Invocations Inspired by Djwal Kul Auric Studies
Known as the Tibetan Master, Djwal Kul offers timeless wisdom and guidance to those seeking to deepen their connection with the Divine and to expand their spiritual consciousness.
The invocations are designed to awaken the Christ consciousness within, to cleanse and elevate the soul, and to fortify the auric field with divine light. These sacred words serve as a bridge between the individual soul and the infinite Source, calling forth the transformative energies of love, wisdom, and power.
Meditation on the Integration of Divine Energies
Djwal Kul emphasizes the importance of the heart as the seat of divine authority and the central point for the flow of life.
By focusing on the heart chakra, practitioners are guided to ignite the threefold flame of divine attributes within themselves, thereby expanding their auric field and embodying the light of the Christ consciousness.
Each invocation is a powerful tool for spiritual growth, offering practical steps to purify and strengthen the soul’s connection to the Divine.
Through these sacred practices, devotees can achieve greater spiritual mastery, align with their higher purpose, and contribute to the upliftment of all humanity.

Invocation for the Expansion of the Heart and Aura
In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, I call forth the divine energies of the Ascended Masters Kuthumi, Djwal Kul, and all the Masters of Light who guide us in the path of spiritual ascension.
Beloved Presence of God, I AM, Expand your light within my heart, Ignite the threefold flame of love, wisdom, and power, And guide me in the mastery of the Christ consciousness.
O beloved Kuthumi, Master of the Golden Robe, Guide me in expanding my aura, To embody the light of divine love and wisdom.
Beloved Djwal Kul, Teacher of the heart’s mysteries, Help me to center my awareness in the sacred heart, To receive the flow of life from the Great Central Sun.
O Divine Presence, I dedicate myself to the path of spiritual mastery, To cleanse and awaken my soul consciousness, And to expand my auric field with your divine light.
Teach me to keep the fires of my heart diligently, To embody the Christ consciousness in all my chakras, And to become a vessel of your love, wisdom, and power.
Beloved Ascended Masters, I call upon your guidance and protection, To surround me with a circle of light, And to help me manifest the fullness of my divine potential.
I AM the light of God expanding in my heart, I AM the wisdom of Christ illuminating my mind, I AM the power of the Holy Spirit manifesting through me, I AM a radiant beacon of divine love and truth.
As I meditate upon the heart, I see the threefold flame burning brightly, I feel the divine energies flowing through me, Cleansing, purifying, and expanding my aura.
I visualize the sacred geometry of the interlaced triangles, Symbolizing the union of God and man, I draw forth the light of the I AM Presence, And merge it with the Christ consciousness within me.
In the name of the Father, the Mother, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I decree that my heart is a sacred altar, Burning with the flames of love, wisdom, and power, Expanding my aura and lifting me into the ascension light.
So be it, beloved I AM. Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM.
I give thanks to the Ascended Masters and the divine beings of light, For their guidance, protection, and love, I seal this invocation in the heart of the Divine, And step forward in faith and trust, ready to embody the Christ within.