Saint Germain

Lists of Ascended Masters

Who are the Ascended Masters?

The Ascended Masters are revered spiritual beings who, according to various esoteric and theosophical teachings, have transcended human limitations and achieved a state of higher consciousness. Through their extraordinary lives and teachings, they have escaped the continuous cycle of reincarnation and now exist in an elevated state, often referred to as the “ascended” state. From this realm, they work to guide and support the spiritual evolution of the Earth and its inhabitants, offering wisdom, insight, and often direct guidance to those who seek them.

The concept of Ascended Masters spans across many cultures and religions, embodying a rich tapestry of spirituality that reflects the universal quest for greater understanding and connection with the divine. These Masters are not confined to any one belief system but appear throughout various spiritual traditions, each bringing forward unique lessons and spiritual practices suited to different paths of enlightenment.

In this blog, we list both well-known and lesser-known Ascended Masters. Our list is diverse, encompassing figures from Eastern and Western traditions, ancient deities who have reached exalted states, and modern individuals who achieved mastery and ascension within their lifetimes. By exploring a broad spectrum of Ascended Masters, we gain insight into the profound and multifaceted nature of spiritual leadership and guidance.

We aim to bridge cultural and spiritual gaps, presenting Ascended Masters who have influenced a variety of spiritual practices around the world. Their stories and teachings offer valuable lessons on love, wisdom, power, and transformation—universal themes that resonate with the spiritual journey of every seeker.

el Morya

Who Are the 7 Ascended Masters?

The concept of the Seven Ascended Masters connected to the Seven Rays of Light originates from the teachings of Theosophy and was later adapted by various esoteric traditions, including the “I AM” Activity and the Church Universal and Triumphant. These Masters are believed to help guide the spiritual evolution of humanity and each is associated with a specific ray of light that represents different aspects of divine energy. Here’s a brief overview of each Master and their associated rays:

  1. Master El Morya – First Ray (Blue Ray): Represents the Will of God, power, faith, and protection. El Morya is considered the chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood.

  2. Master Lanto – Second Ray (Yellow Ray): Embodies wisdom and illumination. Previously, this ray was said to be governed by Lord Kuthumi, but Master Lanto took over this position to further the teachings of wisdom.

  3. Master Paul the Venetian – Third Ray (Pink Ray): Focuses on divine love, art, and beauty. He is known for his work with emotional and artistic development.

  4. Master Serapis Bey – Fourth Ray (White Ray): Associated with purity, discipline, and ascension. Serapis Bey is linked to the Ascension Temple at Luxor in Egypt.

  5. Master Hilarion – Fifth Ray (Green Ray): Deals with truth, science, vision, and healing. He is thought to help those who seek to align with truth and integrity in their lives.

  6. Master Nada – Sixth Ray (Ruby Ray): Focuses on peace, service, and devotion. Master Nada aids those who dedicate themselves to service and peace.

  7. Master Saint Germain – Seventh Ray (Violet Ray): Known for transformation, freedom, and alchemy. Saint Germain is a key figure in teachings about the Violet Flame, which is said to help transform negative energy into positive energy.

Lady Nada

Who Are the 12 Ascended Masters?

Twelve or thirteen are sometimes included in extended lists of Ascended Masters, they and their teachings are:

  1. Master Jesus/Sananda – Often associated with the Sixth or the expanded rays, focusing on unconditional love and redemption.
  2. Master Kuthumi – Sometimes linked to the Second or an additional ray, emphasizing education and balance.
  3. Lady Master Portia – Also associated with the Seventh Ray alongside Saint Germain, representing justice and opportunity.
  4. Master Quan Yin – Associated with compassion and mercy, often linked with the ray of compassion.
  5. Master Maitreya – Sometimes considered a future Buddha, associated with enlightenment and cosmic understanding.
  6. Master Djwhal Khul – Sometimes known as the “Tibetan,” he is associated with the teaching of esoteric knowledge and wisdom.

This broader spectrum allows for a more nuanced interpretation of spiritual energies and their manifestations in human experiences.

These Masters often work together to assist in the spiritual evolution of humanity, each bringing forward unique qualities and energies. Their teachings can be found in various channeled messages, books, and teachings within the New Age and Theosophical movements. Each Master supports individuals in their spiritual growth and development, offering guidance that aligns with their specific divine qualities and attributes.

