St Germain is The Chohan of the Seventh Ray
Master Saint Germain
The great being whom we know and honor as Saint Germain made his ascension on 1st May 1684. For many centuries, he had worked to bring freedom to humanity, taking embodiment again and again, endeavoring to stimulate the desire for freedom in the people of the various countries of the world.
A long time ago, Saint Germain served as a priest in the Temple of Purification by Violet Fire (now in the etheric realm, near Cuba). Later, he embodied as king of a great civilization, located in the current location of the Sahara Desert. Saint Germain was also embodied as the prophet Samuel, Joseph (father of Jesus), Saint Alban, the Greek philosopher Proclus, Merlin the Magician, Roger Bacon, Christian Rosenkreutz (founder of the Order of the ‘Rosy Cross’, now known as Rosicrucians), Christopher Columbus, Paracelsus, and, finally, as Francis Bacon.
The Master Saint Germain appeared again in Europe, primarily during the time from 1710 to 1822. He appeared in his visible, tangible body, in various countries, using various names. He kept close connection with influential people in these countries. He was known as the Comte de Saint Germain in France, as the Wonderman of Europe in Germany, as Comte Bellamarre in Venice, as Prince Rakoczy at Dresden and by other names at different places. He was considered very wealthy; yet no one could determine the source of his wealth.
At that time, it was not generally known Saint Germain was an Ascended Being. This explains how he could so easily perform those super-human feats, and why he did not partake of food. Since he is ascended, he is complete master over physical matter. He could appear in multiple places at the same time; he did not rely on outer world transportation. He precipitated whatever jewels, ornamentation and such as he wished. Saint Germain did this to gain influence with people of importance. By exhibiting material wealth, he could impress people as nothing else would.
Beginning in 1930, Saint Germain started using a new approach. His instruction is now based on simplicity of language, logic and common sense. Additionally, the Masters use their radiation to convince students of the truth of the message.
Saint Germain: Freedom and Victory
“Think of those of us who gained the freedom and victory alone, century after century; finding secret caves, places where we might hide, endeavoring with a few brave souls, like ourselves, to contact the Ascended Host of Light. We desired to receive their instruction and to experiment with magnetization, invocation, and the direction of the Light Rays. There was nobody to tell us whether we were on the right path. There was nothing but our heart-flame to direct us. Yet, if we had allowed negative qualities to make us fearful, we would have remained within the orthodoxy.
I tell you frankly, if you are going to succeed, you must be positive, determined and confident within yourself. In the privacy of your own room, you must take yourselves in hand and decide first and foremost whether you wish to work with the ascended host or not. If you feel you do not, then you must wait for another opportunity at a later day. You must measure everything we have given according to the code of truth, according to the code of balance, of purity, of wisdom, and of love. Then, when you have made up your mind, stay constant to that decision, and move forward into the Light of Freedom. The greatest opportunity in the world is to use this Flame of Freedom, standing unmoved, centered and poised within your own GOD flame.
The divine alchemy of the Violet Fire is a real science, just as much as is any science of electronics in the outer world today. It doesn’t work in a haphazard manner. You are in an age of experimentation. You now stand much as I did in those embodiments previous to my ascension, when I, too, experimented with various combinations of thought, feeling and spoken word in decrees.
You are in a period of transition – transition in your personal lives, world transition, and in a very few short years, you will be in a period of planetary transition as well. These periods of world change arouse feelings of unrest in the emotional and mental bodies of the general population, and stir up a great sense of fear in their flesh bodies.
In the coming world changes, we will come into strange days, when great numbers of people may be in distress. They will need your calls to set into action the transmuting powers of the Violet Fire.
Do not limit the powers of your I AM Presence, beloved ones. Become acquainted with that glorious Presence and its omnipotent power and willingness to act to you and through you, at all times.
Individually, you could not possibly attempt to rehabilitate the entire human race. There are billions in embodiment and billions more awaiting physical embodiment. You, as an individual, cannot, but your I AM Presence can.
Your Presence and mine are not limited in any way. Your Presence is all-knowing. It is capable of instantly directing a billion rays of transcendent from Itself, blazing light into whatever condition, place or person requires assistance.
We are at the beginning of a New Age. Through the courtesy and kindness of life, I am the Chohan. I will assist you in the religious service which will manifest in the worship of the next 2,000 year period. This is the activity of the Violet Ray, the activity of Ordered Service and Ritual. This is the activity where humans, angels and elementals will be drawn together again in conscious cooperation, walking hand-in-hand along the path of evolution. Together, they will serve and build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Together, they will worship in ceremonials as you cannot yet conceive.
One day, before my ascension, while in deep contemplation of the Presence and its Violet Fire of Mercy, Forgiveness and Transmutation, my inner sight was opened. I glimpsed a farmer walking through a field, sowing seed. This man was heavy of heart with head bowed. Suddenly, I saw a light ray from my Presence go forth within which was the Violet Fire. It blazed around that person. It instantly transmuted the cause of his distress, a cause for which I had been responsible at some time. Thus, the particular debt I owed that lifestream was paid. That lifestream then raised his head, freed of that burden. He actually ran laughing toward the farmhouse. He never knew from whence his release came. I did not even know his name. I knew his burden was lightened, and at least some of my karmic debt had been paid.
I would like to thank you for giving yourselves so freely and so completely in the cause of freedom, for investing your energies in that freedom through the centuries and not only in this embodiment. You have rallied around that banner of freedom in almost every era and every age in which you have lived. Now, as we enter the door of a New Day, I shall remember those of you who have stood by me. You shall be a part of the spiritual court that lives forever.”
Saint Germain has retreats in Transylvania and in America (The Cave of Symbols1). He also maintains foci in the etheric city over the Sahara Desert and at Mount Shasta. His twin ray is Portia, the Goddess of Justice. The electronic pattern of his lifestream is the Maltese Cross. His keynote is contained in the Strauss waltzes.