Archangel Michael, Guardian of the First Ray of Power,

Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon

Vol. 28 No. 19 – The Beloved Messenger – May 12, 1985


Easter Conclave at Camelot
“Come, leave your nets—I will make you fishers of men.”
Archangel Michael’s Rosary[1] For Armageddon



And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people.


Daniel 12



The Supplicant’s Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

(To Be Recited by the Supplicant with Archangel Michael’s Rosary Each Time It Is Given)


      O Light of the Ancient of Days, Send to us now the luminous presence of thy beloved Archangel Michael

      Legions of the Central Sun, Light of far-off worlds, Elohim: In this hour of our Lord’s descent into Death and Hell, send to us therefore the armies of the Lord, the company of saints, the defender in battle, Archangel Michael.

      Defend now, O blessed emissary of God, even the holy innocents, our precious children and youth and all lightbearers in the service of our God.

      Beloved Archangel Jophiel, beloved Archangel Chamuel, beloved Archangel Gabriel, beloved Archangel Raphael, beloved Archangel Uriel, beloved Archangel Zadkiel, beloved Archangel Uzziel, hear our Call! Answer now in the presence of the Prince of the Archangels, Saint Michael, august leader of the hosts of Light. Let us welcome our beloved Archangel Michael and his many legions who gather in this city of Our Lady, the Queen of the Angels.

      O hosts of the Lord from every system and galaxy and star, from the realms of Spirit descend to planet Earth for the deliverance of souls and children, and men and women and nations.

      Archangel Michael, in the name I AM THAT I AM, we bow before the Light within thee, before thy cosmic faith and diligence in keeping the vigil of our very life. Defender of the Church, Defender of the Faith and of the Woman Clothed with the Sun and her Manchild, blessed one of God:

      Come now and hear our call and our longing to be with thee in the octaves of Light before the Throne of Glory, even as we desire with the deep desiring of our hearts to also descend with thee, in commemoration of the crucifixion of our Lord, to the very depths of Death and Hell, into the very pit itself. So we would go there with thee for the binding of the devils and the fallen angels, for the binding of those unclean spirits whose hour has come for the Final Judgment before the Court of the Sacred Fire.

      O beloved Mighty I AM Presence, in the name I AM THAT I AM, we send love and light and the crown of our causal bodies this day in gratitude for the service of Archangel Michael and his legions of Light to all earth’s evolutions and throughout the galaxies of Light.

      Beloved Alpha and Omega, bless now our beloved Archangel Michael with dispensations and hosts of Light and armies sent from out of the higher octaves to assist in his service upon earth in the cleaning out of the focuses of the bottomless pit and the acceleration of that service, O God, for the very binding of Death and Hell and the casting of the entire astral plane and the false hierarchy into the lake of sacred fire.

      Elohim of God and Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, Cosmic Councils of the Sun, we call forth thy intercession for and on behalf of Archangel Michael that all of the earth this day might render him praise and assistance, prayers and glory unto the Lord that he might fulfill his inner vow to defend the Christed ones.

      We call unto the nine powers of the Holy Spirit and the angel choirs thereof. We call to the hosts of seraphim in the name of Justinius, Captain of Seraphic Bands, and to the mighty cherubim who keep the way of the Tree of Life at the Mystery School of Lord Maitreya. Hear our call in this hour for the hosts of the Lord to gather in the name of Vishnu, in the name of the Cosmic Christ, the Universal One, for the binding of all evil forces in this hour of the Kali Yuga and its Dark Cycle. (Stop tape and insert optional personal prayer here.)

      Almighty God, let the power of Satan and the seed of Satan in the earth be bound this day in the full power and presence of Archangel Michael and his legions of Light! And let the resurrection of the eternal Christ be now unto every son and daughter of God upon earth.

      Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Mother Mary, intercede for us this day before the Father, before thy Son, Jesus, for and on behalf of every son and daughter of God upon earth—every child of God in whom there burns a threefold flame. Let them be visited by Archangel Uriel in the full, flaming presence of the power of the resurrection. Let them be visited by Archangel Gabriel with the annunciation of the Path of the Ascension and the revelation of the Mighty I AM Presence.

      I call upon the Great Central Sun, the Four and Twenty Elders, the Lord God Almighty. Let there be a quickening in the hearts of all those who have descended from that Central Sun who are the Children of the Sun. And let the renewal, the elevation, the resurrection, the regeneration come forth now!

