Lord Melchizedek Ascended Master
In this message, Melchizedek warns of the looming darkness and calls for repentance and adherence to divine counsel, emphasizing the importance of aligning with the Great White Brotherhood and the living Word.
Melchizedek speaks of the ascending and descending spirals of life, urging the followers to pursue their divine calling as kings and priests.
He invokes blessings and initiations, aligning the followers with the divine will and purpose. The message ends with a prayer invoking divine presence and unity with the Mystical Body of God, calling for the banishment of ignorance and the descent of divine light into the world.

To Sup with You in the Glory of Christ Be Diligent before the Darkness of the Oncoming Tide
Sons and Daughters of the Most High God,
I, Melchizedek, salute you in the sacred fire. I have come in this hour from Zadkiel’s retreat, where I abide in the LORD’s discernment of events, to sup with you in the glory of Christ which I AM and to give unto you now a measure of the light of my body and my essence.
So upon these wafers and the fruit of the vine I pour out of myself the subtle essence of Being. For unto thee it is given, and given according to the measure of the honor of God, that by which thou mightest multiply light from this hour unto thy glorification in Him.
Be diligent, beloved, for ye know not how great the Darkness or the oncoming tide of danger. Therefore, truly repent from decadent spirals and receive my counsel or rebuke from my Messenger.
Because some have listened, some have ascended. Because some have not listened, they have departed out of the way of the Great White Brotherhood. Though they may continue in high-sounding phrases and the logic of the carnal mind to expound upon the Word, never shall they enter the heart of that Word so long as they are apart from the living, beating heart of the Logos where I AM THAT I AM.
Lanello is present with Enoch of Light, O beloved. For it is a day to remember Brahman who gave birth and parted himself as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
Know, then, that in thy heart is a flame, and in the flame the Knower and the known. So this Knower and the known—let it be thy true self. Drink unto thyself and into thyself, beloved. For I speak of Truth and Being and Consciousness where I AM and I give it to you in this hour through this substance.
Receive it now, beloved. For we would then proceed with our message.
[Holy Communion is served.]
It is, then, in the intensity of the Word that I address you this day, beloved. And I assure you that the V that is drawn is itself a spiral unending. Each side of the V represents the ascending and descending aspects of the caduceus of Life.
Beloved ones, I call you in an hour when Darkness is deceptive, when the Light eternal and oncoming, beloved, is not seen in the perspective of initiation as that which must be assimilated in order to be experienced; for in order to be experienced it must be received by initiation.
Therefore, beloved, as the Light is not perceived, neither be the Darkness. And the majority of lifewaves upon earth are lulled somewhere between the two pillars in the temple of being as well as between the extremes of Light and Darkness.
Thus, for that age that is to come, I counsel you, each and every one—truly pursue the calling, the calling of God to be kings and priests unto him. <1> Recognize that the hour will come when there is no longer time for preparation, and the purpose of thy calling fulfilled shall appear as many, many shall need that light stored, then, now in the Deathless Solar Body.
I, Melchizedek, draw the line as a fiery ovoid, beloved, of your Deathless Solar Body. And I hurl to you this day the challenge of filling in the lines of the Deathless Solar Body and the spirals and the warp and the woof thereof.
For, beloved, this Deathless Solar Body is the true and only passport to the kingdom of heaven. He who has it has balanced and expanded the threefold flame, is therefore buoyant, levitating—yea, bouncing as a babe newborn in God in the rising resurrection flame. Beloved, this hour, then, consecrate thy light, thy life, thy love, thy wisdom to this holy purpose.
In the magnet of the Great Central Sun I stand. And I stand here below, conferring upon you the initiations for the sealing of level one and level two of Summit University. May some who love the Path of the Ruby Ray become ennobled by the Holy Ghost as the unfoldment of third level, of the Ruby Ray, and of the ministering servant who is the initiate becoming one in the Order of Melchizedek. Let these, then, arrive and petition God and this Messenger for the opportunity to be found in that level in the Heart of the Inner Retreat.
I, Melchizedek, salute you in the flame of the Divine Mother and in her temple. Let it be, then, O beloved, that this light that is sealed once and again and again and again and again and again and again in all of thy chakras be the opening of the way to the New Day and to the journey of the mountain.
I take, then, the first step of that journey with you. You will take all the rest at my behest. I will be there. And I will be not. And when I am not, you are that I AM. And when I AM, you are the not-self-relinquishing, shedding, being delivered, becoming the I AM when I am not. As Above so below, the Law is fulfilled in you in the cosmic cross of white fire.
[24-second pause]
So the sprinkling of the holy water by the seraphim of God enables you to know that they, too, are one with the sons and daughters of God of the priesthood of the King of Salem. <2>

Melchizedek’s Messenger Invocation:
Beloved Father, we, thy sons and daughters, gather on this the day of thy descent with the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit into these chalices, which we now raise to receive the subtle essence of thy Being, the nectar of thy divine wisdom, the perfecting of the soul.
Light of the heart, leap now in joy. Threefold flame, extend now thy presence. Touch the heart of the living Christ and the Mighty I AM Presence, that we might celebrate this day the Three-in-One.
Elohim of God in the Great Central Sun, lo, I AM THAT I AM! Elohim of sacred fire, hear, then, the call of Keepers of the Flame. Let the sacred fire of God descend into the heart of earth for the purging of all ignorance.
This day, O LORD, we gather in the name of Sanat Kumara, the Holy Kumaras, Lady Master Venus, Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ. In the flame of our father Enoch, in the flame of our father Melchizedek, in the living flame of our father Zarathustra, O God, we assemble to banish ignorance in the earth. Let it be banished by divine decree this day, O God!
Blaze the light of Victory’s spiral staircase. Mighty Victory, in thy presence we ascend spiral of illumination’s golden flame, golden stairway to the star of the Mighty I AM Presence—pilgrims now. Golden robe of Lanto, Lord Confucius, disciples and bodhisattvas now upon us as we pray, as we muse upon the supreme essence of Being, as we are, O LORD I AM THAT I AM…
Seven beloved Archangels, seven beloved Archangels, in the victory of thy flame, come forth. In the heart of the Lord of the World Gautama Buddha, come forth!
Seven beloved Archangels, let thy light rays now extend the thread of contact to the seven bodies of man, to the seven chakras. Let thy will be done. Let thy wisdom permeate, penetrate, assimilate, O my soul, this living light of wisdom, this communion of the Lord of the World and the Holy Kumaras.
Come, O angels of God. Sup with us in this hour as we deliver this Body, this Mystical Body of God upon earth, unto thy Body in heaven.
This day, O God—this day, O LORD I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara—we celebrate the unity of our Mystical Body on earth with the Mystical Body of God in heaven, in Spirit and in Matter.
By thy living Presence, by the light of Wesak, beloved Buddha, we are one. And the cosmic wafer, as Above so below, slips as one into position of light.
So it is done, O LORD. Deliver now the earth from ignorance by those who are thy Body.
Light, appear in this temple! We accept it by the authority of Lord Zadkiel and the priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek. We accept it done, O God. So it is done in thy name forever and forever and forever.
I AM THAT I AM the living Word where I AM.
This dictation by the Ascended Master Melchizedek was delivered through the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Father’s Day, June 15, 1986, at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California, USA. It was the concluding address to the students of Summit University Spring Quarter 1986, sponsored by Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus, Melchizedek and Enoch.
2. Gen. 14:18; Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:5-10; 6:20; 7.
Understanding the Great White Brotherhood