By The Ascended Master Paul, the Venetian, now – The Maha Chohan
Channeled by ADK Luk
THE PERMANENT ATOM – is the nucleus, the Cohesive Power around which the Electronic Substance is drawn to create the Perfect physical form required. Neither breathing nor walking, nor any other process of living can be accomplished in a haphazard manner, nor can the Laws that govern the Universe be applied by mere wishful thinking or wild ejaculations or incomplete application of Cosmic Principle. Please get that straight.
THE ELECTRONIC LIGHT – The Universal Substance unformed, is intelligent. The Electronic Light to which We refer, that fills the Universe, contains within Itself a Central Core of BLUE WHITE FLAME. This is the Universal Light Substance…unformed but intelligent.
THE CREATIVE POWER – The Godhead, the Three-fold Flame. The GODHEAD is the Creative Activity of Life: The Three-fold Flame – the Triple Activity – The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is the ONLY Creative Power in the Universe. PLEASE RE-STUDY THE ABOVE PARAGRAPHS UNTIL you can differentiate between the CREATIVE POWER and the LIGHT SUBSTANCE which is the Essence that obeys and becomes the clothing of the Creative Flame.
THE THREE-FOLD FLAME – The Fire of Creation, is as Powerful in the Heart of the man in the gutter as in the Heart of the Great Central Sun. The Great THREE-FOLD FLAME may multiply Itself without limit and form points of Consciousness anywhere in the Universe. Whether It is the Godhead Direct (The Solar Logoi) or whether It is a Spark from the Godhead – the Mighty “I AM” Presence in the individual – makes no difference. The Fire of Creation is equally Powerful whether It is in the Heart of the Great Central Sun or in the Heart of the man in the gutter.

Electrons From The ‘Presence’ Contain The Fire Of Creation
The Electrons as they flow down the Lifestream from the Mighty “I AM” Presence into the physical Heart contain within themselves the Fire of Creation, and each Electron may become the nucleus or cause of whatever form the individual decrees into existence, thus the Electron may become the body of a child, the seed of a Spiritual Idea, the nucleus of a great international movement, the Heart of a novel or a celestial symphony.
The Electron which enters the Heart and becomes part of the Lifestream of a self-conscious Intelligence may be consciously projected into the Electronic Substance and around that minute particle of the Fire of Creation the Universal substance is drawn.
Without the Permanent Atom the Universal Substance remains unformed. The Permanent Atom is the cohesive Power and the Divine Will that draws the Electronic Substance into form.
All Creation is Three-Fold. Let Me show you the principle of creating that Permanent Atom.
The Electronic Light descends through your Lifestream into the Heart, which is the CUP that receives the Light, and then, ACCORDING TO THE DIVINE PLAN, the Electrons ascend again through the throat into the head. (The sub-normal expression is when the Electronic Light descends below the Heart and becomes sexual depravity). When the Electronic Stream of Energy reaches the Heart and begins again Its upward ascent, the inner eye can see that Stream of Light pour downward and another ascend in such rapid succession that it looks like the shading of the same stream, but if you interpenetrate that Stream of Energy you will see that half is descending and half is ascending.

Manifestation - Four Steps Necessary To Create The Permanent Atom Of Your Desire Or Plan
FIRST STEP: Make your mental picture. Now – Important- You have made your mental picture of that which you wish to precipitate.
SECOND STEP: Know and feel that the Fire of Creation flowing through you is ONE with that which created the Universe.
THIRD STEP: Withdraw all Power from the personality as the doer. You must absolutely withdraw all Power from the personality as the doer.
FOURTH STEP: From the THREE CENTERS – the HEART, the THROAT, and the HEAD, you consciously project a stream of Electronic Substance into the mental picture.
RESULT: The formation of the Permanent Atom of your picture. As they coalesce, they become the THREE-FOLD FLAME – the PERMANENT ATOM – which draws the Substance of the Universe around It and your precipitated form is completed.

