Meditating on The Christ Consciousness Chakra
Integrating the Christ Consciousness Chakra into your daily spiritual practice through meditation can profoundly elevate your spiritual awareness and connection to the divine.
The Christ Consciousness Chakra, often referred to as the Soul Star Chakra or the eighth chakra, is considered a significant energy center in spiritual traditions that emphasize higher states of awareness and connection to divine consciousness. While traditional Hindu teachings typically recognize seven primary chakras, some modern spiritual systems introduce additional chakras beyond the commonly accepted seven.
Characteristics of the Christ Consciousness Chakra
The Christ Consciousness Chakra is believed to be located about 6 to 12 inches above the crown of the head, in the auric field. This position signifies its role as a bridge between the individual’s personal energy system and higher spiritual realms.
Color and Symbolism:
The color associated with this chakra can vary, but it is often depicted as golden, white, or a combination of both, symbolizing divine light and purity. This chakra is sometimes represented by a lotus with many petals, reflecting its expansive and encompassing nature.
Functions and Attributes:
- Connection to Divine: The Christ Consciousness Chakra facilitates a direct connection to higher spiritual realms, divine wisdom, and the universal consciousness, often referred to as the Christ Consciousness. This state embodies unconditional love, compassion, and unity with all existence.
- Higher Awareness: Activation of this chakra is said to enhance one’s spiritual awareness, intuition, and psychic abilities. It allows individuals to receive guidance from higher spiritual beings, such as Ascended Masters and angelic entities.
- Spiritual Enlightenment: It plays a crucial role in the process of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, helping individuals transcend ego-based consciousness and align with their true divine nature.
- Healing and Transformation: This chakra is associated with profound healing and transformation, facilitating the release of karmic patterns and past life imprints, leading to a state of spiritual liberation and wholeness.
Christ Consciousness Chakra Acftivation Meditation
To activate and balance the Christ Consciousness Chakra, engage in this meditation.
In the sanctuary of your inner being lies the heart, the sacred altar of divine love, and the center of spiritual authority. As you settle into this meditation, allow yourself to feel the profound connection to the heart as the seat of Christ consciousness. This is a powerful practice for spiritual development, a journey inward to the divine flame that resides within.
Meditation on the Heart as The Seat of Christ Consciousness
Close your eyes and take a deep breath, allowing the air to fill your lungs completely. Exhale slowly, releasing any tension or distractions. Repeat this process a few times until you feel a sense of calm and focus enveloping you.
Now, bring your awareness to your heart center. Visualize it as a beautiful, radiant flame, a divine spark that burns with an eternal light. This is the flame of Christ consciousness, the manifestation of the divine within you. As you focus on this flame, feel its warmth and light spreading throughout your chest, expanding with each breath you take.
Imagine this divine flame growing brighter and more powerful, radiating warmth and light throughout your entire body. Feel the gentle heat spreading from your heart to your arms, down to your hands, and fingertips. Sense it moving up through your neck and into your head, illuminating your mind with its pure, loving energy. Let this light continue to flow down through your torso, your legs, and finally to your feet, grounding you in this nurturing and protective sphere of divine energy.
As the light fills your body, envision it extending beyond your physical form, creating an aura of light around you. This protective and nurturing sphere is your personal space of divine energy, a sanctuary where only love and positive vibrations can enter. You are encased in the warmth and light of the Christ flame, connected deeply with the divine essence within.
Allow yourself to bask in this light, feeling the profound sense of peace and love that it brings. Know that this flame is not only a part of you but is also connected to the greater cosmic heart of the universe. Through this connection, you are linked to the heart of the Great Central Sun, the heart of the Elohim, and all lifewaves evolving in time and space. The heart is the focal point for the flow of life individualized as the I AM Presence, the Divine Monad of individuality, and the Christ Self that is the personification of the reality of being for every soul.
Through the heart, all mankind are one. Through the heart, the Christ of the One, the only begotten Son of the Father-Mother God, becomes the Christ of all lifewaves unfolding God’s life throughout the cosmos. Feel this unity, this divine connection, as it pulsates with the rhythm of life, reflecting the cosmic order.