      Let it be done, O God, according to Thy purpose!

      In the name of the living Christ, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Mother, I AM the sealing of the sons and daughters of God upon this earth on the Path of the Ascension this day and forever. Amen.



Eternal Father, Strong to Save

Good afternoon, everyone. We’re going to sing “The Sweetest Psalm,” the song of Archangel Michael’s obedience, his great victory over the alliance of reprobate angels which he and his legions cast out of heaven. It is sung to the melody of “Eternal Father, Strong to Save,” number 285.

The words of this song by Saint Germain are a tribute to beloved Archangel Michael, who made his decision—in the hour of that ultimate temptation that each one must face—to embrace the Lord God, to renounce the fallen one, and to move on in his service to become the archangel who is the protector of our life.

The very fact that we stand here today with the opportunity to serve Saint Germain and to walk the Path of the Ascension is due entirely to Archangel Michael. It is, therefore, with great joy that we celebrate his presence on earth in this moment.

(Songs 285 and 282 are optional inclusions in your Archangel Michael Rosary.)

The Sweetest Psalm


The sweetest psalm I ever knew
Directed to the God I view
“Obedience”—I AM to Thee
O Law of Beauty, keep me free
Command me now Thyself to see
Command me now Thyself to be.

I AM, O Shepherd, so divine
Abide within this heart of mine
Pulsate, arise, O mighty fire
Make every facet now all Thine
Command me now and set me free
Thy perfect image now to be.

O Freedom’s song will fill my soul
For Freedom is Thy highest goal
Thy way is love and great delight
To steer my course to heaven’s height
Command me now to shed Thy Light
Effulgence of Thy wonder bright.

Obedience is not bondage chain
Obedience will secure great gain
Thy laws of Truth produce good fruit
A holy science that is proof
A heav’nly vision faith-inspired
Of victory to free our youth.

Now sweep Thy beams around the world
Command Thy Light to ever shine
Thy holy rays to bathe the earth
In Light divine, Thy comfort blaze
E’er pouring forth God-energy
Expand Thy love, great God I AM.

Traveling Protection     6.05


Lord Michael before, Lord Michael behind,
Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left,
Lord Michael above, Lord Michael below,
Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go!

I AM his Love protecting here!
I AM his Love protecting here!
I AM his Love protecting here!

(Repeat decree three times)



Let us sing to the blessed seven archangels to the tune of “Holy, Holy, Holy,” number 282.

To the Seven Archangels


Michael, Michael, Michael, Prince of the Archangels
From the grateful hearts of all do songs of praise arise.
For thy heavenly presence, all on earth adore thee
God from the Sun in all the name implies.

Michael, Michael, Michael, may the guardian angels
From thy heavenly legions stand forth to set all free.
Purify, illumine, manifest the glory
Of Light’s perfection that each one may be.

Jophiel and Chamuel, Gabriel and Raphael
Uriel and Zadkiel and mighty hosts of Light.
Cherubim and seraphim from the realms of glory
Rend now the veil that dims our human sight.

Blessed seven archangels, for illumination
We invoke thy presence in hymns of praise to thee.
Keep us consecrated to God’s plan fulfilling
In purity, thy ministers to be.


Introduction to Archangel Michael’s Rosary

The beloved Father has placed upon my heart for some time His deep desire to have a rosary to Archangel Michael. I am very happy that on this occasion we can recite a rosary not only to Archangel Michael but to those heavenly hosts toward whom he directs our supplications.

I would like to give you a bit of background on the service to Archangel Michael that has been held by the Roman Catholic Church. At this date, the prayers to Archangel Michael and others of the heavenly hosts have been officially removed from the rituals of many churches.

The fourth-century Synod of Laodicea “prohibited by a canon that prayer should be offered to angels” on the grounds that “it was a species of idolatry and detracted from the worship due to Christ.”[2] Because of these strong attitudes, festivals of angels were in general much less frequent than the feasts of saints.

The prayer of Pope Leo XIII to Archangel Michael traditionally said after the Roman Catholic Mass was deleted after Vatican Council II (1962-65) revised the liturgy. The ostensible reason for this was that the Council wanted to retain only the essence of the Mass, which is supposed to be the reenactment of the Last Supper. Therefore, all prayers which did not have specific reference to the Eucharist or the communion of Christ with his disciples were eliminated.

