El Morya
Excerpt from the book Ascended Masters and Their Retreats channeled by Geraldine Innocente and Published by The Bridge to Freedom.
The Ascended Master El Morya came to Earth as a guardian spirit from the planet Mercury.
El Morya embodied several times as a king. He was Melchior, one of the “three wise men,” who found their way to Jesus. Later, he became King Arthur, of the Knights of the Round Table.
King Arthur’s “Order of the Round Table” was conceived when an illumined lifestream tuned into the etheric record of Shamballa, and created a focus of God in the outer world.
This happened in the fourth century (A.D.). The now Ascended Master Saint Germain was then embodied as Merlin, the Magician, and the now Ascended Master El Morya was embodied as King Arthur. The Knights of the Round Table were also the oarsmen, who, in a former embodiment, had carried the “Sacred Cup” to Britain, with Mother Mary.

El Morya (as King Arthur) and the Holy Grail
One day the Holy Grail (the cup of the last supper of Jesus), which was brought by Mother Mary and Joseph of Arimathea to Glastonbury, was retrieved. That day the service of Camelot was completed. Since his embodiment as King Arthur, El Morya has, in his possession, the Holy Grail and the diamond spear.
The GRAIL signifies the consciousness upheld, into which is poured the divine will, along with the inspiration of the divine plan to manifest this will of God, and the SPEAR signifies the projecting forth of the energy into action and accomplishment.
In the East, many have completed the action of the grail, but it is to the West that the Ascended Ones look for the action of the spear, in the manifestation of God’s will through the actual energies of each lifestream. A replica of this grail may be found emblazoned upon the doors of the Temple of God’s Will, which is El Morya’s retreat.

