Instructions of the Ascended Master Kuthumi

Ascended Master Kuthumi

CHELA—Beloved Master: Is there any particular recommendation you can give us so we may best profit by your instructions?

GURU—Blessed Chela: Yes. Proceed somewhat as follows:

Balancing Spiritual Centers and Manifesting Divine Love

Divine connection

One of the core aspects of spiritual practices is their ability to help us connect with the Divine Presence within. This inner divinity, the “God within,” is a source of infinite wisdom, love, and power. By cultivating a relationship with this inner presence, we can navigate life’s challenges with greater ease, finding guidance and support in every moment.

Saint Germain’s Guidance on Divine Presence and Harmony

Revelations of Divine Wisdom: Insights from Saint Germain's Discourse

I assure you from My own observation, that those Great Ones — far greater than I — through aeons of investigation, have indisputable proof that there is but One God — the Life, Wisdom, and Energy of all Creation. Therefore, the Energy of God cannot be blamed for the inharmony created when someone misuses It.

Saint Germain, Chohan of the 7th Ray

Saint Germain Chohan of the 7th Ray

Beginning in 1930, Saint Germain started using a new approach. His instruction is now based on simplicity of language, logic and common sense. Additionally, the Masters use their radiation to convince students of the truth of the message.

Ascended Masters List

Ascended Masters List

These Masters are not confined to any one belief system but appear throughout various spiritual traditions, each bringing forward unique lessons and spiritual practices suited to different paths of enlightenment.

Ascended Master Morya


El Morya embodied several times as a king. He was Melchior, one of the “three wise men,” who found their way to Jesus. Later, he became King Arthur, of the Knights of the Round Table.

El Morya El Maestro Ascendido


La historia de El Morya se entrelaza con la trama de la evolución espiritual de la humanidad, remontándose a épocas antiguas donde su presencia y enseñanzas han dejado una huella imborrable en la conciencia colectiva.

Saint Germain: El Maestro de la Transmutación Espiritual

maestro ascendido saint germain y la transmutacion espiritual

La figura de Saint Germain y la práctica de la Llama Violeta nos recuerdan que el cambio verdadero comienza desde dentro y que cada individuo tiene el poder de influir en su entorno y en el mundo en general a través de su transformación personal.

Visualización de Maestros Ascendidos, Salud Planetaria y Metas Espirituales

Visualizacion espiritual

En la profundidad y amplitud completa de esta visualización, encontramos un reflejo de nuestro potencial, tanto personal como colectivo. Es un recordatorio de que el viaje espiritual no se trata solo de alcanzar un destino, sino de despertar a la luz que reside dentro y alrededor de nosotros, guiándonos hacia un futuro donde la armonía, la sabiduría y el amor prevalezcan.

Understanding the Great White Brotherhood

great white brotherhood

The Great White Brotherhood in spiritual traditions serves as a bridge connecting the human experience to the divine, offering a path for spiritual awakening and enlightenment. They impart sacred wisdom and knowledge, aimed at accelerating the spiritual development of humanity.

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