Ascended Masters List

African Ascended Masters

Some spiritual guides are recognized to have African origins or connections. These beings are often revered for their wisdom, compassion, and guidance, contributing to the global tapestry of spiritual leadership and enlightenment. Here are some notable figures often associated with Africa or African heritage in the context of Ascended Masters:

  1. Master Afra – Perhaps the most prominent African Ascended Master, Master Afra is said to be the patron of Africa and the African people. He is often described as one of the first members of the human race to ascend. His name, “Afra,” is derived from the name of the continent Africa. He embodies the qualities of brotherhood and forgiveness and is dedicated to the uplifting of all people, especially those of African descent.

  2. Saint Maurice – Though not commonly referred to as an “Ascended Master” in the traditional sense used in Theosophy and related teachings, Saint Maurice is a historical figure who has been venerated as a Christian saint. He was the leader of the legendary Roman Theban Legion in the 3rd century and is often depicted as an African in religious art. He is revered for his unyielding commitment to his faith and his moral integrity.

  3. Queen Nefertiti – Sometimes considered in broader esoteric circles, Nefertiti was the queen alongside Pharaoh Akhenaten during the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. She is revered for her beauty and mystery and is sometimes considered a spiritual guide in New Age teachings that incorporate Egyptian mythology and spirituality.

  4. Imhotep – An ancient Egyptian polymath who served under the Pharaoh Djoser as chancellor, high priest, architect, and physician. In some New Age circles, Imhotep is regarded as an Ascended Master who brings wisdom related to healing and science.

  5. King Solomon – While Solomon is not African, his historical and biblical connections to Africa, particularly through the Queen of Sheba and the wealth that came from Africa during his reign, sometimes place him in discussions that involve African spiritual heritage. Solomon is often recognized in esoteric traditions for his wisdom and his magical abilities, particularly in controlling spirits and building the Temple in Jerusalem.

These figures are often celebrated not only for their historical or legendary contributions to civilization but also for their enduring spiritual legacies. They can also be invoked to offer guidance and inspiration to those who seek to connect with the divine, enhance personal development, and foster a deeper understanding of the universal truths that transcend geographical and cultural boundaries.

Ascended Master

List of 144 Ascended Masters

Creating a list of 144 Ascended Masters involves expanding beyond the most commonly known figures and incorporating a variety of beings from multiple spiritual traditions, many of which might be less known or specific to certain teachings. This concept of such a large number of Ascended Masters isn’t typical in mainstream discussions but can be seen in more extensive esoteric or New Age teachings, where many Masters are recognized for their unique contributions to humanity’s spiritual evolution.

Here are some examples of Ascended Masters that could be included in a comprehensive list, noting that specific names and roles can vary greatly between traditions, or may be not be spelled correctly:

Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Chamuel
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Raguel
Archangel Metatron
Archangel Michael
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Sandalphon 
Archangel Ariel
Archangel Haniel
Archangel Uriel
Archangel Zadkiel
Lady Charity
Lady Faith
Lady Isis
Lady Magda
Lady Master Portia
Lady Nada
Master Adama
Master Afra
Master Allah Gobi
Master Apollo
Master Artemis
Master Ashtar
Master Babaji
Master Buddha
Master Cha Ara
Master Confucius
Master Cyclopea
Master Damien
Master Daniel
Master Djwhal Khul
Master El Morya
Master Elohim
Master Enoch
Master Eriel
Master Ezekiel
Master Fong
Master Freya
Master Gabriel
Master Ganesha
Master Haniel
Master Hecate
Master Helios
Master Hera
Master Hercules
Master Hermes
Master Hilarion
Master Hildegard
Master Hope
Master Horus
Master Indra
Master Isolde
Master Jeshua
Master Jesus (Sananda)
Master Jesus Sananda
Master Joachim
Master John the Beloved
Master Jonah
Master Jophiel
Master Joseph
Master Justin
Master Kali
Master Karel
Master Kathumi
Master Krishna
Master Kuan Ti
Master Kuthumi
Master Kwan Yin
Master Lady Claire
Master Lady Kristine
Master Lady Leto
Master Lady Liberty
Master Lady Nona
Master Lady Venus
Master Lanello
Master Lanto
Master Lao Tzu
Master Leto
Master Ling
Master Lord Buddha
Master Lucifer
Master Lumina
Master Maat
Master Maha Chohan
Master Mahatma Gandhi
Master Maitreya
Master Maitreya Buddha
Master Manjushri
Master Mary
Master Mary Magdalene
Master Mathew
Master Melchior
Master Melchizedek
Master Merlin
Master Metatron
Master Michael
Master Minerva
Master Moriael
Master Morya
Master Moses
Master Mother Mary
Master Mother Teresa
Master Nada
Master Narada
Master Nathan
Master Neptune
Master Nereus
Master Nicholas Roerich
Master Nike
Master Odin
Master Omri-Tas
Master Orion
Master Oromasis
Master Padre Pio
Master Palas Athena
Master Pallas Athena
Master Parvati
Master Paul the Venetian
Master Peace
Master Pelleur
Master Phylos
Master Poseidon
Master Quan Yin
Master Quetzalcoatl
Master Ragoczy
Master Rama
Master Ramtha
Master Raphael
Master Ratu Bagus
Master Rowena
Master Saint Francis
Master Saint Germain
Master Sanat Kumara
Master Serapis Bey
Master Shiva
Master Surya
Master Uriel
Master Vairochana
Master Vaivasvata Manu
Master Vesta
Master Virgo
Master Zarathustra
Master Zeus