El Morya Last Incarnations
El Morya took embodiment as Thomas More, in 1479, In England.
In a later embodiment, he wrote the poems of Sir Thomas Moore, the Irish poet. He purposely wrote poetry to soften his nature, to obtain a better balance against his many embodiments of rulership.
As Thomas Moore, he wrote the words to the song, “Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms.” Long before the Theosophical Society was founded in 1875, the beloved Ascended Master Morya and Kuthumi tread the spiritual path together. For them both, it was an initiation in patience, through which each of these elder brothers absorbed the very spiritual nature of each other.
This, of course, was not happenstance, but rather the actual guidance of their guru, so that each of these beloved Ascended Beings might learn, absorb and actually become a part, one of the other.
In the middle of the 19th century (1852), beloved El Morya completed his round of incarnations, and assumed the etheric body of an Indian potentate, which he wore through the entire association with Helena Blavatsky.
Ascended Masters El Morya, Kuthumi and Djwal Kul
Master Kuthumi served in a similar manner. Both El Morya’s and Master Kuthumi’s etheric vehicles had the comforting appearances of a physical body. Their final ascension of consciousness into the garment of the Electronic Body of the I AM Presence took place at the end of the Theosophical Dispensation.
El Morya, Kuthumi and Djwal Kul endeavored, through Theosophy, to bring to the Western Hemisphere the knowledge that there are Ascended Masters, and that there is no death; but many students were not willing to give the necessary obedience, and brought about spiritualism, as a result.
El Morya explained the Messrs. Leadbeater, Judge, Sinnett, and many others, were perhaps better qualified than Helen Blavatsky, but they did not volunteer for leadership.
Mrs. Blavatsky stood forth and said, “Masters, I will go and be that wedge.” El Morya continued, stating that, generally speaking, out of thousands of qualified lifestreams, perhaps ten are willing to volunteer. Of those ten, one will be chosen, and the Masters’ hopes rest on that particular lifestream.
The outpouring, through the Theosophical Society, occurred primarily through the second ray of wisdom. El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey and the Maha Chohan poured, through the mind of Helen Blavatsky, the information which she wrote into “The Secret Doctrine,” “The Voice of Isis,” and the other volumes, many of which are yet secreted in the Masters’ retreats.
The Maha Chohan, Kuthumi and El Morya released to Helen Blavatsky the powers of precipitation and phenomena, to captivate, convince and please the senses of the students.
However, the curiosity seekers were never satisfied, no matter how much phenomena was produced, and they sooner or later returned to an easier field of study.
After Mr. Ballard’s ascension, in 1939, the books of the I AM Activity, representing Saint Germain’s effort in the 1930’s, were no longer offered to the general public. This was done contrary to the wishes of Saint Germain, who had urged the greatest possible distribution for the publications.
Master El Morya argued before the Karmic Board that, if interested students are not offered the opportunity to study the law, how can they be counted on to return the balance of energy that the Masters spent on their original effort, of the 1930’s? El Morya received a limited dispensation to write letters to a handful of students, asking for their cooperation. These letters were written by Geraldine Innocente, the unascended twin flame of El Morya. They have been documented in the book, “Man, His Origin, History and Destiny.” Based on the response to the letters, El Morya asked for, and was granted, an enlarged dispensation in 1951. This enabled El Morya to give mankind additional information regarding mankind’s history and the Cosmic Law. He also gave information on how to gain the goal of all life – the ascension.
Functioning as editor of the Bridge to Freedom publications, El Morya used the pen name “Thomas Printz” (Thomas is printing). The Ascended Masters gave the dictations through Geraldine Innocente, the twin-flame of El Morya.
This connection, and Miss Innocente’s previous service to the Great White Brotherhood, made it easier to give the dictations through her. (About 90 Ascended Beings gave dictations through Geraldine, some of them had not spoken to mankind for millions of years.) In an article entitled, “The Spiritual Caravan,” printed in the book “The Initiations of the First Ray,” El Morya invited serious students to join him in a spiritual mission, and through teamwork, to lay the foundation for a new permanent Golden Age.
With regard to this effort, El Morya explained, “We are engaged, the other Ascended Masters and myself, in the building of a bridge – a bridge which will endure, until every man and woman and child who belongs to this evolution, has crossed from the realm of imperfection and limitation, into God’s freedom. Into and under that bridge, we are building a foundation made of strong and valiant handpicked, hand-chosen lifestreams, who can bear the weight and strength of the energies of the masses, when they begin to cross from shadow into sunshine, from darkness into light, from limitation into freedom, from disease into health and perfection.
“We are the engineers, who are endeavoring to find out the strength of the various lifestreams whom we have called to service. Those who choose to remain with us, shall have the great privilege and honor of becoming the living foundation of this bridge of living light.
“I ask you, in the name of God, those of you who have broken bread with me, those of you who have shared my light, not only in this embodiment but in many years and centuries past, I ASK OF YOU ONE BOON – HOLD THE BRIDGE BY GOD’S OWN HAND, UNTIL IT IS STRONG ENOUGH FOR THE ASCENDED HOST TO PASS OVER FROM DIVINITY’S REALM INTO THE HUMAN and all mankind may see and know those divine beings, whom we have presented through the veil, as best we can, until this hour.” As Chohan of the First Ray, El Morya represents the will of God, and stands by anyone desirous of doing God’s will.
He is Chief of the Council of the Great White Brotherhood at Darjeeling, India, and is in charge of the Temple of God’s Will. Here, at these councils, from time to time, the wise and spiritually elect gather together, to learn the law of life.
El Morya chose India, as his headquarters on Earth, because he had served in that country for many ages before his ascension, and because it has such tremendous momentums of a spiritual nature, from the past. He chose the particular location of his retreat also because of the inaccessibility of these high lands, to the merely curious. This location gave him and his brotherhood greater freedom to develop their momentums of manifesting the will of God as a living, breathing, pulsating flame and ray, whose radiation is constantly flowing through the lower atmosphere of Earth.
It is the wish of El Morya that every student be able to read the words of the Masters, in his own language.
Individuals who are primarily interested in the furthering of universal brotherhood and divine government, are allowed the privilege of entering this privy council, and sitting at the feet of El Morya, whose advice has helped many a patriot and governmental official to avoid national, and even international disaster.
Beloved El Morya is a man of action. He said he is not popular with students because of the strictness of his discipline. He is known for his ability to get things done, without taking any detours. Chelaship under this Master may be compared to clawing one’s way up a sheer cliff, sustaining cuts and bruises, but arriving there comparatively quickly.
While beloved El Morya is a strong leader and a relentless Guru, he is prepared to help those who follow him and who share his enthusiasm, in completing certain projects.
When an Ascended Master, such as El Morya, takes upon himself the actual responsibility of teaching the spiritual law, he also accepts the obligation of making good for any sins of omission or commission of his students. This is no small assumption, upon the part of the Ascended Master. WHEN EL MORYA DOES SO CHOOSE TO INVEST HIS ENERGIES IN ANY UNASCENDED BEING, HE SPENDS AT LEAST ONE HOUR, IN EACH TWENTY-FOUR, IN MAKING APPLICATION FOR THESE SO-BLESSED ONES. IN ADDITION, HE CLEANS THE FOUR LOWER BODIES OF THE ACCEPTED CHELA EVERY TWENTY-FOUR HOURS.

Master El Morya
El Morya has soft brown hair, falling in waves to his shoulders. He is now the Hierarch of the “Temple of the Will of God,” located near Darjeeling, India.
The keynote of the Temple of God’s Will is “Pomp and Circumstance,” by Elgar. His personal keynote, and that of his twin flame, Geraldine Innocente, is “Panis Angelicus.”
El Morya’s electronic pattern is the “cup,” a chalice.