Now, in the first instance, the denial of the prayers to the archangels and angelic hosts is a misunderstanding of the three hierarchies of heaven: first, the order of the builders of form under Elohim; this plural noun for God as the Creator is the appel-lation whereby we call the Seven Spirits of God who brought forth the entire creation in answer to the command of the Logos; serving under the Seven Mighty Elohim are the builders of form, all elemental life—elementals of fire, air, water, and earth, and your own body elemental—and those who are known as the Four Cosmic Forces, who govern the forces in nature; second, the order of angels, i.e., angelic hosts, consisting of archangels, cherubim, seraphim, and various stations, hierarchies, and principalities of angels in the seven planes of heaven. The office and function of these two orders is to serve and care for the third—the sons and daughters of God, the Christed ones. Of course, there is complete cooperation between the three kingdoms and an overlapping of their mutual services.

And so, God created and manifested Himself through Elohim to build the Spirit/Matter universe and to make it habitable for the evolutions of His sons and daughters. He created the archangels and the angelic hosts to minister unto them as helpers and teachers. Therefore, sons and daughters of God anywhere in the universe do and should call upon, by the science of the spoken Word, by the creative command, these hosts of the Lord—both the builders of form in nature and the angelic beings. They are ours to command in the name of the Cosmic Christ to perform according to the Will of God and the Divine Design whatever service is necessary in life.

The sons and daughters of God were born to be co-creators with God, and the authority of the Word as the Threefold Flame of Life within us is that authority of God Himself. And so, you see, to have a Church council cut off the opportunity of the sons of God to speak to the angels and to bid them serve in ministering to life is a direct interference with the order of our own evolution and the mantle of the Godhead that has been placed upon us as a divine office.

I have thought it was a great tragedy that the calls to Archangel Michael were removed from the Mass and also a great tragedy that the Lord’s Prayer has been removed from our public schools. After all, the latter is a prayer to the Father written by a Jew which demands no denominational affiliation whatsoever. Not a line of it should prove an offense to any member of the Body of God on earth, no matter what their religion, East or West.

And the reading of a psalm of David, which followed when I attended public school, is a study in the evolution of the soul of another of Abraham’s seed who sought and found his God in the face of trial and temptation, karma and the world adversaries of the Light. The psalms are deep lessons in humility and strength and trust in the Lord, and as such they should be known and loved by schoolchildren at a tender age, that they may find courage for life to endure its tests.

It occurred to me the other day that actually there is another prayer that could be sung in the public schools today if someone would promote it—and that is the prayer that was written by Irving Berlin, “God Bless America.”

It is a beautiful prayer from beginning to end, and that prayer itself is the invocation to the Father by the sons and daughters of God to bless America. And that call does allow the Father to assign His angels, His Elohim and nature spirits to truly bless this nation from sea to shining sea—”from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam…”

And so, I thought that we should have some of our citizens groups that function outside of the Church realize that this prayer was also written by a very famous and beloved Jew and therefore should not have any problem in gaining the support of all people.

I want to tell you that as we went stumping throughout Australia and the Philippines, each time I had the opportunity to sing that song, “God Bless Australia,” “God Bless the Philippines,” and “God Bless America,” I felt such a fervor in my heart and such a descent of Light. It is really so amazing to realize how the simple statement “God bless you!” opens the valve of the crystal cord and the Mighty I AM Presence. It opens the very founts of heaven and lets the Light descend with that simple benediction, heartfelt, freely offered.

And so, we find that as the Catholic world has ceased to pray to Michael the Archangel, as our children have ceased to pray in the public schools, many calamities have come upon the planetary home. We can see an enormous change and especially in darkness covering the land out of the astral plane since the 1962-65 period when this prayer was removed from the Mass and since the 1962, 1963 Supreme Court decisions which disallowed prayer in the public schools.

Now I would like to go back to the experience recorded by Pope Leo XIII, which prompted him to write the prayer to Saint Michael that was said at the conclusion of the Mass from 1886 to 1964.


      One day as Leo XIII had finished Mass he suddenly stopped at the foot of the altar as if in a trance. When asked what had happened, he explained he had heard voices—two voices, one kind and gentle, the other guttural and hard. These voices were speaking in conversation.

      The guttural voice, the voice of Satan in his pride, boasting to Our Lord: “I can destroy your Church.”

