Heart Chakra Meditation Inspired in the Teachings of Djwal Kul
Ready to go on a transformative meditation journey? This one is designed to align and activate your heart chakra, expand divine illumination, and purify your physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies.
Inspired by the profound teachings of Djwal Kul in the book “The Heart of the Ascension: Mastering the Auric Forcefield through Christ Consciousness”, this meditation will guide you through a process of deep acceptance, unwavering commitment, and powerful changes.
Expansion of Divine Light & Heart Chakra Activation
Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Sit in a lotus position or any comfortable seated position with your spine straight. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
Begin by invoking the presence of the divine within you. Silently or aloud, say:
“I call upon the light of my inner Christ, the divine presence of ‘I AM THAT I AM,’ to fill and guide me in this meditation. I invite the energies of love, wisdom, and divine illumination to flow through my heart chakra, aligning me with the highest spiritual truths. I am open to the transformative power of the divine. So be it.”
Visualize roots extending from the base of your spine and the soles of your feet, reaching deep into the earth. Feel the stability and support of the earth grounding you, anchoring your energy. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling the grounding energy of the earth and exhaling any tension or stress.
Heart Chakra Activation
Bring your awareness to the center of your chest, the location of your heart chakra. Visualize a small, radiant point of golden pink light glowing at the heart center. With each inhale, see this light growing brighter and more vibrant.
Repeat silently or aloud: “I am a radiant being of divine love and light. My heart chakra is the center of divine illumination and transformation.”
Expansion of Divine Light Meditation
As you continue to breathe deeply, visualize the golden-pink light at your heart center expanding outward, forming concentric rings of light. With each breath, these rings grow larger, filling your entire chest and radiating out into your aura. Allow yourself to feel immersed in this light, sensing its warmth and divine presence.
Purification of the Four Lower Bodies
Physical Body:
- Visualization: Envision the golden-pink light cascading through your physical body, illuminating every cell, tissue, and organ.
- Effects: As the light permeates your physical form, see it cleansing away impurities and revitalizing each part of you. Feel a surge of health and vitality, as if your body is being renewed from within. Imagine any areas of discomfort or illness being washed away, replaced by a sense of wholeness and well-being.
Emotional Body:
- Visualization: Direct the golden-pink light to your emotional body, seeing it surround and infuse this subtle layer with its radiant glow.
- Effects: Observe the light gently dissolving any lower emotions such as fear, anger, or sadness. Watch as these emotions are transformed into higher vibrations of love, compassion, and joy. Feel a profound sense of emotional balance and harmony, as if your heart is expanding with pure, unconditional love.
Mental Body:
- Visualization: Guide the light to your mental body, the layer of your being that encompasses your thoughts and mental patterns.
- Effects: See the light clearing away any negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and mental clutter. As the light purifies this layer, feel a sense of clarity and mental sharpness emerging. Allow divine insights and wisdom to flow into your consciousness, bringing you deeper understanding and enlightenment. Imagine your mind becoming a serene and tranquil space, open to the higher truths of the universe.
Etheric Body:
- Visualization: Focus the light on your etheric body, the energetic framework that supports your physical existence.
- Effects: Visualize the light strengthening and fortifying this structure, making it a more resilient and powerful conduit for spiritual energies. Feel your etheric body glowing with an intensified radiance, capable of channeling higher frequencies and divine energy. Sense a heightened connection to the spiritual realms and your higher self, as your energetic body becomes more aligned with your soul’s purpose.
Integration and Expansion
As you continue to breathe deeply, see the concentric rings of golden-pink light expanding further, reaching out to your environment and beyond. Imagine this light touching and blessing all beings, spreading peace, love, and harmony.
- Grounding: Feel your connection to the Earth, as roots of light extend from your feet into the ground. This grounding ensures that the spiritual energies you are working with are anchored in your physical reality.
- Protection: Envision a sphere of golden-pink light surrounding you, acting as a protective shield. This light barrier allows only the highest vibrations to enter your space, maintaining your energetic integrity.
Speak the following affirmation silently or aloud to seal this meditation:
“I am a radiant being of divine light. As I expand this light within and around me, I align with my highest self and the universal source. I am purified, healed, and empowered to fulfill my soul’s purpose. So be it.”
Take a moment to reflect on your experience. How do you feel physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically? Journal any insights or sensations that arose during the meditation. Use this practice regularly to maintain a high vibration and deepen your connection to the divine.
Affirmation and Commitment
Now, focus on your commitment to the divine path. Silently or aloud, affirm: “I accept the divine name ‘I AM THAT I AM’ written upon my heart. I choose to live by the Spirit, aligning my thoughts, words, and actions with divine will. I am committed to expanding the light of the heart and embodying the Christ consciousness. So be it.”
Visualization of Divine Alignment
Visualize yourself standing before a magnificent altar within your heart’s inner temple. Kneel before this altar and see the flame of the divine burning brightly. As you bow your head in reverence, feel the divine light filling you with a profound sense of peace, joy, and purpose.
Spend a few moments in silence, allowing the energy and light to integrate fully into your being. Feel the expansion of your aura, the increase in the fires of your heart, and the profound connection to the divine presence within.
When you feel ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, take a deep breath, and slowly open your eyes.
To close the meditation, say: “I give thanks for the divine presence within me. I am aligned with my heart chakra, filled with divine light and love. I am committed to living by the Spirit and embodying the Christ consciousness in all aspects of my life. So be it. Amen.”
Post-Meditation Reflection
Take a few moments to reflect on your experience. You may wish to journal any insights, feelings, or guidance that came to you during the meditation. Reflect on how you can integrate these insights into your daily life to maintain alignment with your heart chakra and the divine path.
By regularly practicing this heart chakra meditation, you will deepen your connection to the divine, purify your four lower bodies, and expand the light of your heart. This transformative journey will lead you to greater spiritual growth, enlightenment, and alignment with the divine will.