The Bridge to Freedom Dispensation
In 1951, the Ascended Master El Morya, with the assistance of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, secured a 20-year dispensation from the Karmic Board to bring new, vital information to humanity.
El Morya utilized his unascended twin flame, Geraldine Innocente, to establish contact with the physical realm. This activity, through which the message was published and disseminated, was known as the “Bridge to Freedom.”
The core of the student body was composed of individuals who had left the organization of Saint Germain’s original effort from the 1930s. These messages did not come from the psychic realm, as many channels receive their messages, but from the highest realm, the realm of the Ascended Masters.

The Teachings of the Bridge to Freedom Dispensation
For the first time since the fall of Atlantis, great Ascended Beings, including the Seven Archangels and the Seven Elohim, addressed the students. This marked the first instance of such detailed instruction on how to achieve ascension in one embodiment and how to mitigate or prevent the cataclysms many have predicted.
When comparing this teaching to others, it becomes evident that the Bridge to Freedom Dispensation is unique, stands complete in itself, and is unparalleled. Archangel Uriel remarked on this material (Seven Archangels Speak, p.107), “It is a Bible made up of the energies of the Archangels and the Ascended Masters, that will endure for the rest of the civilizations being brought forth on this planet Earth.”

The Bridge to Freedom Dispensation - A New Bible
Regarding this subject, the beloved Lord Maha Chohan shared with the students (Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin, June 17, 1956):
“Lord Maitreya and I recently discussed the Law, and Lord Maitreya expressed concern that perhaps we were presenting too much of the Law for your outer minds to digest at once.
However, we both agreed that, for the benefit of those who will follow you—an entire evolution of people—who might benefit from the instruction, even if you may never use it, we should take advantage of the forcefields, your faith, your presence, and this temporary contact between the Ascended Masters’ realm and the human realm to convey as much of this law as possible to you.
So, do not be disturbed if you feel overwhelmed by the number of activities engaging your minds at this time—because WE ARE CREATING A WHOLE BIBLE—A BIBLE THAT WILL BE READ AND LIVED BY MILLIONS LONG AFTER YOU HAVE RETURNED HOME.”
Ascended Master El Morya described the construction of the mythical “Bridge to Freedom” as follows:
Beneath this bridge, we are constructing a foundation of strong and valiant, hand-picked lifestreams capable of bearing the weight and strength of the masses as they transition from shadow to sunlight, from darkness to light, from limitation to freedom, from disease to health and perfection.
Some of you have built bridges throughout the ages. You understand the importance of a strong foundation, lest the future weight of those using it exceed its capacity.
We are the engineers striving to gauge the strength of the lifestreams we have called. Those who choose to remain with us will have the honor of becoming the living foundation of this bridge of living light!
Did you know that before Sanat Kumara’s arrival, there were ages when only one lifestream held that bridge—only one lifestream prevented it from being severed forever, thereby saving the entire evolution from the second death?
Now we rally to Saint Germain’s banner to construct a bridge over which every member of this race shall pass.
This includes not only the billions currently embodied, who are immersed in the sleep of the senses, but also the billions awaiting re-embodiment—some of whom are so significant that their presence could shift the Earth’s axis if admitted without the proper space created by removing another incarnate soul.
For one year, we have urged and loved you, but NOW WE ADVANCE with those who choose to come!
There is blood, sweat, and tears in the service of those who respond to the “Ho!” of the Spiritual Caravan! For those who choose to wait, a beautiful white span made of the electronic light of those who have lived and died in service will be prepared.
It will be gentle under your feet and safe. The raging torrent below will pose no danger, for someone who has gone before will have braved that water and perhaps been swept away by its tides. These are the men and women who ARE THE BUILDERS OF THIS AGE!
Those of you who are ready have been given my individual and collective counsel and opportunities. Avail yourselves of them if you choose… WE MARCH!!”
This is from the book: Ascended Masters and Their Retreats by Werner Schroeder