Purifying the Soul and Awakening Inner Vision
Serapis Bey on The Path to Divine Clarity and Ascension
We Are One
Let the past with all that is unreal now pass into that great magnificent God Flame provided by the one and the only true God for the assimilation of the true, the merciful, the good, and the righteous and for the annihilation of all that is unlike the Universal One.
Let the harmony of the spheres now receive the reverberations of the expansion of the causal body of the Messenger, whose name I pronounce at inner levels as that name of that God Flame ordained of old to be in the earth in the last days of the fulfillment of Sanat Kumara’s prophecy. Therefore I pronounce the name in the heart of ascension’s flame and that which came forth does return to the one God Source.
The pronouncing of the name of the original matrix of the spirit itself that went forth into the outer spheres is the sounding of the hour and the century, the millennium and the moment of the ascension of that one. And thereby, though the decades pass, legions of angels hold infinite spheres of light around the focal point of the sound of the name that does ripple out into the spheres of outer manifestation [and] into the inner spheres of the unmanifestation. So that name gathering light does summon cosmic forces for the moment and the adoring and the return of the Mother unto the heart of the Sun, even the Great Central Sun, even the sun blazing in the heart of her sons universally manifest.
The preparation for the ascension of the avatar proceeds, precious hearts. This is a cosmic moment and not a moment of time and space. Therefore, let not those who fail to comprehend my word fear [the sudden departure of the Messenger in the ascension ritual] because their conception is of the minimum of time and space. We speak for eternity and for eternal cycles!
Understand the meaning of the now. And therefore with her majesty in full view Realize, then, that the putting on The seed of Sanat Kumara sent is now enshrined— |
O you who are sensitive to Light, you who would be more sensitive to Light, would to God that you could retain the vision long enough for our Messenger to take flight with Sanat Kumara the holy books to write, the precious teachings, [without her being] called back and pulled by the hem of her garment for the resolution of irresolution within your life.
How can we, then, fill your cup with that same porridge that was given to the Lord, the Perfecting One, Siddhartha, that he might be strengthened, O strengthened for the mounting, mounting, mounting unto the causal body of Sanat Kumara and the descent, even the descent? For the strengthening of the Mystical Body even the body must be strengthened in the Lord, in his will, in his Holy Spirit.
Would to God, then, [that] you would hold the vision and keep the Flame! Must we relive again the hours of Moses on the mount and the children playing to and fro? Must stalwart sons still look back to Sodom? Must they repeat the old Atlantean cycles or will they come for once, for all complete before the altar of Mary, Blessed Virgin, who will receive them still while there is yet Light in time and space?
Work, my beloved, for the night cometh when no man [can] work.[1] Even so, while I, Serapis Bey, am in the world, I AM the Light of the world.[2] While I AM in the world in the heart of the One Sent, I AM the Light of ascension’s flame.
While you are in the world, my beloved, you can be, if you so choose, the light, the heart, the joy, the goodwill of Saint Germain, of Morya still, [of] Lanello, heart of gold, heart of good, heart of God-favor unto those who favor the Christ and cast out Antichrist without delay or self-indulgence or toying or tarrying with those cubicles of yesteryear no longer safe for the soul to inhabit; for they are contaminated even with the radioactivity of that former self that lusted after the fleshpots of Egypt.
The records of thy karma, O soul, are as lethal as poison, as poisonous venom. Understand, dear hearts, there are pockets within the subconscious where records yet remain. Do not enter there to reexamine the profane and the walk not of Light but of Darkness.
Understand this necessitates a holy science, a cosmic surgery, and concentration of single-eye vision for the binding, for the repelling, for the casting out of cubicles in their entirety as cancerous growths and substance unwanted! Let them be encircled! Let them be wrapped now in sacred cloth provided by holy Mary. Let these substances be removed and cast into the flame.
Dear hearts, substance is common, misqualified. Substance, then, of anyone unredeemed can be that portion that can contaminate the soul unless it be left alone. Bind, then, that curiosity that seeks to peek once more into those experiences of yesteryear to relive them. Why? I do not know. And yet I fear, I fear that some will lose and find the stain, the blot upon the garment hard to remove.