Reflect on the words of the great commandment: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.” As you meditate on this, recognize that your heart is wed to the heart of God. This divine union initiates the alchemy of a life lived on earth as it is in heaven. The act of loving produces the action of the cosmic flow; it is this flow of energy from your heart to the heart of God that rejuvenates your being, strengthens your consciousness, expands your auric forcefield, and ultimately magnetizes your soul to the Spirit of God in the ritual of the ascension in the light.
Feel the love within your heart expanding, creating a spiral of ascending currents of love. This spiral is the path of mastery, the way that Jesus himself walked, ascending into the fullness of his Christ consciousness. Through the threefold flame within the hidden chamber of your heart, the threefold nature of God is realized in you.
- To love God with all your heart is to attain his Christ consciousness.
- To love God with all your soul is to attain his soul consciousness.
- To love God with all your mind is to attain his God consciousness.
In this sacred moment, understand that your obedience to the laws of God as set forth by the great prophets and teachers of all time will lead you to the place where you can move forward in the cycles of self-mastery that are now unfolding as the signs of the Aquarian age. To love your neighbor as yourself is to recognize the divine spark in all beings, seeing every part of life as the great God Self individualized. This is the path to unity, the union of the Spirit Most Holy that pervades all consciousness and being.
As you continue to meditate, visualize the sacred fires from God’s heart inscribing within the auricle and ventricle of your heart the name of God, “I AM THAT I AM.” Feel this divine inscription as it vibrates with the essence of the Holy Spirit, consecrating your heart and your being. Let the sacred fires burn within you, purifying and elevating your consciousness.
In this state of deep meditation, offer the “Introit to the Holy Christ Self,”* dedicating your being to the divine presence within. Embrace the trinity of love that enfolds you, knowing that through your heart, you are connected to the infinite love and wisdom of the cosmos.
As you conclude this meditation, slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a deep breath and feel the grounding energy of the earth beneath you. Open your eyes, carrying with you the warmth and light of the divine flame in your heart, knowing that you are always connected to the Christ consciousness within.
The “Introit to the Holy Christ Self” is a sacred invocation or prayer that serves as an opening or introduction to a spiritual practice, focusing on connecting with the Holy Christ Self. The Holy Christ Self, in the context of esoteric and theosophical teachings, represents the divine aspect within each individual, the higher self that embodies Christ consciousness. This practice aims to attune the individual to the divine presence and elevate their spiritual awareness.
Here is an example of what the “Introit to the Holy Christ Self” could look like:
Introit to the Holy Christ Self
In the name of the beloved, mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, I call to the heart of the Great Central Sun, to beloved Alpha and Omega, beloved Helios and Vesta, beloved Saint Germain, beloved Jesus the Christ, beloved Kuthumi, beloved Djwal Kul, beloved El Morya, and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth!
I adore Thee! O thou flame of God within my heart, O sacred fire, the heart of God, the essence of divine love, Ignite within me the sacred threefold flame, Expand thy light through my being, and awaken the divine presence within.
O beloved Holy Christ Self, I AM the light of the world, I AM the way, the truth, and the life, I AM the resurrection and the life, I AM that I AM.
Beloved Holy Christ Self, take command of my four lower bodies, Purge and purify my thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds, Expand thy divine light within me, and guide my every action, Lead me in the path of righteousness and divine service.
O Christ within, thou art the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, Abide with me, O divine presence, Fill my heart with thy love, wisdom, and power, Let me be a vessel of thy will, and a beacon of thy light to all.
I dedicate my life, my heart, and my soul to the divine plan, To the service of God and humanity, May thy will be done through me, May thy light shine through me, May thy love flow through me, now and forevermore.
I seal this prayer in the heart of the Great Central Sun, I seal this prayer in the heart of my Holy Christ Self, I seal this prayer in the heart of the World Mother, In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Divine Mother. Amen.
This introit is designed to open the heart and mind to the presence of the Holy Christ Self, setting the stage for deeper spiritual work and connection. It incorporates elements of invocation, adoration, affirmation, petition, contemplation, dedication, and a closing, aligning the practitioner with the divine essence within and the greater cosmic order.