The Maltese Cross
The Maltese Cross, as a symbol of perfect balance, provides a thought and Energy matrix whereby ill effects can be brought under control, and the Power of Virtue can be released in order that mankind’s use of Power will no longer corrupt Life on Earth.
It has been said that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Power can be used as the bow of the Infinite Archer to release an arrow of Perfection to the Heart of Man’ s goal of happiness.
As the pursuit of happiness is an acknowledged treasure, let all who would permanently enjoy it ponder upon the Maltese Cross as a simple symbol in which great Truths may be revealed.
Looking at the Maltese Cross as an upright symbol placed on the wall before you, the upper or north arm is somewhat triangular in shape, descending to the center. It denotes the upper part of an hour glass or a funnel through which the great Energies of God—the Power of God—are descending into the cup of Being .
The wide arm denotes an infinite capacity and; therefore, you must not accept limitation in any form. There is a fan action across the entire span of this upper arm as is true of all of the arms of the Maltese Cross in Perfect Balance.
The point of qualification at the center indicates that you must always consciously, within your God Flame, determine to qualify all Energy and Power given to you with the Purity of its divine intent and by divine characteristics of the Christ Identity.
You need not be weak or without firmness in so doing, for in handling discordant human energy you must be firm—whether it is your own or another’s. This does not mean that it is necessary for you to use rudeness or viciousness in your statements or conduct, but only a firm unyielding consciousness that recognizes evil as misqualification of God’ s pure Energy, and determines to strip it of the thorns of abuse while inbreathing the Essence of the Sacred Fire, “Flower of Power.”
As the Fire action working from the upper arm indicates a wide or infinite action at the top, narrowing into the crucible of Being at the point of the cross, so in the lower figure, beneath the point of qualification where the descending energies fan out into three triangles to manifest as Power, Wisdom, and Love in the world of form, it must be recognized that the infinite Energies of God do take the shape of Man’ s active qualifications made at the orifice of attention and action; and thus, Power becomes congealed in the world of form, its dimension and potential being dependent upon the thoughts and feelings of individuals.
The balance of the upper arm and the lower arms indicates that if qualification were to be made in Purity of the entire quotient of Energy released from the Godhead, all that is below in the microcosmic world would reflect the Perfection of the God Power Itself at the time It enters the crucible of Man’s Being.
The side arms—left and right—fanning out as another balanced action of the Maltese Cross, indicate a left and right action of the descending Energies from the plane of pure Being. Together with the descending arm below the Cross, they indicate a form phase of the qualification of the Three-Fold Flame in action.
Power alone is negative unless it be qualified with the positive action of Divine Love.
Ponder well this statement! Therefore, the left arm of the Cross denotes the negative use or minus charge of spiritual Energy qualified by the Blue Flame of Power, whereas the right arm denotes the positive use or plus charge of this spiritual Energy, indicative of the positive Power of the Pink Flame of Love, just as the descending arm in the center relates to the Wisdom aspect of the Golden Flame of Illumination which imbues the positive and negative poles with God Direction and Purpose. Therefore, all that which is below is intended to be a threefold manifestation of the Sacred Fire which descends from above.
For all Energy, released from the Godhead or Daystar from on High, upon entering the lower octaves is immediately qualified as the night side or negative pole of Being.
This is the minus-side where the plus fling of potential garners its power and prepares to release into manifestation the qualified substance which, when charged with right thought and faith in right action, becomes, by Love’ s cohesion and attraction, through the “right” side of the Cross, the impetus of God Virtue. A simple illustration of this is the use of the slingshot which withdraws from the “y” or sling in a negative pull in order to secure the necessary impetus of power to drive home the shot through a positive release.
You recall that in the early scriptures it is declared in the Pentateuch that the Lord God made the greater Light to rule the day and the lesser Light to rule the night. The left arm of the Maltese Cross then is symbolical of the negative and denotes the physical nature of Man as a cradle or a crucible into which Power is poured in the hope that Man will rise above that crucible and above the world of experience and out of his density into the Purity of the Great God Flame of his Being.
It must, then, be understood that the Maltese Cross has another significance here: From the point of the Cross, when the perfect action is completed, there is a sunburst effect; so that at the dot symbolical of individuality there within the Cosmic Circle of Allness, there is a complete balance and Oneness of all planes.
Thus God is in Truth all-in-all; and this God that is all and in all is the all-in-all within the individual Man. Thereby the fullness of God’ s Kingdom is conferred upon Man. This completes the idea of “Thine is the Power.” God’ s Power, then, is entrusted to every Man and it is in his right use of God’s Energy in thought and feeling that he is able to understand more of the Universe and obtain the Victory of Life.
My writings on Alchemy, I realize, were a disappointment to many students because they became obsessed with the idea that I would give them some form of thaumaturgical formula where, by making certain kabalistic signs in the air and reciting certain words, precious stones and even money would come into manifestation directly into their hands.
I doubt not that if this were to be conferred upon all, it would be the greatest abuse of Power conceivable, both on My part and on the part of the Universe Itself; for if men think that they have karmic responsibilities in the use of that Power which they already have, let them consider for a moment what responsibilities they should have if their power were increased.
Call not then so much for an increase of Power as for a better understanding of how to use that Power which you already have, and then observe how the Universe, in all of its great Wisdom, bursting with desire to give you the vital freshness of Being, will confer upon you those alchemical secrets by direct apprehension which will assure you, not a continuing abuse, but a correct and glorious use of the Power of God unto salvation for all!
May His Peace be with you as I join you next week in the release of greater understanding concerning Illumination’s Flame.
Your obedient Friend of Freedom, SAINT GERMAIN
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 7 No. 6
February 7, 1964