“Out, damned spot!” you may say. And yet, will it disappear when you yourself have dropped the substance vile upon the garment whitened by the Flame? Will the Flame serve those who will again call up from the depths of life itself that which ought to be left well enough alone for the atonement of the Holy Spirit?
Be wise, O blessed children of the Sun. There cannot be cycles turning unto the year and the hour of Sanat Kumara’s greater appearing without changes in all. Change one of the coordinates of God, namely the Messenger, and all coordinates must change!
Do not expect to remain in galactic formation of previous cycles but enter in now, starry ones, to new formations that turn and come and manifest the image of the Son. The image of the Son within the Central Sun of this galaxy of Lightbearers moving toward the Son—it is Christ the Lord Maitreya! It is he, the Coming Buddha who is come. Let him teach. Let him come. Let him be. Let him will God’s love for the eternity of thy soul.
Yes, we celebrate a new infusion of Light. And we prepare the Messenger’s vehicles for the coming of that portion of the intensity of the pink band of the causal body of Sanat Kumara and even of the causal bodies of all of the ascended hosts of the Great White Brotherhood. For this is the year when I shall come to announce the expansion of pink fire from the rarest, sweetest, most delicate pink unto the most intense activation of the Ruby Ray.
Blessed hearts, if you have feared the coming of the Dark Cycle under the hierarchy of Capricorn[3] and all of mankind’s judgments upon them which they have put upon the Lightbearers, if you have been concerned at the coming of the return of their misuse of power, even the misuse by the fallen ones of the power of God, I say, fear not! For there is another manifestation even more potent which you ought to fear—as the awe of God, the awe of God’s coming—and it is the light of Love itself.
Love as the greatest power of all, Love as the Holy Spirit, Love as the action of the Ruby Ray—far greater to be feared is it. For if life is not ready, its [action] manifests the elements of Shiva—Shiva in the very midst of the earth releasing intensity of Ruby Ray. Yes, this, this is the portion of this year which men ought to fear even more than their own returning karma.
For if the earth be not readied by violet flame to receive that Ruby Ray multiplied and squared again by Serapis Bey and all the hosts of white light, then, blessed hearts, that alchemy will be most difficult to endure even for some who consider themselves Lightbearers and do indeed bear considerable Light.
Let all consider, then, the admonishment of the Lord Jesus of the flight, the flight that may and must come one day.[4] It is the flight of the soul to the very heart of ascension’s fire. It is the flight of the soul in the oncoming movements of earth, even [in] the very rumblings of the return of the Dark Cycle.
Have you considered when and how the Dark Cycle might come to an end? Have you considered as the Karmic Board has considered whether that return of mankind’s karma could be turned off even as it was turned on? We have considered such questions, beloved hearts.
One would think even as a beginning student on the Path that mankind should show some merit, some concern, some willingness to take responsibility for Light misqualified in previous ages. In some corners of earth it has been so. But in more than 90 percent of the people there have been gradations of rebellion [against] and discontent with the wheel [of the Law] that turns and is spent of its vessels of karma [that is] being outpoured cyclically day by day throughout the year of the Lord’s appointing.
Thus there is great, great hope among some quarters and a lessening of hope among others. These considerations before the Karmic Board have brought forth a number of deliberations. The Great Divine Director has affirmed in his wisdom that mankind at least ought to experience a cycle of fourteen, following, though they know it not [in their outer minds’ awareness], the fourteen stations of the cross of Christ and of the Woman and her seed. And many have been bowed down with their crosses of karma when their crosses could have been Light, borne collectively by Ruby Ray angels and white-fire devotees.