      The gentle voice of Our Lord replied: “You can? Then go ahead and do so.”

      Satan: “To do so, I need more time and more power.”

      Our Lord: “How much time? How much power?”

      Satan: “Seventy-five years, and a greater power over those who will give themselves over to my service.”

      Our Lord: “You have the time; you have the power. Do what you will.” 

      Leo XIII was given to understand that if the devil had not accomplished his purpose at the end of the time limit given, he would suffer a most crushing and humiliating defeat. Furthermore, the forces of Good would not be helpless in the face of the onslaught of Satan and his legions. They, too, were given a greater power for Good if only they would use it. Through their prayers and sacrifices and good Christian lives, they could offset the power of the devil and his human agents. It was then that he saw the great role St. Michael was to play in this mortal conflict.

      As he had hurled Lucifer and the fallen angels out of Heaven after the “first revolt against God,” so, too, he would play a great part in the battle to come, and would eventually cast Satan again into Hell.

      It was a result of this vision that Leo XIII then composed this prayer to St. Michael:


      Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.[3]


   You are most welcome to use this prayer, incorporating it into your morning decree session to Archangel Michael, substituting the words “thrust into hell” with “thrust into the lake of sacred fire.”


      Or, for a more precise and incisive fiat to include in Archangel Michael’s Rosary, I would say:


      Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in Armageddon, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, bind the forces of Death and Hell, the seed of Satan, the false hierarchy of Antichrist, and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls, and remand them to the Court of the Sacred Fire for their Final Judgment. (Stop tape and insert optional personal prayer here.)

      Cast out the dark ones and their darkness, the evildoers and their evil words and works, cause, effect, record and memory, into the lake of sacred fire “prepared for the devil and his angels.”

      In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Mother, Amen.


   I would like to share with you my great joy in receiving from one of my chelas a rosary, a chaplet, to Archangel Michael and the holy angels—both the beads and the ritual. It is a very pretty rosary, and you can see that the one who created it consecrated it to the jewels of the City Foursquare and the hierarchies of angels. It has a medallion of Archangel Michael, and it is a very sweet focus of the following litany which I would invite you to give with me at this time. But first I would like to give you the story of this chaplet:


      Saint Michael appearing one day to Antonia d’Astonac, a most devout servant of God, told her that he wished to be honored by nine salutations corresponding to the nine Choirs of Angels, which should consist of one Pater and three Aves in honor of each of the angelic choirs.

      He promised in return to obtain for all who should venerate him in this way before receiving Holy Communion, that an Angel of each of the nine Choirs should be assigned to accompany them to the Holy Table; he promised, moreover, his continual assistance during life, and likewise that of the Holy Angels to all who should recite the nine Salutations every day, and also after death the deliverance of their souls and those of relatives from the pains of Purgatory.[4]

      This rosary consists of responsive recitations, the Gloria Patri, the Our Father, and the Hail Mary incorporated into nine salutations to Saint Michael and the various choirs of angels. The method of reciting this is that I say, “O God, come to my assistance.” Then you repeat it. I say, “O Lord, make haste to help me.” Then you repeat it. And then we sing together the Gloria Patri—”Glory Be to the Father,” song 2. And then we go through these nine salutations. Each salutation consists of the Our Father, three Aves, and a special prayer of intercession.

      I would like to begin this rosary to Archangel Michael with the singing of Beloved Jesus’ I AM Lord’s Prayer and the singing of the Hail Mary so that we shall have consecrated the entire recitation in these hymns of praise to the Father, to our Lord, and to the Blessed Mother.

      I would like to make an invocation to Archangel Michael to consecrate our rosary to various needs on the planet and of our Church and of yourselves as disciples on the Path. As I am saying this prayer, you can affirm it in your heart and also recite in your heart the very specific personal and private prayers you may have today for beloved Archangel Michael as the servant of God and of yourself as the son, the daughter of God.

      You are welcome to kneel in the Presence of God before the altar during this consecration.


Consecration of Archangel Michael’s Rosary to Planetary Needs, the Church, and the Saints

(To Be Recited by the Supplicant Each Time the Rosary Is Given)


      Our beloved Father, in the name I AM THAT I AM, in the name Lord God Almighty, we call forth Thy Light through Thy blessed servant-son Archangel Michael and his legions of Light, the seven mighty archangels, the choirs of angels and the principalities and thrones of angelic graces and hierarchies of Light. We ask the Lord’s intercession through myriad angels and bands of angels, including the Choirs of Seraphim, of Cherubim, of Thrones, of Angels, of Dominions, of Powers, of Virtues, of Principalities, and of Archangels.

