Serapis Bey - Clear the Way for the Coming of the Lord into Your Temple
Hail, Serapis Soleil!
I speak to the one who gave me the name and the title Serapis Soleil.
I am in your midst, beloved, and I bear the sword of ascension’s flame.
I am in your midst, for the year’s cycle comes to a conclusion; and in these remaining hours you yet have opportunity by violet flame transmutation to enter surely, surely new levels of consciousness.
Therefore, be seated in the presence of my flaming seraphim.
Some of you shall experience seraphim as a cool, white energy.
Others shall experience seraphim as a white-hot heat.
Therefore, retreat into the center of your heart and know equilibrium, for outside of the center of the threefold flame there is none.
Some of you have diligently followed the path of the fourteen-month cycles of initiation through the spheres of the Causal Body.
You will have passed through a full round of these cycles by May of the year 1995.¹
What shall we see as the harvest?
The harvest being white,² let us see how many souls you will gather to be purified by the prayers of the devotees in all spiritual movements—those who meditate and enter into the Holy of holies of their inner being, their Inner Christ and Inner Buddha.
It was said by the Lord: “If they say, ‘Lo, he cometh here, lo, he cometh there,’ or ‘Behold, he is in the desert, behold, he is in the secret chambers,’ go not forth, believe it not. For the kingdom of God is within you.”³ And the Lord of that kingdom is within you, and the Lord of your kingdom is your Holy Christ Self. Yes, beloved.
Thus, I pray that you shall pray and pray fervently in these days for the redemption of your soul and the resolution of your soul’s psychology.
Be willing to descend into the depths of Death and Hell, as Jesus did, that you might descend into the very pit of your own unconscious mind, exorcise it of demons, and then rise to the heights of your I AM Presence.
Clear the way for the coming of the Lord into your temple, for he will suddenly come, even as the thief in the night.⁴ I ask you: When your Holy Christ Self is appointed of God to descend into your temple, will you be ready or will the vessels break?
Will they break, beloved, and the Light be lost?
The mystery of the breaking of the vessels is spoken of in Kabbalah.
Do not allow the vessels of consciousness to break by being too yin or too yang; but retreat to the center of the heart, for it is the white fire of winter solstice.
So, beloved, there is a spiral stairway that descends into the lowest levels of consciousness to which you have descended in all of your lifetimes.
It is time to roll up these stairs as you would roll up a scroll.
But you must descend at least once more so that step by step you may sweep, scrub and polish each step.
Take that step in consciousness. Keep it firm. Make it firm.
Be firm, therefore, in the inner coils of fire the seraphim bring to you.
For seraphim are your helpers as you move to bring to resolution all that has not been of God or of the Holy of holies or of the electronic fire rings of the Central Sun.
There is nothing to keep you from this victory but your own doubt or depression or nonresolution with self or others.
I say, beloved, there are many reasons, known to the Keeper of the Scrolls, why you should accomplish this resolution in these days to come.
And if you cannot accomplish this fully in 1995, then at least enter the new year with the intensity of a fiery purpose that says: “I am shedding the snakeskin of my former self, that I might be now and forever in the invincible presence of Serapis!”
Lo, I AM the Lord of the Fourth Ray!
Therefore I am at the midpoint of the lineup of the Seven Chohans as the Chohan of white fire.
In that white fire I bear ascension’s flame, beloved, and also the flame of eternal life.
Long, long ago, for reasons I shall not discuss this evening, your soul lost the flame of her immortality and became mortal.
And ever since, beloved, you have been calling to God for deliverance.
I say, deliver yourself in the name of God, I AM THAT I AM!
Deliver yourself of all that smacks of mortality, mortal thinking, finite thinking, the thinking that limits the soul and causes despair.
Know what is immortal thinking and engage in that thinking, beloved.
Dwell upon the precepts of the Most High. Be willing to walk those many steps from the base of self to the heights of self, leaving no stone unturned—no stone of karma, no stone of schism or division.
It can be done, for ye have the violet flame. Ye have the white fire of the Mother and the knowledge of how to raise that sacred fire on the altar of your being.
I come having listened to the dictations of the blessed Mother Mary and of Lanello.
I come having heard the Lord speak on his day.⁵
Therefore, familiarize yourselves with these dictations, for they are the preface to our New Year’s gathering.
For we, the Chohans of the Rays and I, as they have appointed me spokesman, speak to you, beloved, and we say: In this year all things are possible unto you.
The highway of our God is before you. You need but step upon it and then keep going, approaching the Central Sun as you gather and you sow, gathering the good fruits of your karma, sowing the good seed again, gathering the bad fruits of negative karma, transmuting them and going back again and again until the harvest is a mighty harvest.
