Morning Gratitude Practice
This practice, inspired by the teachings of Djwal Kul and the Ascended Masters, will help you center yourself in divine love and wisdom, preparing your heart for the day ahead. By connecting with the pulsation of life within your heart, you will align with the cosmic rhythm and expand your auric field, fostering a deeper awareness of the Christ consciousness.
1. Centering and Grounding
Sit comfortably in a quiet space where you will not be disturbed. Ensure your spine is straight, your feet are flat on the ground, and your hands rest gently on your lap or over your heart. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. Feel the breath filling your lungs and expanding your chest, then releasing any tension as you exhale.
2. Setting an Intention
Before we begin, set a clear intention for this practice. Silently or aloud, state your intention to connect deeply with the divine love and wisdom within your heart. For example, “I intend to open my heart to the love and wisdom of the Christ consciousness, expanding my auric field and aligning with the divine rhythm of life.”
3. Heart Flame Visualization
Direct your attention to the center of your chest, the area of your heart. Visualize a small, brilliant flame within your heart. This flame represents divine love, wisdom, and power. See it burning brightly, with a gentle, radiant glow that brings warmth and light to your entire being.
As you focus on this flame, silently repeat the affirmation, “I am the love flame of Christ consciousness. My heart is a radiant sun of divine love.” Let these words resonate deeply within you, reinforcing your connection to the divine love that resides in your heart.
Allow the visualization to deepen. Imagine the flame growing larger and brighter, expanding its reach. Feel the warmth and light of this flame filling your entire heart, radiating outward through your chest, your torso, and eventually throughout your entire body. Sense this divine energy extending beyond your physical form, enveloping your aura in a cocoon of love, wisdom, and power.
4. Breathing with the Heart
Place both of your hands gently over your heart. Feel the warmth of your hands infusing your heart with comforting energy. Bring your awareness to your breath, feeling the natural rhythm of your chest rising and falling.
As you inhale deeply through your nose, visualize breathing in pure, divine love and light directly into your heart. See this energy entering your body, flowing into your heart, and nourishing the love flames within. Feel this divine light expanding the fires of love, making them burn even brighter.
As you exhale slowly through your mouth, imagine releasing any tension, fear, or negativity from your heart. See these negative energies dissolving and dissipating, leaving your heart clearer and more luminous. With each breath, feel your heart becoming a pure vessel of Christ consciousness, filled with divine love and light.
5. Gratitude Invocation
Now, let’s invite gratitude into our hearts. Silently or aloud, express your gratitude for the new day, for the love and blessings in your life, and for the opportunity to grow in Christ awareness. You might say, “I am grateful for this new day, for the love and light that fills my life, and for the presence of the divine within me. I give thanks for the guidance and protection of the Ascended Masters, and for the opportunity to expand my soul consciousness.”
Reflect on specific blessings in your life. Feel the gratitude in your heart, allowing it to expand the love flames even more. Visualize this gratitude as a warm, golden light that fills your entire being, merging with the radiant heart flame.
6. Mantra and Affirmation
To further energize and open your heart chakra, we will incorporate a sacred mantra. Choose a mantra that resonates with you. This could be “Om Mani Padme Hum,” “Yod He Vau He,” or the simple yet powerful names “Jesus” or “Christ.”
Chant this mantra aloud or silently, focusing on the vibrations it creates within your heart center. Feel these vibrations amplifying the love flames, infusing them with even more divine energy. Allow the mantra to resonate deeply within you, aligning you with the frequency of divine love.
7. Closing and Integration
As you conclude this practice, take a moment to sit quietly, feeling the effects of the meditations and affirmations you have just performed. Notice the warmth and light within your heart, the clarity of your energy, and the deep sense of connection to divine love.
Silently thank the divine presence within you for guiding and supporting your practice. Take a few deep breaths, slowly bringing your awareness back to your surroundings. When you are ready, gently open your eyes, carrying the love and light of the heart flame with you throughout your day.
By incorporating this Morning Gratitude Practice into your daily routine, you will cultivate a deep and abiding awareness of the Christ consciousness within your heart. This practice not only enhances your personal spiritual growth but also contributes to the expansion of divine love and light in the world.