      We call now for the binding of Death and Hell and its denizens who have come to the hour of the Final Judgment. We call to Almighty God and to the legions of the Lord Jesus Christ and of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, all saints in heaven. We command this entire planetary body be cleaned out by the blessed legions of the Lord’s hosts, the Cosmic Christ, Alpha and Omega, the legions of Surya and Cuzco, legions of angels of the First Ray of God’s Will serving under the banners of Lord Maitreya and the World Mother, the Mighty Blue Eagle from Sirius and the Great Teams of Conquerors!

      Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, hear our call and answer in this hour of world need. We pray, then, for the deliverance of this nation under God. We pray for the deliverance of the planetary body, according to Thy divine plan, from nuclear war, from terminal diseases, from the genetic engineering of the fallen ones, from rock music and drugs upon our youth, from all strains of darkness and death devouring not only the physical bodies but the souls of God’s people. (Stop tape and insert optional personal prayer here.)

      In thy name Elohim, we command the deliverance of our planet this day from all infestations of demons and discarnates causing insanity and depravity, murder, assassination, and spiritual suicide.

      Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, we demand the binding of all fallen angels, beginning with the Watchers, their godless creation, the Nephilim gods and their mechanization man. Blaze the full power of the Great Central Sun for the binding of Serpent and his seed, for the binding of all seed of Satan and seed of Lucifer who remain since the Final Judgment of the latter.

      We call upon the Lord God Almighty this day. We call unto the Great Central Sun Magnet. Burn through, O Powers of Light! By the authority of the Christ within us, we beseech you this day to give absolute God protection to the Church Universal and Triumphant, the Mystical Body of God in heaven and on earth, to every Keeper of the Flame and lightbearer and all who are destined to make their ascension in this life.

      We call for the cutting free of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity, of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, of our Camelot and our Royal Teton Ranch. We call for the cutting free of our Messengers and staff and all who are students of the Masters’ Teachings. We call upon the Lord’s host to clear the way for these Teachings to reach every man, woman, and child of God’s heart upon this earth. Clear the way, beloved Archangel Michael and hosts of the Lord, for the quickening of hearts in the service of the Great White Brotherhood.

      We call for God-victory now over all enemies of the Holy Church and betrayers of the living Word who—with avowed destruction—move against this Church, this Messenger and Teaching and the Body of God on earth. In the name of the Cosmic Christ, Lord Maitreya, Gautama Buddha and Sanat Kumara, we command that these individuals be bound in this hour, their evil intent nullified, by the full power of Archangel Michael.

      And we call for the setting free of the lightbearers and the freedom fighters in every nation to Cut the economies free! Cut the governments free! Cut the societies free! Cut the people free! Cut the educational systems free! Cut the churches free! Cut the youth and children free!

      Cut free, Archangel Michael and legions of Light, with your mighty swords of blue flame, each one gathered here in supplication. Hear our prayers, O God! Cut us free from all addiction and binding habit, all self-limitation and spiritual blindness, all selfishness and self-love that does not enable us to see Thee and Thy Will clearly, O God.

      Blessed Father, we call in the name of Archangel Michael for dispensations from the Great Central Sun for this mighty archangel to enter now and bind the hordes of demons and discarnates and especially the entire crowd of fallen ones who plotted the betrayal and the judgment, the trial and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and have continued to plot against the servant sons and daughters of God in this and every age.

      Blaze the Light through! Blaze the Light through! Blaze the Light through! We demand the Final Judgment of their specific lifestreams in this hour, O God—and of all those whose names are not found written in the Book of Life. (Stop tape and insert optional personal prayer here.)

      In the name I AM THAT I AM, we demand the action of the sacred fire in this hour, O God. Come forth now, Thou WORD of God, Thou Faithful and True with the armies of heaven! Come forth in the Victory of the God Flame! Come forth now in the Victory of the God Flame!

      O Lord most holy, Lord Sanat Kumara, descend into our midst in this hour. We demand the binding and judgment of all those who have ever stood as the false witnesses, the accuser, and the condemner of the brethren and of the Christed ones.