Then look to the sea and bring in a mighty catch as heavy as that caught by the disciples on the Sea of Galilee when they cast their net on the right side, as their Lord instructed them, and “were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.”⁶
O beloved, understand that the moment you deal with the energies of the unconscious, the moment you cast out what you have correctly labeled as the Martian energies,⁷ you will find the rushing wind of the Holy Spirit rushing in to fill the vacuum!
For there will be a vacuum in the unconscious once it is swept clean.
And when that rushing mighty wind and those rushing waters rush in, beloved, you will find yourselves filled—filled with the Holy Spirit, filled with the waters of eternal life.⁸
And you shall indeed begin to say to yourselves, “Methinks I have touched the hem of the garment of my own immortality.” And rest assured, you shall be correct, for so great is the presence of that mighty wind!
That rushing wind of the Holy Spirit has been portrayed in magnificent works of art, beloved, billowing in the garments of prophets and apostles and the Lord Christ himself.
Thus, the artists have made the invisible visible.
That presence of the wind of the mind and the heart and the soul and the spirit is with those who are of noncompromise—no compromise, beloved!
For the Holy Spirit would give you cloven tongues.
And cloven tongues of fire become the single flame when thou art whole.
Alpha and Omega dance in the cloven tongues.
Alpha and Omega are givers of gifts of the Spirit.
Know the gifts.⁹ Embody them. Exercise them!
Call upon the Lord. And, yes, kneel in prayer each night.
Kneel if you are weary. Kneel if you are sorrowful or fatigued.
But kneel and offer your prayers to God, deep prayers of longing, deep prayers for the turning around of this old world, deep prayers for those who suffer and those who bear their karma and those who have no karma yet are the victims of evil spirits.
Yes, because of their very Light and grace, these souls are spat upon.
Will war ever end upon this planet, beloved?
Will it ever end?
It will not end until the 10 percent who are the remnant of the Lightbearers in the earth¹⁰ shall have purified their inner beings of the warring within.¹¹
You must be done with the inner warring and you must have the breadth of consciousness to understand and admit that most people have that inner warring.
Go after it, beloved, for it will disappear in the very flame of Serapis. For I have come. I have come hearing the dispensations of El Morya and Saint Germain.¹²
I have come hearing from Archangel Michael and the Masters who spoke at the fall conference.¹³
And I say to you, it is the Divine Mother’s white fire of ascension’s flame that you must make your own.
And as you walk through the steps of the days before the turning of the year, I ask you to call for the initiation of the purification of the throat chakra.
Do this so that the Word of God might be pronounced by you, so that God might speak through you and so that that word, reaching hearts, might carry the conviction of the saints.
Thus shall those who hear truly know that they have heard the words of the Holy Spirit.
I AM Serapis. My retreat is at Luxor, Egypt, so I am in a part of the world where there has been strife and warring, seemingly forever.
I am in a dark part of the earth, even as Jesus went to a dark part of the earth.
And there we stand, and there you come to be disciplined in the initiations of the Ascension Temple.
There you come to undo the threads of your human consciousness, some after the transition called death, some before—the latter journeying to the retreats at night, escorted by angelic hosts.
I say to you, do not waste the time you have before you, but be cognizant of every moment.
Live it fully.
And in the living of it, understand and know that you are and will be ready for the next cycle and the one after that.
As you enter the new year, beloved, so enter in. Enter in to the New Jerusalem and the new understanding of the Christed state.
Enter in with a burning desire to become a vessel of Light, with a love so great and so fiery that it will not be quenched and will be fed by the living waters of the Holy Spirit.
I am with you.
I leave you with my blessing. Amen
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 38 No. 1 – Beloved Serapis Bey – January 1, 1995
1. The year 1995 is historically significant in the teachings of Serapis Bey, marking cycles of spiritual initiation.
2. John 4:35. The “white” of the harvest signifies purity and spiritual elevation.
3. “Lo, here is Christ, or, lo, he is there…” Matt. 24:23-26; Mark 13:21-23; Luke 17:20-24. The quote is from Matthew 24:26-27, emphasizing the inner nature of the Kingdom of God.
4. The Lord will come suddenly. Mal. 3:1; Matt. 24:42-44; Luke 12:35-40; I Thess. 5:2-8; II Pet. 3:10; Rev. 3:3; 16:15. Referring to 1 Thessalonians 5:2, symbolizing the sudden arrival of spiritual enlightenment.
6. John 21:2-6.
7. Martian energies. See 1992 PoW, p. 661 n. 1, and 1994 PoW, p. 560 n. 21.
8. Acts 2:1-4.
9. I Cor. 12:4-11.
10. Ten percent remnant of Lightbearers. See Isa. 6:13.
11. Warring in the members. Rom. 7:15-25; Gal. 5:16-26; James 4:1-10; I Pet. 2:11.
12. El Morya and Saint Germain are key Ascended Masters who provide guidance on spiritual ascension.
14. Matt. 13:33.
15. Isa. 6:2.
16. Gal. 6:7, 8.
Obedience to Love – Message from Serapis Bey