Obedience to Love - Message from Serapis Bey
O how wondrous is the path of initiation unto the soul who has accepted the flame of God’s own obedient love! For that one has entered into that love which is obedience—truly loving obedience to the divine reason for being.
And that soul has heard the call from Alpha, from Omega, the Father-Mother God, and does no longer tarry in the cups of self-will and human pride and going astray from the very formula of the Law, which is the inner blueprint of one’s life.
From the day and the hour that thou dost hear the call of the Guru, beloved—that one who has called thee to the Path, even the path of the living flame of Love—there is no turning back.
The soul can no longer dally. The flute of Krishna has been heard and the sound of that love does woo the soul above and beyond all earthly loves.
The soul has heard the Call and the soul shall listen with inner ear and inner sight, following the lead and the beckoning of the one who bestows love for the union of all of one’s forces.
Yes, beloved, it is one thing to know that obedience to God is achieved only by love and that love is the fulfillment of the law of obedience, and it is another to know the vibration of that love, the quickening of that obedience: the quickening of the power of God that does galvanize all of one’s being, repolarizing one’s very life to the Polestar of Being, which is the I AM Presence with each one.
God has not left you comfortless.¹ God’s comfort is in that Presence and in the living presence of Christ born again and again in every heart until the heart, first the manger and then the palace of Light, becomes the dwelling place of both the Father and the Son.²
The Father and the Son will teach you the path of Love. And when you become immersed in that love in such profound inner joy, there shall come a cessation of idle chatter, of harshness of feelings, sharpness of thoughts—there shall come the softening, the tenderness and the very strength of Love.
These [changes] shall almost surprise you as you become aware that the Third Person of God does enter with Father and Son and your life becomes a walk in the Trinity. And the Holy Spirit shall nevermore go out from that point of the Inner Light if you keep the love tryst, if you cherish the law of God as the application of his will and rejoice to fulfill it.
How to fulfill the Law, then, if the will be not heard?
It is through the listening by the inner ear, the listening to the voice of God. [You must] shut out all other sounds so that God’s voice resounds within you and the impelling of Love teaches the law of right and wrong.
And the Holy Christ Self, so very, very near, does yet remain apart, trying the soul again and again, testing the soul, delivering the soul, refining the soul with Refiner’s fire³ until the soul does wonder, “Shall I forever be remanded to [the outer court], outside the door of the heart of my Christ, of my Lord Jesus?”
Again and again true love is tested. Again and again you desire to prove your love even as you are reproved by the one who loves you, the one who is that Guru who does unite you with your twin flame, with Jesus, with Lord Maitreya.
The Teacher comes! The trumpets sound! The Teacher has come to show you the way to answer the beckoning love of Love’s own perfect expression of itself.
O beloved, obedience is not hard when you have been touched by Divine Love in a measure beyond your present comprehension. Love that permeates all being is first of all a forgiving love—God’s forgiving of you and your forgiving of all parts of life. Forgiving love is a saturating love, a healing love, a love of resolution.
O soul who art immortal, know that you may wear the swaddling garment of Love! You may receive it! For I, Serapis, come as the mediator of that love that may be too tender, almost too profound to receive and contain.
God’s love is beyond all of self and selfhood.
What need have you of outer self when you are in the Beginning with Love and in the Ending with Love and you are in God and in the heart of God and God is in your heart?
There is nothing you cannot give away, for, beloved, you have the allness of the cosmos. And you know that in the giving of self or possessions (if you have not already given them), you impart some measure [of that allness] as token to those who are yet in the outer circle and have not entered in to the fullness of that bliss of communion with the Bridegroom, who is Christ the Lord.
O devotees of ascension’s flame, you have known the true love of that flame! You have known of Serapis. You have known of the love of twin flames of the Fourth Ray and you have understood the sound of the flame in the “March Triumphal,” in the sweet love call unto the “Celeste Aida.”
Yes, beloved, you have seen in the white fire of Luxor’s temple the [vision of the] merging of the white fire body of yourself and your twin flame that shall take place at that date when you are summoned to the return of the Divine Oneness. You have seen the merging of your Causal Bodies. You have known the promise of the fulfillment of this Path.
Therefore I counsel you, do not desire anything inordinately. Do not entertain any longer inordinate desire, for you remove yourself thereby from the fount of true and living Love.
Give obedience in little things, for the little matters must be settled, else they will become big fires out of control. Let the little problems in life be seen as significant⁴ of the larger ones.
When men ignore the larger problems of a planet in distress for the smaller ones of inconsequence, they surely do suffer: they suffer the loss of vision and experience a failed test in a schoolroom of life. But let not the larger worldview eclipse the affairs of your immediate circle, causing you to abandon the first responsibilities of life.
