth, even as our God and holy angels are upon the other side of the dark cloud, transmuting from above.
Thus the clearing of the way for the arrival of the children of the light at the nexus where sits the Mediator.
The white fire, the ascension flame, the heart of the Mother and her children I, Gabriel, do now dedicate to the victory of Life over Death in this year!
We begin at the foundation.
Life must rise up! Flowers in spring must proceed—not out of the tombs of the wicked but out of the living, out of the hearts where the lilies bloom because they are the essence of the Kundalini fire.
Therefore we dedicate this victory, this year, and this path of chelaship to the initiations of Life—Life as the flame of the fourth ray!
You will then direct, if you please, your dynamic decrees in the science of the Word to the binding of the hordes of Death and Hell.
In the name of the messenger, by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I authorize you to be extensions of the call daily for the binding of Death and Hell and the casting of Death and Hell into the lake of fire![20] For the golden age cannot come physically until the many, many layers of Death and Hell within the mental and astral belts are consumed.
Whenever there are individuals who are identified as the destroyers, as the spoilers of God’s kingdom upon earth, you can identify that flowing through their astral bodies and even through their chakras are momentums of Death and Hell.
What is not absolute Life contains particles of Death.
This you will understand by the sheer logic of the Logos.
Therefore, when dealing with the judgment of individuals who have rebelled against God from the beginning, you must call for the binding of the astral hordes that invade and pass through their own whited sepulchres[21] in the mental and astral plane.
And you must call for all elements of Death and Hell occupying that consciousness to be bound and cast into the lake of fire.
Therefore, the Elohim assemble.
For this is the mighty work of the ages! This is a job for Hercules and Astrea and Arcturus and Apollo and Heros and the mighty Cyclopea and the legions of Elohim Peace! This is the mighty work of the armies of heaven and of archangels! We are determined to roll up our sleeves, to keep on our armor, and to go and invade every temple of the wicked, every whited sepulchre of the fallen ones—to clean them out, to bind Death and Hell and the hordes that occupy those temples that were either once created by Elohim or once created by the Nephilim[22] themselves.
Precious hearts, all life, all energy, all consciousness, and every physical temple of a human being belongs unto God! And no man is a law unto himself or a private sector that is not God’s being.
Therefore, this is the sign of the coming of the archangels and their chelas—to clean out the very stables of their consciousness, one by one by one.
And therefore in the writings of Enoch you have heard that there be some who have been wronged—wronged by the spirit of Cain and the descendants of Cain in the earth.[23] Even that one Abel, until the final judgment of Cain and his seed, will continue to go before God the Father, presenting the case for the judgment.
For in every hour and every day, the pleas of the righteous for that judgment effect the binding of some portion of the momentum of Death and Hell which sustains the Cain consciousness and the Cain civilization upon the planetary body.
They have raised their civilizations as they have “raised Cain”—by the abuse of the rod of IRON [Aaron],[24] by the abuse of the Kundalini fire! They have turned that fire to use it against the servants of God.
Therefore they are the creators of Death and Hell.
And Death and Hell are composed of the misused light of purity.
Therefore, it must be lawfully wrested from the abusers of Almighty God.
Understand that in the last days it is promised that the reapers should come to separate out the tares and the wheat.
They come for the harvest.
Beloved ones, it is not merely the plucking out of one who may be designated by a sign “serpent.” Ah, no, it is not so simple.
It is the separating out of the tares—even as filings, even as the tiniest filaments that have grown into the very fibers of the wheat itself.
Individual by individual, the seed of Satan must be bound with the murderous intent, beginning with the residue of carnal-mindedness in your own being.
Thus, when those who have been aligned with the fallen ones and even some of the fallen angels themselves have removed the momentums of Death and Hell and the astral hordes invading them and even their entire momentum of human creation, they must once again choose whom they will serve,[25] free of the entire coil of their momentum.
Is this not the justice of Almighty God to allow them, finally in the last days, to come before his temple and his throne—to see clearly the choices and to choose?
Now I tell you another mystery.
For the office of the two witnesses[26] is the witness unto Life and Death and unto righteousness and unrighteousness daily before the Karmic Board.