      In the name I AM THAT I AM, we demand the binding of the Liar and the lie, the Murderer and his murderous intent in every conspiracy that is pitted against the Light of the United States of America, of the true God-government in every nation and the true religion undefiled before God and the Father that is manifest in our hearts and in the hearts of the faithful everywhere.

        We call for Life and Liberty and the cutting free of God’s people on the entire face of this earth from World Communism, from the bondage of materialism, from the infestations and cancers of evil and foul spirits possessing the souls and the bodies of the people.

      We call to you, beloved Jesus and Mother Mary, Saint Germain and all the hosts of the Lord in this hour. We commit our prayers unto you. We commit our spirits unto you. We commit the spirits and souls of our families, our friends, our loved ones, and all to whom we are karmically tied, all lightbearers and all mankind unto the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the eternal Mother.

      In the holy name of God, Amen.


   (Here you may give aloud or quietly within your heart your private, specific prayer for the consecration of your rosary or novena to Archangel Michael.)

Please be seated.

As I was offering this prayer, Archangel Michael requested that at the conclusion of the three Hail Marys we introduce one Judgment Call, “They Shall Not Pass!” by Jesus Christ. And so we will begin the rosary now by singing the “I AM Lord’s Prayer,” song 10, and singing the “Hail Mary,” song 92.[5]


Archangel Michael’s Rosary
The Ritual

I AM Lord’s Prayer
by Jesus Christ

Our Father who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy name
Hallowed be Thy name
Hallowed be Thy name, I AM.
I AM Thy Kingdom come
I AM Thy Will being done
I AM on earth even as I AM in heaven,
      in heaven, in heaven
I AM on earth even as I AM in heaven.
      (I AM in heaven, I AM in heaven)
I AM giving this day daily bread to all
I AM forgiving all Life this day even as
I AM also all Life forgiving me,
Life forgiving me, Life forgiving me.

I AM leading all men away from temptation
I AM delivering all men from every evil condition
I AM the Kingdom
I AM the Power and
I AM the Glory of God in eternal, immortal
All this I AM, all this I AM, I AM.

(all this I AM, all this I AM)


Hail Mary

Hail, Mary, full of grace
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God
Pray for us, sons and daughters of God
Now and at the hour of our victory
Over sin, disease, and death.


Holding the Archangel Michael medal, say:

The Messenger: O God, come to my assistance.
Congregation: O God, come to my assistance.
The Messenger: O Lord, make haste to help me.
Congregation: O Lord, make haste to help me.


Glory Be to the Father

Glory be to the Father
And to the Son
And to the Holy Spirit
As it was in the beginning
Is now and ever shall be
Life without end


      On the first single large bead commence the nine salutations, leaving for the end the four large beads.


First Salutation
To the Celestial Choir of Seraphim

I AM Lord’s Prayer
by Jesus Christ

Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name, I AM.
I AM Thy Kingdom come
I AM Thy Will being done
I AM on earth even as I AM in heaven
I AM giving this day daily bread to all
I AM forgiving all Life this day even as
I AM also all Life forgiving me
I AM leading all men away from temptation
I AM delivering all men from every evil condition
I AM the Kingdom
I AM the Power and
I AM the Glory of God in eternal, immortal
All this I AM.



Hail Mary

Hail, Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us, sons and daughters of God,
Now and at the hour of our victory
Over sin, disease, and death.




The Judgment Call
“They Shall Not Pass!”
by Jesus Christ

In the Name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I invoke the Electronic Presence of Jesus Christ:
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
By the authority of the cosmic cross of white fire
it shall be:
That all that is directed against the Christ
within me, within the holy innocents,
within our beloved Messengers,
within every son and daughter of God
Is now turned back
by the authority of Alpha and Omega,
by the authority of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
by the authority of Saint Germain!

I AM THAT I AM within the center of this temple
and I declare in the fullness of
the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood:
That those who, then, practice the black arts
against the children of the Light
Are now bound by the hosts of the Lord,
Do now receive the judgment of the Lord Christ
within me, within Jesus,
and within every Ascended Master,
Do now receive, then, the full return—
multiplied by the energy of the Cosmic Christ—
of their nefarious deeds which they have practiced
since the very incarnation of the Word!