How To Project A Stream Of Electronic Light Substance From Your Three Centers
First, the Pink Ray, the Cohesive Power of Love. From the Heart, the Electronic Substance flows in a Pink Ray, which is the Cohesive Power of Love, the magnetic force that draws the Blue Light of the Electrons into form.
Second, the Gold Ray, the mental picture outlined in Golden Light. From the Head comes the Gold Ray, which is the mental picture of the Divine Will, which has projected the Divine Plan into a mold or matrix—thus your mental mold is usually outlined in Golden Light.
Third, the Blue Ray, the Focus of Power. From the Throat goes forth the Blue Ray, which is the focus of Power, giving the precipitation its Strength, Endurance, and Ability to stand against the disintegrating powers of the outer world.
This is as simple of accomplishment as breathing, but it must be worked out in orderly succession.

The Ascended Masters on Manifestation - Channeled by ADK Luk for the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Now, Children of God, let us see what can be accomplished! As you know, you make a Mental Picture of that which you wish to Precipitate. You first acknowledge that the Creative Principle comes from God, and that the Sacred Fire of Creation flowing through you is One with the Creator of the Universe. Also, you absolutely withdraw all the power from the personality as the doer. Then, from the Head, Throat and Heart Centers, you Consciously Project a Stream of Electronic Light Substance into the Mental Picture. As they coalesce they become the THREE-FOLD FLAME – the PERMANENT ATOM – which Magnetizes the Light Substance of the Universe around It, and your Precipitated Form is complete.
Let Me show you: From the Head comes the Gold Ray which is the Mental Picture of the Divine Will that has Projected the Divine Plan into a Mold or Matrix. Thus, your Mental Mold is usually outlined in Golden Light.
From the Throat goes forth the Blue Ray which is the Focus of Power. This gives to the Precipitation Its Strength, Endurance and the Ability to Stand against the disintegrating powers of the outer world.
From the Heart comes the Pink Ray which is the Cohesive Power of Love. It is a Magnetic Force that Draws the Light of the Electrons into the Mental Form you have created.
I might add the following and call it a postscript: Within every Electron pouring down from the “Presence” into the Immortal Three-Fold Flame Within the Heart is the COMPLETE DIVINE PLAN FOR THAT LIFESTREAM, which would, without interference, flow through the Three Upper Centers of the Body and produce the Divine Plan in every avenue of outer living.
The Life Force, or Fire of Creation, flowing through the flesh body is not the same as the Elemental Substance that makes up the Atomic Structure. This Life Force from the “Presence” is Immortal, containing the Immortal Three-Fold Flame of God in each Electronic Particle. The Elements of the Body only attain Immortality at the time of the Ascension, when the Immortal Three-Fold Flame, which now dwells only Within the Heart, Expands and places a Part of Itself in each Electron of the Ascended Being. Thus, each Electron, becomes a Heart-Center of the Fire of Creation and begins Its own Individualization. Only Self-Conscious Intelligences – that part of Life which contains the Immortal Three-Fold Flame can say – “I AM”.
JESUS: Now individuals looking upon the Sun would certainly feel that It is the Ultimate, and yet, It is a very small Sun in comparison to the Galaxies that swing forward around, the Great Central Sun of our System. Yet, Beloved Helios and Vesta drew of Primal Life, and Consecrated Themselves according to Their developed capacities to use Their Flame of Life. They Magnetized from the “Infinite Source,” as much of It as They could Assimilate and Radiate, according to Their abilities to utilize that Radiation as a Benediction and a Blessing to the Universe. They learned to use the two activities of the Flame of Life within your Hearts – THE ACTIVITY OF COHESION AND RADIATION! They learned that by RADIATION, They could keep the Planets of Their System in a certain order – keeping each Planet a certain distance from Its Sister Planet, which created and sustained a Harmony and Unity in Their System. They learned that by COHESION, They could draw Their Planets to the perfect place in their orbits, and keep them from flying out into interstellar space and entering other orbits. They use the same two activities We are endeavoring now to develop among Our sincere chelas, THE POWER OF MAGNETIZING GOOD AND THEN RADIATING THAT GOOD FORTH!