Thus, the Goddess of Liberty has spoken and has brought to the attention of all that some records which have not even been touched or unleashed would yet remain if but [one] fourteen-[year] cycle [of returning karma such as you are now experiencing in the yearly Dark Cycles[5]] were to be given. [If this were to be the decision and the dispensation of the Twenty-Four Elders, i.e., to postpone the present Dark Cycle with its annual accelerated release of karma to earth’s evolutions,] therefore at some later date, perhaps just when a golden age might peep through the dark clouds, the children of earth would [once] again have to face the even greater darkness [of the unredeemed portions of the Dark Cycle which they had not faced under the current plan and schedules].
Thus, what is the great wisdom of the law of the Four and Twenty Elders and of the Council of the Fourteen who govern the destiny of the I AM Race of Sanat Kumara in the earth? Blessed hearts, some who are the very determined spokesmen for the determined disciples know very well that the pure in heart, the diligent, and the sincere would rather pay all their debts than have some remaining, would rather not have a reprieve but continue to work the works of the Word while they have the Light incarnate. Unto these, then, consideration is given in their own manifestations of the cycles of the solar hierarchies.
Thus, unto these who have stated their presence and who truly have the strength, the will, and the purity of God-determination, the decree has gone forth: So long as they are steadfast and strong and willing, let them be chosen to bear personally of their own personal momentums of karma [as well as] those portions of the Dark Cycle [which are] of their own karmic record until the last farthing be paid and every jot and tittle of the Law [of karma] is fulfilled. And therefore it is possible in a series of cycles of fourteen [years] for you to come to grips with all elements contained within what you have called the electronic belt as [it is] the container [in and of the subconscious] of [karmic] cycles unfulfilled.
Blessed hearts, the vials of the last plagues are poured out individually by the mighty Archangels as a path of initiation to every initiate on the path of Sanat Kumara in this and other circles throughout the planetary body. These vials represent the yearly descent of karma accelerated in this age of the Kali Yuga. As long as these individuals are determined to fulfill the law of cycles of their inner being, so it shall continue.
And so it was as some have witnessed in the life of the Messenger. It is good. We affirm, as I am certain you do, that you yourselves have had the opportunity to witness how these cycles of personal karma mingled with planetary karma have been weighed, weighed by the very hand of God and apportioned through the Archangels to the Messenger.
Thus you might view how certain situations, individuals, circumstances, administrative decisions have been made in the very face and teeth of all sorts of karmic conditions, even the karma of the Nephilim themselves that has been brought to the doorstep of this church. Be it so! For God has willed it, that all things might be fulfilled.
What you have witnessed [in the life of the Messenger] is this, that by diligent application of the Law, by responsibility and faithfulness without flaw, there has come to pass with the obedience to the covenants of Light the balancing of that karma.[6] Though by grace it is come, it could not come as an exception to the Law. There are no exceptions to the law of the ascension or the balancing of karma.
Though many in heaven may plead as advocates before God the Father, your own soul, beloved heart, must give the testimony whereupon the final decision rests. We have given you this witness and the revelation of previous incarnations, of sublimation of misqualified energy in holy purpose by the Messenger so that you could trace her footsteps, so that you could be now devotee in holy order and [now] sponsor [of] a family—simple servants, kings and queens, priests and priestesses, wearing your robes, playing your roles, and realizing that in each of these sections of life, in each of these apportionments there has been karma balanced and of course some karma made.
By studying, then, the dealings with all conditions common to planet earth and seeing how this Messenger has dealt with them, you can do the same. The story of this life as you know it, and as in some cases you do not, is the story of one who could overcome by knowledge, obedience, and love of the Law.
This one is a part of the One that also lives in you. This is the proof. This is the Victory, beloved hearts. This is the mighty action of the Law, which you also might prove. Take heart, then, and do not consider the weight as [being] so weighty as to obstruct the penetration of illumination’s ray, the piercing ray of the Mind of God within you to see what is to be balanced in this hour of your own cycles appearing.
Welcome the angels with their vials, even the Chohans and the Archangels, the Holy Kumaras and Elohim! Welcome them, for, beloved hearts, when they come, each time they come with each [succeeding] cycle there [will] be less and less and less within the vial. And one day you will see, as the Messenger has seen, the angel of the Lord pouring out the vial and nothing pours out but purest Light, liquid Light, golden elixir of God. What rejoicing, then, that you have been willing to take this path [of karma yoga], to stay steadfast on this path [determined to balance 100 percent of your karma] until every vial of every servant-son is emptied and you yourself are ascending to the Sun!