Thus, from either too close or too distant a view you may miss the point of the practicality denoted by the sand falling in the hourglass, the single grain of sand that you must cast as a diamond ere it fall in that moment of time arrested, eternity waiting, suspension.
How long is the suspension of a single grain of sand?
Does not the sun stand still for the son or the daughter of God who must weigh the factors of time and eternity to make that split-second decision for the right, for the championing of life and truth and honor?
Yes, Love is the great synthesizer of all, the fire infolding itself. Love begets love, the many forms of Love that all need—from mercy to chastisement, from firmness unto the beauty of star-fire glow.
I AM Serapis in the newness of Love and its fulfillment.
I am with you to increase your sense of heaven here below. A circle of light I now draw around you, each one, to extend the borders of your habitation, to magnetize love to your aura that you might become the magnet for Love, for giving and receiving love, failing not to remember that love is lost when you disobey the first commandment:
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.⁵
This is the first obedience and the first love.
Therefore be purged, I say, of lesser loves so that you do not misqualify God’s love but that you enter in to it and allow it to translate you again and again and again!
Be willing to be translated day by day, to be transfigured and to know that your loves of yesterday are not sufficient unto your loves of today nor will they suffice unto tomorrow’s.
Yes, beloved, love is eternally new as the eternally new springtime, as flowers that come and blossom, become immortelles and recycle, passing through time and space again.
O great love of God, as thou hast ordained the cycles in order to give opportunity in this hour to many of thy servants upon earth, so I have come to impress upon both the souls who hear me not through this Messenger and those who do (or shall by the recording) that that love is for the fulfilling of the whole law: and when the Law of Love is fulfilled, opportunity opens. And the opportunity to bear greater love of God is surely an initiation.
Love must be protected by the call to Saint Michael the Archangel. Love must be protected by the use of Wisdom, its exercise for the guardian action of Love. The Power of God must be wooed and won by you that that Power, which is endowed with God’s will, shall become the fortress for the sealing of Love against the hordes of night, who would steal it and pervert it and misqualify the sacred fire and take that Divine Love to depths where Love must not go.
So shall there be unto you an opportunity to be all Love. But this love shall not affix itself unto you or your aura until you demonstrate considerable proficiency [in holding Love’s harmony], preferring your calls to Archangel Michael and to the will of God (rather than those to Love itself) for the protection of the most precious gift of all cosmos.
God has sent me to you in this hour as your fellow servant and brother that I might express to you this opportunity to hold Love’s balance. [Love presents] the greatest of all tests of the seven rays, beloved, simply because the forces of Darkness would tear from you in any moment the precious love that is unto you a rare elixir of everlasting Life.
Just as soon as you are strengthened in Light, Light and Light, just as soon as you are firmly on the Path, know that God shall give you a portion of Love through my hand that will enable you to accelerate into realms of higher Love.
In the name of your God Presence and your Christ Self, beloved, I take my leave with the hope that you shall have your joy in this sense of Oneness with the Eternal One in Love.
I AM Serapis.
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 34 No. 54
¹ John 14:18
² Luke 2:7
³ Malachi 3:2
⁴ Matthew 25:21
⁵ Exodus 20:3

Serapis Bey
Serapis Bey is the Chohan of the Fourth Ray (white ray) of Purity. Known as the great disciplinarian, Serapis trains candidates for the ascension at his retreat, the Ascension Temple, at Luxor, Egypt.
This retreat is in the etheric octave, superimposed over the physical Temple of Luxor on the Nile. Among those attending classes at Luxor are artists, musicians, sculptors, architects, planners, and the most staunch disciples of every ray.
Serapis Bey’s devotion to the flame of purity is evidenced in his service throughout his embodiments on earth. These include: high priest in the ascension temple on Atlantis; Amenhotep III, Egyptian pharaoh (reigned c. 1417-1379 B.C.); Leonidas, king of Sparta (c. 480 B.C.); and Phidias, Greek sculptor (c. 490-430 B.C.).
The Ascended Master Serapis Bey initiates our souls in the flame of God-Harmony, charted on the six o’clock line of the Cosmic Clock under the solar hierarchy of Cancer. His keynote is “Celeste Aida” by Verdi. The melody of the ascension flame is the “Triumphal March,” also by Verdi. (See Lords of the Seven Rays, Book One, pp. 149-81, Book Two, pp. 135-54; glossary in Saint Germain On Alchemy, pp. 449-50, 447-49; and Serapis Bey, Dossier on the Ascension.)
This dictation by Serapis Bey was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the conclusion of the October 11, 1991 Friday evening service during the four-day Class of the Golden Cycle.
Clear the Way for the Coming of the Lord into Your Temple – by Serapis Bey