Blessed hearts, the messengers could relate to you by the hour their witness of these fallen ones who have descended from some of our bands, who in their descent and misuse of the light of Life, the pure flame of the Mother, have eventually lost their threefold flame and become hollowed out and vacant temples invaded by discarnates.
These individuals, when coming up against the avatars in embodiment or our messengers in this hour, have been rebuked, have been chastened, have been taught, have even been loved abundantly, have had this burden taken from them.
Some of them have sat in Summit University, in the halls of learning.
Some of them have come for initiations.
They have received great tenderness and the maximum opportunity to feel the love of Almighty God and to know once again what it was like to be with him in the beginning.
They have been given every advantage on the outer and the inner.
I, Gabriel, sent this messenger to one such individual who had betrayed and rebelled against the light for a number of years in this life and for many in preceding lives.
I sent the messenger who knew this lifestream before his departure from grace, before his fall—who therefore understood the heart, the soul, and the being of that one, uncontaminated by rebellion.
In the heart of the messenger is the immaculate memory of the first and original blueprint of all of the fallen angels who have since descended.
And thus these ones who have descended have been brought to her because of the vivid memory of who they were from the beginning, that they might have every opportunity to be magnetized back to the service of the Lord Christ.
Therefore I sent the messenger to visit that one who refused to come to see her—refused, mind you, when called by the messenger to come to Camelot.
Therefore the messenger went, sought him out, sat with him and gave to him the initiation of love by contact of the heart, the transfer of love from my heart, that he might have the initial glory and love of the hour and moment of his birth out of the heart of Alpha and Omega and the memory of his first estate.
Blessed hearts, I ask you, do you not consider this to be the mercy of God? [“Yes!”]
Well, beloved hearts, the Mother wept in the presence of this soul who would not, would not respond—not to her ministrations, not to the ministrations of an archangel, not to the ministration of Almighty God.
He would not—by his own self-proclaimed pride and ambition.
Therefore, though the memory be reactivated, though the entire scene be re-created, very few if any of these fallen ones repent of their deeds and return in the hour of final opportunity.
There is indeed a doctrine of final ends, of final judgment, of the conclusion of cycles and manvantaras and of the great inbreath.
After all, the meaning of Omega is the ending—the beginning and the ending of cycles.
It is the law of the Great Central Sun Magnet.
Thus there are indeed hours of testing.
And the response to the testing determines, yea or nay, where the individual will find himself in the immediate as well as the ultimate sense of cosmos.
Now therefore, understanding thoroughly this bent, this psychology, this perverted will, this misguided love of the fallen ones as I have taught it to the messengers in many of their incarnations and as it has been illustrated to you by members of my bands as you have observed and studied society and individual members of your families and sometimes their strange psychology—taking all of this into consideration, you can understand why there is a final judgment, why that which denies God to the very end must be canceled out because it has already made the decision to cancel out Life itself, who is God.
And there is no other Life in the universe.
Therefore, the final judgment is in truth enacted by the individual himself.
And all actions leading to that hour are a day-by-day self-proclaimed, selfinflicted judgment.
This mystery is one of the most difficult of all for the children of God to understand until they come into the great wisdom of what is God, what is truth, what is justice.
You have heard, even in the writings of Enoch, that this great day of judgment must come ere the fulfillment of light and promise and the golden age can occur.
Now consider the benefit and the necessity, mathematically, for going about the initiations of the flame of Life immediately and with intensity.
First of all, there are many but not all of these fallen angels who are to be given such spectacular opportunity, as I have described.
These, then, must come to the fore, must be presented with the teachings that they may make their choices to uphold or to tear down the teacher, the teaching, and the community.
By their words they be justified.[27] By their words they be judged.
By their actions karma accelerates.
These, then, must also (and others who are about the earth) have these momentums of darkness bound so that they may return at inner levels to that moment when through pride, admiration, they were turned out of the way by that fallen one Lucifer.
They must have the opportunity to redo that decision.
Our God has said you can change history.
You can transmute the past.[28] This is a dispensation unto the elect of God.