Let us understand, then, that the Karmic Board, the Four and Twenty Elders, and the Council of Fourteen may be selective in their judgments and in their deliberations. Far more predictable are the Keepers of the Flame than those who attach themselves to the mass consciousness; and therefore as concerns the Dark Cycle, we see as opportunity this cycle of the age of the Kali Yuga to return to each one that portion with which you would have done, and we also. [Wherefore it is the decree of the Lords of Karma that for those who have not come apart from the Nephilim or the mass consciousness, there is no intercessory dispensation or staying action of their karma in the Dark Cycle. They are at the mercy of the law of the karmic hammer which they themselves have unmercifully raised against mankind.]
[On the other hand, as an example of the grace that is apportioned unto the Lightbearers who work the works of God,] as some among you prove the same lessons that have been proven by the Messenger, this will reflect, this will sustain a momentum in earth and thereby, by [having] coordinates who are determined to stand, face, and conquer the dark cycle of their own remaining karma, there will be, then, opportunity for others to understand [and] to catch the vision [of] why the overcomers labor on.
Come, let us labor on [in] the sacred labor of the Lord Sanat Kumara! Come, let us labor on. And when they see you steadfastly climbing the highest mountain until you are no longer in full view and “the word I heard” and the soul they view is no longer what they have seen or heard before and they are wont to exclaim, “Where have the doves flown?” you will know.
You will know as you scrape the skies and swing from star to star, as you nestle in the causal bodies of avatars until you are glowing, not with substance radioactive of your electronic belt, but with those mighty light rays, those cosmic rays of cosmic beings filling vessels of the temple, filling your cups of joy that you pour out, not as vials of seven last plagues to earth’s evolution, [but as] cups of joy that descend as glacial light from glacial heights—cups of joy bringing the freshest rain of spring and mercy, waters cool and sweet, cups of joy descending from the snowy heights!
Tell the children in the valleys that, indeed, those who have gone beyond, beyond the ring of life, they truly have partaken of the Master’s cup of wedding joy, even the wedding of the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife. Blessed hearts so sweet and full of fire, excelling in devotion, so concerned that you care correctly for our Messenger, [you now receive our gratitude] for your rings of light and garlands of hearts, of flowers, and for that steadfastness in feeding the multitudes—leaving the vision of the altar and going back even when you know that we are present in full view—going back to serve, to see that the multitudes of God’s children will be fed the published Word, the Teaching, the soul nourishment, [as well as their daily bread].
If I had then perceived that thou hadst stayed, I must have fled the altar. But, beloved hearts, because you have understood the Work as the Light-emanation of the Word, the Word could stay and stay at the altar thereby traversing, passing through these walls and reaching you in emanations pure, in emanations of love from the heart of God for the Work at hand, [aye, the Light-emanation of the Word] swinging through his Mind and bringing elements of that Mind even refined for those who will hear and those who will listen.
Our Brotherhood here at Camelot and abroad is the Brotherhood dedicated to the work of Kuthumi’s Brothers of the Golden Robe in their retreat and [to the bringing forth of the work] in our own archives of the Brotherhood, [and to that] of Sanat Kumara, Maitreya, Gautama, [and] of other Buddhas of whom you have not heard and other golden ages that have not been stirred within your memories. These [teachings] are there in our archives and these records may be brought forth to be published, to be read, to be loved instead of the loves, the lesser loves, of this world.
Thus, my beloved, when you go to the gate and when you see the faces [there] waiting for the holy bread, you have [the] wherewithal to give [it to them] because you have left the altar and the vision and I have stayed instead; and you have trusted in [and entrusted your souls to] the cooperation of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. And though you have borne the burden of your karma that obscures the outer vision of the Light, the inner vision, the inner knowing, the confirmation of your soul of Light has been to all that steadfastness of purpose and that call that has manifested, beloved hearts, as the breaking of the bread of the Master’s table.