This extensive list includes a mix of beings that are both historical and mythological, each contributing their unique energies and expertise in various areas such as healing, wisdom, transformation, protection, and enlightenment. In spiritual practices that engage with such a diverse array of Ascended Masters, these beings are often called upon in prayers, meditations, and rituals, depending on the practitioners’ needs and the particular attributes of the Masters. This wide-ranging list is reflective of the multifaceted nature of the spiritual paths that embrace such teachings, illustrating a complex tapestry of cosmic and spiritual governance.

Ascended Masters Archangels

Angels and Ascended Masters

Angels and Ascended Masters are two distinct groups of beings in spiritual and esoteric traditions, each serving unique roles in the cosmos and human spiritual development.


Angels are considered celestial beings created by a divine source to serve as messengers, protectors, and guides for humanity. They are often depicted as beings of pure spirit, without physical incarnations, and are believed to intervene in human affairs when called upon for help. Angels are typically organized into hierarchies or choirs, such as those outlined by Christian theologians like Dionysius the Areopagite, who categorized them into nine orders including Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels.

Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters, on the other hand, are believed to be individuals who once lived human lives on Earth but achieved spiritual enlightenment or ascension, freeing themselves from the cycles of rebirth and karma. As a result, they are thought to exist in higher dimensions from where they guide and teach humanity. Ascended Masters include figures such as Jesus (Sananda), Buddha, Saint Germain, and others who have reached a state of higher consciousness. In many traditions, these Masters are thought to assist individuals with their personal spiritual growth and global missions of peace and enlightenment.

Collaboration Between Angels and Ascended Masters

In many spiritual practices, both angels and Ascended Masters are called upon for guidance, healing, and protection. They are often seen as working together to help individuals and the planet in different ways:

  • Guidance: Both angels and Ascended Masters can offer spiritual insight and direction. Angels tend to provide more general guidance and comfort, while Ascended Masters offer teachings based on their own earthly experiences and spiritual wisdom.
  • Healing: Healing energies can be channeled through both groups, with angels often invoked in energy healing practices like Reiki, and Ascended Masters helping with deeper, karmic healing and personal transformation.
  • Protection: Angels are specifically called upon for protection against negative energies, while Ascended Masters might offer protection in the form of wisdom and strength to overcome life’s challenges.
  • Spiritual Practices: Both angels and Ascended Masters are integral to various rituals and meditations, where they are visualized, called upon, and venerated to support spiritual advancement and fulfillment of life’s purpose.

Engaging with angels and Ascended Masters typically involves meditation, prayer, and the setting of intentions, along with the use of specific invocations or decrees to call upon their presence and assistance.

Angels and Archangels

Angels and Archangels hold a significant place in many spiritual traditions, revered as divine messengers who communicate God’s will and offer guidance, protection, and support to humanity. They are known to communicate with humans through various means, including visions, dreams, intuitive insights, and through channeled messages. Below is a list of some of the most well-known angels and archangels who are believed to have communicated with people:

  1. Archangel Michael – Known for protection, courage, and strength. He is often called upon for protection against negativity and for spiritual cleansing.

  2. Archangel Gabriel – Messenger of God, associated with communication, announcements, and revelations. Gabriel is often involved in helping individuals understand their spiritual visions and life purpose.

  3. Archangel Raphael – The healing angel, often invoked for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Raphael is also a patron of travelers, offering safety and support on journeys.

  4. Archangel Uriel – Angel of wisdom and enlightenment. Uriel illuminates situations, providing insight and understanding, especially in challenging times.

