The Seven Bodies and The Structure of Spiritual Existence

To embody and function on the physical plane and to navigate through the world of experience, every individual must possess seven bodies. Each body is formed from the substance of the realm in which it is designed to function.

The Structure of Spiritual Existence

The seven bodies are divided into ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ categories. The three higher bodies are Divine and already perfect. The four lower bodies contain energy that must be redeemed and transmuted into perfection by the individual who has imposed imperfection on them through many ages of living.
The three higher bodies operate within the octave of the Ascended Masters; the four lower bodies function in the lower vibrations of the astral or psychic plane, which includes humanity’s mis-qualified energy. All seven bodies contribute in some way to the individual’s consciousness.
The three higher bodies maintain a consciousness of perfection. The four lower bodies continually add to the overall consciousness of the lifestream by reporting both positive and negative experiences. Due to their limited development, these lower bodies take the appearance world at face value, contributing to the collective mass of human thought which shapes the average consciousness of humanity.
The three higher bodies consist of the ‘I AM Presence’, the ‘Causal Body’, and the ‘Christ Self’ (also referred to as the ‘Holy Christ Self’ or ‘Higher Mental Body’). The four lower bodies are made up of the etheric body, the mental body, the emotional body, and the physical body.
The function of the seven bodies is supported by a continuous flow of life-giving energy (electrons) originating from the Great Central Sun. This energy passes through the physical sun, the White Fire Body, the I AM Presence, and the Christ Self, reaching the four lower bodies. When an electron is invoked by an individualized Threefold Flame, it is imprinted with a specific pattern, such as a Maltese cross or a lotus flower (energy imprinting). Humanity is accountable for every electron so invoked. The electronic light of the universe, which creates all forms, constitutes the aura of GOD.
Electrons are shaped into form through the mind’s design capabilities and the speed of their rotation within the mind. The pattern of these electrons is determined by the emotions channeled through them, which set the vibratory rate.
Thought acts as the cup, the design, or the outline into which the primal substance of life is poured. Emotion is the vibratory pulse that passes through the electronic light, resulting in manifestation.
Many electrons, orbiting around a central core, form a single atom. There is space between each electron. As electrons rotate within their atom, their light either expands or is constricted by the discord and substance of the astral and psychic realms. This unwanted psychic and astral sub-stance is forced like pie-shaped wedges between these points of light through thoughts and emotions.
When your thoughts, emotions, and etheric memories focus on imperfection, the vibratory action of your electrons slows down. Consequently, the substance of the psychic and astral realms en-closes them, reducing the overall vibration of your four lower bodies. This makes you more susceptible to depression, poverty, ill-health, and other negative conditions commonly reflected and manifested by humanity today.

The phenomenon of consciously directing and imprinting patterns onto electrons through spiritual intention and energy, particularly in the context of using the Threefold Flame, is often described within spiritual and metaphysical circles as “electron manipulation” or “energy imprinting.” This process is viewed as a form of spiritual or energetic interaction where human intention directly influences the energetic and vibrational state of electrons.

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