invoke the power of the "I AM" Presence

Invoke the Power of The "I AM" Presence

In the name of the Mighty, All-Pervading Principle of Life, I invoke the power of the “I AM” Presence within me, The eternal spring of Eternal, Everlasting Life.
With each breath, I affirm my divine essence, “I AM” the Full Activity of God in action, Recognizing my own Conquering Divinity.
I declare with unwavering conviction: “I AM” Love, Peace, and Harmony personified, Radiating compassion and kindness to all.
“I AM” Beauty, embracing the divine perfection within and around me, Harmonizing with the natural rhythm of life.
“I AM” Opulence, opening myself to the abundance of the universe, Receiving prosperity and wealth with gratitude.
“I AM” Divine, a unique expression of the Infinite Intelligence, Empowered by the boundless potential within.
“I AM” Health, vibrant and whole in body, mind, and spirit, Embracing vitality and well-being with every fiber of my being.
“I AM” Prosperity, attracting abundance effortlessly, Knowing that I am deserving of all good things.
“I AM” Freedom, releasing all limitations and restrictions, Embracing the limitless possibilities of creation.
“I AM” Gratitude, expressing thanks for the blessings in my life, Infusing every moment with appreciation and joy.
As I decree these words with conviction and faith, I align myself with the highest truth of my being, And step into the fullness of my divine potential.
So be it, and so it is.

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