Aspirations and Accomplishments by Ascended Master El Morya
To My Chelas Who Adore and Respect God’s Will:
Urgency and inertia appear to be opposites, yet they are aspects of the factors governing the release of energy.
Human will is a powerful factor also and is stimulated primarily by motive and wants.
Divine will is set entirely apart from mere human motivation and is a resurgent spiritual power of the first degree.
Our students, through their love to be of service, often desire to marshall their forces on behalf of the expansion of light only to find a wide gap between their good intentions and their accomplished actions. Because of this gap and the sobering requirements of the hour, I am publicizing this discourse made before the Darjeeling Council in order to narrow the gulf between aspirations and accomplishments for all who will make the necessary application.
Obviously a feeling of urgency can be most harmful, as much so as lethargy or sloth. People most need a balanced release of their energy if they are to happily serve our cause.
Your God Presence is fully able to illumine you as to just how you can release your energy with razor-sharp discrimination, flowing as rhythmically as sand through an hourglass, and from an unlimited supply it will construct not castles of sand but immortal mansions of the spirit.
The development of this skill will magnify your power of creativity with but a fraction of the effort you now use. Blessed ones, cultivate equilibrium and delicate control in the use of your energies.
Ask also for Christ-illumination in all your affairs and then await its guidance, knowing that every true call compels an answer.
Listen after you call for directions pointing the way to right action.
This guidance may manifest in many forms, not necessarily as an audible voice or picture, but sometimes even as the hand of innocent circumstance.
Be alert to pursue the right path by obeying cosmic law and the presence of divine love, which is ever near to a heart whose every wish is to do God’s will.
When the correct determination is made, plan to implement it by action. Your actions can take many forms: thinking, detailed planning, imaging, and preliminary preparation for the goal in sight. These all serve to focus your powers of victorious accomplishment.
Returning to the feeling of urgency which should be diminished, let me hasten to say that if this propensity is too intense, it creates a binding lethargy bordering on confusion.
Likewise, when slothful feelings reach the point of excess, they create a most uncomfortable pressure of urgency which discourages the chela from performing properly.
Do you see, then, how perfect balance is the light’s way of freeing the chela from painful necessities and installing within the consciousness complete ascended-master control over one’s total being?
Motivation rising solely from the ego is one of the present dominant factors in human affairs. Its stimulus and role in world and personal matters cannot be denied. Motivations which are ego-centered may produce seemingly good results, but we have found through experience that these results can never be guaranteed with any degree of surety, for they have often been most unreliable and unpredictable.
What is needed is adoration and respect for God’s will. Adoration is a most excellent means of counteracting confusion apostasy, heresy with regard to cosmic law, and the impact of fluctuating human uncertainties. As long as men heed outer limited concepts, they will be at least partially separated from the most potent aspects of our assistance.

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George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were both mighty lifestreams whose historical and spiritual stature remain enshrined in the hearts of many of the world’s people. I am advocating consideration of their dedication, their persistence in the face of difficulty, and their total contribution to world good. Behold, the inner-level record of these two blessed ones show the ascended masters did play a major role behind the scenes in their achievements.
Because of the people’s dearth of spiritual understanding, the as-yet unremoved discarnates, the black magicians, and the neglect of protection, Mr. Lincoln’s untimely passing occurred before he could complete the blessed service of binding up the nation’s wounds. Since then, the beloved Ascended Master K-17 has continued to strengthen the secret service until today at both inner and outer levels it has given progressively better service to America, its president, and her people.
In conclusion I am advising you of a special report in preparation here at Darjeeling which will release to world leaders the soundness of the ascended masters’ ideas and ideals! I anticipate the fullest cooperation of the student body in circulating these recommendations and considering the points which require attention. I assure you of my personal cooperation in adjusting the personal affairs of every sincere chela who will call upon me. I am also preparing for release later this year an important plan which will renew the bands of love around all spiritual people. I remain in loving hope for the raising up of a militant body of God upon earth to adore his will in action!
Once again I prepare to march!
El Morya
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 5 No. 7 – El Morya – February 16, 1962
(This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the ascended masters’ Darjeeling (India) Council of God’s Will, of which all the ascended host are members.)