For those who will elect to become his true servants, he will also extend that dispensation.
But the first step of conversion and salvation must be truly in the heart of that one who once had the use of a threefold flame.
I can tell you that this drama and this scene has been reenacted over and over again before the Lords of Karma and elsewhere.
Although very, very few respond, yet it is necessary.
Therefore, those who enter into the rebuke of the unrighteous and the ungodly must be well protected, must have the full reinforcement of Archangel Michael and Lord Zadkiel.
For they must understand, in the wisdom that God has given unto them, that these serpents are more than likely to turn against the very ones who hold in their hand the keys to eternal life.
And thus, by their psychology, they turn to destroy that which is Real because they are wholly unreal.
This, then, is something that we know will occur within and without the community by the very nature of the assignment—and it is a tough assignment that we give to our chelas.
But, after all, you have the full reinforcement of the Great White Brotherhood! You have K-17 and his legions! You have Lanello, who is so wise and so free in the distribution of his wisdom to ye all! You have the necessary protection, if you will take it.
I have taken you round about through all of this that you might realize that festering in the fallen ones are the forcefields of these astral and mental viruses.
Unless they be brought to the judgment, unless the calls be made for that lethal substance to be bound—the very essence of Death and Hell itself—there will continue to be a contamination and a pollution of the stream of consciousness in the earth, affecting those who are not nearly so dark but who have only small elements of darkness or carelessness or ignorance of the laws of God.
And therefore ultimately from the fallen ones, from the archdeceivers of the Satanic council and their emissaries, there results in this chain of activity the murder in the streets of Los Angeles, New York, and across the earth.
Therefore we must begin at the beginning.
And therefore when you read the accounts of crime, you must give pause, you must be still and invoke the full intensity of the judgment for the binding of that chain of consciousness from that individual who was an ignorant or a malicious tool, what the case may be—all the way back through that chain of energy, through that degeneration spiral, clearing the virus, clearing the consciousness, going to the core of the archdeceivers and demanding that the blood of the prophets and of the holy innocents be required of them this day in the entirety!
And this is the meaning of the keystone in the arch.
This is the meaning of the flame of Life! It is the focal point of the entire building of the temple.
And therefore, when used in the hour of the judgment, it can travel right through—all the way back on that anti-Life momentum of Death itself to the origin of that seed.
And it is the seed that must be bound in the recesses of the minds and astral bodies and the wicked hearts of the deceivers.
The seed must be bound in the grids and forcefields that comprise the auras of the Watchers themselves.
It is a conglomerate.
Looking upon this conglomerate and its penetration and its tentacles throughout the planetary body, John the Beloved himself was wont to describe it as “the dragon,” as “the beast.”[29] For it is indeed a mass entity that takes the form of the perversion of the Kundalini.
And therefore the name “serpent” itself is used in two ways.
The serpent fire raised in the wilderness by Moses[30] is the Mother light.
But then again, the fallen ones are called serpents because it is the light they have misused.
And even their forms are an imitation of the whirling of the T’ai chi, and therefore that symbol has been referred to as the serpent swallowing its tail.
Therefore understand the dividing of the Word.
Therefore understand that I AM come for the dividing of the way.
And I release the light today for your protection in all of your bodies from this planetary and interplanetary contamination.
Happy are ye if you will heed my Word, reinforce the light, and maintain your own Edenic consciousness at the point of the Christ mind in heart, in mind, beloved.
Now I AM determined to touch each and every one of you personally at the point of the third eye.
And I will be requesting that you come forward for this and that when you receive it you depart to prepare yourself for our continuing release of light this day.
I AM determined that you will have full cosmic opportunity to meet the adversary, the dweller on the threshold, to enter into the mighty work of the ages and to come into alignment, once and for all, with the Great White Brotherhood—and to do what must be done!
Inasmuch as I AM determined that you shall have cosmic opportunity, recognize that you will also have cosmic accountability, cosmic responsibility.
If you cannot live with that and the understanding of your use of the light in this hour henceforth until your ascension, then do not come forward.