  5. Archangel Chamuel – Angel of peace and love, assists with relationships, finding love, and self-love practices. Chamuel also helps in finding items, discovering important parts of our lives, and building strong foundations.

  6. Archangel Jophiel – The beauty of God, Archangel Jophiel helps to bring beauty to our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. She is also associated with creativity and art.

  7. Archangel Zadkiel – Angel of mercy and benevolence, Zadkiel helps people to find forgiveness and to let go of judgments and unforgiveness.

  8. Archangel Azrael – Known as the “Angel of Death,” helps souls transition smoothly to the afterlife and supports the grieving process.

  9. Archangel Metatron – This archangel is associated with life’s energies and records, helping to clear and open chakras, and is also linked to children, particularly those who are spiritually gifted.

  10. Archangel Sandalphon – Twin brother of Metatron, involved with music and prayer. He delivers prayers from Earth to the Divine and also helps with grounding and manifestations.

  11. Archangel Raguel – Often referred to as the “friend of God,” Raguel helps resolve conflicts and restore harmony in relationships.

  12. Archangel Haniel – Associated with the energy of the moon, Haniel brings grace and poise to our lives, and also helps with intuition and clairvoyance.

  13. Archangel Jeremiel – This angel helps in reflective judgment, especially in evaluating one’s life to make positive adjustments. He is also known for helping newly crossed-over souls review their lives.

  14. Archangel Ariel – Often linked with nature and the environment, Ariel helps with environmental causes and healing animals. She is also associated with manifesting material needs.

These archangels are invoked in various spiritual practices, including prayer, meditation, and energy work. They are believed to be accessible to all who call on them, providing guidance, comfort, and support in alignment with divine will.

Archangel Channeled Communication

Archangels frequently communicate through channels, offering guidance and support to humanity across various cultures and spiritual traditions. These communications often come via mediums or spiritual channels who claim to receive messages directly from these celestial beings. Here are some of the most prominent archangels known to have communicated through well-known channels:

  1. Archangel Michael – One of the most commonly channeled archangels, Michael communicates through numerous mediums around the world. He is known for messages of protection, courage, and spiritual clearing. Doreen Virtue, a famous spiritual author, frequently channeled Archangel Michael before she converted to Christianity.

  2. Archangel Gabriel – Gabriel, known as the messenger archangel, has been channeled by writers and spiritual figures to deliver guidance related to personal destiny, finding one’s life purpose, and nurturing creativity. Kelly Hampton and Shelley Young are known for their channels of Gabriel.

  3. Archangel Raphael – Frequently channeled by intuitive healers and spiritual authors, Raphael provides guidance related to healing and maintaining health. Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Tina Marie Dalby are among those who have channeled messages from Raphael.

  4. Archangel Uriel – Known for providing insights into intellectual and emotional concerns, Uriel’s communications often focus on inner wisdom, spiritual understanding, and solving problems. Jennifer Hoffman has channeled Archangel Uriel extensively.

  5. Archangel Metatron – Often channeled in relation to spiritual teaching and learning, Metatron’s messages frequently focus on sacred geometry and energetic healing. Metatron is regularly channeled by James Tyberonn, who focuses on metaphysical concepts and Earth’s energy grid.

  6. Archangel Sandalphon – Known for his connection to music and prayers, Sandalphon transmits messages to help align with divine will and to enhance musical pursuits. Ronna Herman Vezane has channeled messages from Sandalphon.

  7. Archangel Chamuel – Through channels like Cindy McGonagle, Chamuel offers guidance related to peace and finding one’s life path, helping to heal anxiety and bring about global peace.

  8. Archangel Zadkiel – Often associated with forgiveness and memory enhancement, Zadkiel’s channeled messages help individuals to let go of negative emotions and embrace new opportunities for growth. Elizabeth Clare Prophet has included messages from Zadkiel in her teachings.

  9. Archangel Haniel – Channeled by intuitive consultants like Melanie Beckler, Haniel delivers messages focused on enhancing moon energy and supporting personal revelations and intuition.

  10. Archangel Azrael – Known as the “Angel of Death,” Azrael provides comfort to those grieving and helps souls transition smoothly to the afterlife. Channeled messages through Tammy Majchrzak provide support for those dealing with loss.

These channeled messages from archangels often emphasize empowerment, healing, and spiritual growth, aiming to help individuals navigate their personal challenges and elevate their spiritual journey. Channels serve as conduits to bring these powerful messages to a broader audience, each offering unique insights as dictated by their spiritual experiences and the nature of the messages they receive.

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