The Divine Heart Chakra: A Path to Spiritual Transformation and Enlightenment
At the core of Djwal Kul’s teachings lies the significance of the heart center, often referred to as the heart chakra. This energetic center is a spiritual gateway to higher realms of consciousness. It is the seat of the inner Christ, the Christ Self, which serves as a mediator and teacher within us. When we attune to the heart center, we connect with the divine spark that resides in all beings.
Instructions of the Ascended Master Kuthumi
CHELA—Beloved Master: Is there any particular recommendation you can give us so we may best profit by your instructions?
GURU—Blessed Chela: Yes. Proceed somewhat as follows:
The three higher bodies consist of the ‘I AM Presence’, the ‘Causal Body’, and the ‘Christ Self’. The four lower bodies are made up of the etheric body, the mental body, the emotional body, and the physical body.
The 3rd Ray & The Pink Flame Of Love
The 3rd Ray fosters Tolerance and Harmony, guiding the transformation of the outer world to align with the Divine Plan through respect and consideration for others’ feelings rather than disruptive force. It is the channel through which the Divine Plan is drawn into physical reality and integrated with the substance of the Earth.
Ascended Masters List
These Masters are not confined to any one belief system but appear throughout various spiritual traditions, each bringing forward unique lessons and spiritual practices suited to different paths of enlightenment.
The Force Fields
Imagine the Force Field as a dynamic, energetic matrix that is created and sustained by the collective consciousness and intention of individuals united in a common purpose.
Ascended Master Morya
El Morya embodied several times as a king. He was Melchior, one of the “three wise men,” who found their way to Jesus. Later, he became King Arthur, of the Knights of the Round Table.
El Morya El Maestro Ascendido
La historia de El Morya se entrelaza con la trama de la evolución espiritual de la humanidad, remontándose a épocas antiguas donde su presencia y enseñanzas han dejado una huella imborrable en la conciencia colectiva.
La Maestría del Ser Interior es el Camino hacia la Armonía Divina
Tal alineación produce un estado en el que cada decisión, acción y pensamiento está impregnado con la claridad y el propósito de tu esencia divina. Se trata de permitir que esta brújula interna sagrada te guíe, orientándote a través de los desafíos de la vida con gracia y sabiduría.
Embrace Your Divine Mastery: A Call to Align with Your Inner Self
Understanding and applying this principle means recognizing that our outer faculties, both mental and physical, must follow the wisdom and direction of our Inner Self in thought, words, and actions.
¿Qué es la Conciencia Crística?
Es una interpretación que ve a Cristo no solo como el histórico Jesús de Nazaret, sino como una presencia universal y eterna que impregna toda la creación.
Christ Consciousness Explained
The Cosmic Christ concept bridges diverse religious traditions and philosophies. It integrates insights from various spiritual and philosophical traditions, making it appealing to those who seek a more universalist approach to spirituality.