Not mere crumbs you have fed to the multitudes but chunks of bread for a meal of Light on which they have not fed for aeons. O precious books of Light, O precious words and precepts of the Law, statutes and testimonies of the witness of the Word, we extol thee as the Word that goeth forth out of the mouth of the Lord Sanat Kumara, out of the mouth of the Messenger, out of the mouth of each precious disciple!
As you have loved and nourished the Christ and fed and clothed him, healed his wounds and wrapped him even for the burial—all this within your heart, all this within your caring, all this within your daring to defy the fallen ones and their temptations—so we come to extend our congratulations not only to the Messenger for another birthday cycle but to all of you who view the Messenger and say, “O Mother, I AM thine own within thy heart. Within my heart thy image fair is there and none other can dwell, none other, for thou art—thou art the One, thou art the Light, thou art the flower beyond compare!”
You have made yourselves extensions of the One Sent and thereby you are extensions of my own angelic bands and initiates of Luxor. Blessed hearts, if you knew the high requirements of the Law that are set for those [who would] enter to be coordinates of our servants, you would know how high and holy is this declaration. Yet you have not full co-measurement of our bands. Some receive this. Some do not. God is no respecter of persons.
But I can tell you this, if perhaps your garment is not yet ready to mesh with my own, understand that this is a Community initiation. All of you wrapped collectively in the tent of Light, all who serve harmoniously and steadfastly come under this dispensation of the acknowledgment and the awareness of our own initiates who extend those loops of light that do descend from vast ranges of unknown origins. And yet, loops of light do come in those moments and hours when the soul who is worthy takes his stand with ours.
Blessed hearts, all, then, who serve, all, then, who partake of Holy Communion in the spirit of forgiveness and sharing, all those who are a part of the Body of God in honor, receive, then, this accord. For you have heard, and it is so, that upon the birthday of the Buddhas and the Mothers of the Light there truly are dispensations beyond dispensations that flow for the raising up, for the intensification of God within those who keep the vision, who do not leave off the viewing of the Mother or lose sight of her.
Thus the galaxy moves on. Thus the company that is part of this swirling light crossing, crossing the cosmos of God does see, does know that there is an infusion that heals the Body of God of all confusion. There is an infusion of Light. There is an attachment of this movement, of this galactic swirl unto my own causal body and through the lowered causal body of the Messenger to your own heart.
Skeins of light weave together souls of Light. My message pure and sweet must remain complete for simple hearts who may not know the geometry of our Word. Thus my message and my celebration for Light and Light’s expansion that you may not know is this, is this, my beloved: We are One.
Were you to sit and write the meditations of my heart and the heart of Mother and Lanello, you could write and write and write upon this concept: We are One. [This is] the oneness of all Life, [of all who are of God], of the Great White Brotherhood with all of you. Most comforting, most comforting words of Holy Spirit—We are One. Consider the consequences of this law which I affirm: All who are one with God have accessible to them—if they will try, if they will use it—even the fullness of the Light of all of our causal bodies.
Lest I burden you with too much Light, I say to all, Happy Birthday! and good night.
This dictation by Serapis Bey was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Tuesday, April 7, 1981, 10:52-11:37 p.m. PST, at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Serapis Bey’s direction for clarity in the written word.]
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 24 No. 61 – Beloved Serapis Bey – April 7, 1981
[1] The night cometh, when no man can work. John 9:4; 12:35.
[2] I am the Light of the world. John 8:12; 9:5; 12:46.
[3] The Dark Cycle under the hierarchy of Capricorn began April 23, 1981.
[4] Flight be not in winter. Matt. 24:20-22; Mark 13:18-20.
[5] The yearly Dark Cycles are the cyclic descent of personal and planetary karma as charted on the Cosmic Clock.
[6] The final balancing of the karma of the Messenger was announced by Saint Germain November 5, 1980. See “A Victory Celebration: Almighty God Is the Winner!” 1980 Pearls of Wisdom, p. 304.