For you will be held accountable for this blessing in the day of judgment and in the hour of your transition as you stand before the Lords of Karma.
I AM an archangel.
I AM faithful to the Mother.
I AM faithful to her children, and I AM faithful to all of you who make yourselves children of the Divine Mother.
Therefore listen well and tell the tale of an archangel to a world waiting—waiting once again for the coming of Gabriel and of Hope!
Lo, we are come! And we arc our light to you.
And in your person we come! Therefore call for our Electronic Presence and see how you will strike those telling blows for the Lord wherever you are found on the line where Light meets darkness and swallows it up, wherever you are found in the warfare of Armageddon.
For wherever you are found, there I AM!
NOTE: The above dictation by Archangel Gabriel and Hope was delivered to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet during The Class of the Archangels, December 31, 1980, at Camelot.
Vol. 24 No. 9 – Beloved Archangel Gabriel and Hope – March 1, 1981
[1] A symbol of anxiety. Damocles, a sycophant of Dionysius the Elder, was invited by the tyrant to try the felicity he so much envied. Accepting, he was set down to a sumptuous banquet, but overhead was a sword suspended by a hair. Damocles was afraid to stir, and the banquet was a tantalizing torment to him.
[2] Exod. 13:18; 14:13-31.
[3] Rev. 21:2, 9, 10.
[4] Enoch 40:5. See Enoch, “The Elect One Cometh,” December 29, 1980. Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 24, pp. 55-66.
[5] Rev. 7:9, 13, 14; 19:7, 8.
[6] Rev. 14:1.
[7] Gen. 3:24.
[8] Rev. 14:14-20.
[9] Rev. 9:12; 11:14.
[10] Matt. 24:24.
[11] Archangel Michael, October 10, 1977; cassette B7770. “…We do indeed understand that which appears to be a handicap in numbers for the battle of Armageddon. And therefore, we have come forth this day with a special dispen- sation from the God Star Sirius….Mighty Surya now assigns to each Keeper of the Flame ten angels from the Mighty Blue Eagle to stand with you twenty-four hours a day to enhance your service to the light….You may call to them to perform functions that you are not able to perform. They are nearly physical, beloved ones, so tangible is their presence.”
[12] Rev. 15:1, 5-8; 16.
[13] Exod. 33:16; Lev. 20:24, 26; II Cor. 6:17.
[14] ‘eye magic’ or ‘I-magic’ (image): the transforming power of visualization through the inner eye.
[15] I Sam. 17:38-50
[16] Refers to the shooting death of David Scott Bell, 22, December 27, 1980, Hollywood, California. 70-year-old Kay Marion Beach was charged with the killing which followed a dispute over whether Bell could park his car partially in front of her driveway. The woman had a gun “because she lived in fear,” Bell’s mother said. “We’ve got to do something about that fear.” Speaking of the elderly widow charged with the murder, his father said, “We have great compassion for her. She needed help.”
[17] Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43.
[18] On December 8, 1980, Mark David Chapman, 25, an ex-security guard from Hawaii, shot rock star John Lennon, 40. After stalking the former Beatle in New York for three days, Chapman accosted Lennon and his Japanese wife, Yoko Ono, as they returned to their Manhattan apartment from the recording studio. According to the London Daily Telegraph, “a surprising number of Beatle-lovers in New York and around the country were affected so intensely by Lennon’s murder that they talked of revenge against the man held by police. ‘The switchboard’s been lighting up here all night with threats,’ said one New York policeman….Chapman was held under unusually heavy security in the Tombs Prison in Manhattan, where a detective lieutenant said the killing was being considered ‘just as important as the assassination of John F. Kennedy.’”
[19] Jer. 6:14; 8:11.
[20] Rev. 6:8; 20:14.
[21] Matt. 23:27.
[22] See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 24, p. 66, n. 24.
[23] Enoch 22:6-8.
[24] Rev. 12:5.
[25] Josh. 24:15.
[26] Rev. 11:3-6.
[27] Matt. 12:36, 37.
[28] See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 24, p. 12, n. 9.
[29] Rev. 12; 13.
[30] Num. 21:7-9.