Lo, I AM a Son of God!
Lo, I AM a Flame of God!
Lo, I stand upon the Rock of the living Word
And I declare with Jesus, the living Son of God:
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!



      By the intercession of Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Seraphim, may the Lord make us worthy to burn with the fire of perfect charity. Amen.



Second Salutation
To the Celestial Choir of Cherubim


I AM Lord’s Prayer
Hail Mary (3x)
The Judgment Call


      By the intercession of Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Cherubim, may the Lord vouchsafe to grant us grace to leave the ways of wickedness to run in the paths of  Christian perfection. Amen.




Third Salutation
To the Celestial Choir of Thrones


I AM Lord’s Prayer
Hail Mary (3x)
The Judgment Call


      By the intercession of Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Thrones, may the Lord infuse into our hearts a true and sincere spirit of humility. Amen.



Fourth Salutation
To the Celestial Choir of Dominions


I AM Lord’s Prayer
Hail Mary (3x)
The Judgment Call


      By the intercession of Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Dominions, may the Lord give us grace to govern our senses and subdue our unruly passions. Amen.



Fifth Salutation
To the Celestial Choir of Powers


I AM Lord’s Prayer
Hail Mary (3x)
The Judgment Call


      By the intercession of Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Powers, may the Lord vouchsafe to protect our souls against the snares and temptations of the devil. Amen.



Sixth Salutation
To the Celestial Choir of Virtues


I AM Lord’s Prayer
Hail Mary (3x)
The Judgment Call


      By the intercession of Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Virtues, may the Lord preserve us from evil and suffer us not to fall into temptation. Amen.



Seventh Salutation
To the Celestial Choir of Principalities


I AM Lord’s Prayer
Hail Mary (3x)
The Judgment Call


      By the intercession of Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Principalities, may God fill our souls with a true spirit of obedience. Amen.



Eighth Salutation
To the Celestial Choir of Archangels


I AM Lord’s Prayer
Hail Mary (3x)
The Judgment Call


      By the intercession of Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Archangels, may the Lord give us perseverance in faith and in all good works, in order that we may gain the  glory of Paradise. Amen.



Ninth Salutation
To the Celestial Choir of Angels


I AM Lord’s Prayer
Hail Mary (3x)
The Judgment Call


      By the intercession of Saint Michael and the celestial Choir of Angels, may the Lord grant us to be protected by them in this mortal life and conducted hereafter to eternal glory. Amen.




      Let us give the I AM Lord’s Prayer for each of the remaining four beads in honor of Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael, and our Guardian Angel.



      In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Mother, I dedicate the Our Father to Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael, and our beloved Guardian Angel.


I AM Lord’s Prayer (4x)


      O glorious Prince, Saint Michael, chief and commander of the heavenly hosts, guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits, servant in the house of the divine King, and our admirable conductor, thou who dost shine with excellence and superhuman virtue, vouchsafe to deliver us from all evil, who turn to thee with confidence, and enable us by thy gracious protection to serve God, ever more faithful every day. (Stop tape and insert optional personal prayer here.)



The Messenger: Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Congregation:  Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ.

The Messenger: That we may be made worthy of His promises.

Congregation:  That we may be made worthy of His promises.



      Almighty and Everlasting God, who by a prodigy of goodness and a merciful desire for the salvation of all men, hast appointed the most glorious Archangel, Saint Michael, Prince of Thy Church, make us worthy, we beseech Thee, to be delivered by his powerful protection from all our enemies, that none of them may harass us at the hour of death, but that we may be conducted by him into the august presence of Thy Divine Majesty. (Stop tape and insert optional personal prayer here.)

      This we beg through the merits of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.



      Let us give “I AM Presence, Thou Art Master,” decree 10.11, nine times for the sealing of the nine series of prayers we have given.


I AM Presence, Thou Art Master


I AM Presence, Thou art Master,
I AM Presence, clear the way!
Let Thy Light and all Thy Power
Take possession here this hour!
Charge with Victory’s mastery,
Blaze blue lightning, blaze Thy substance!
Into this Thy form descend,
That Perfection and its Glory
Shall blaze forth and earth transcend! (9x)



      Let us give “Light Will Overcome” to Saint Michael the Archangel, 10.16, nine times, sealing the Judgment of Almighty God upon the fallen angels, the Watchers, the Nephilim, their mechanization man and the seed of the Wicked One on planet Earth.


Light Will Overcome



      In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Archangel Michael and Faith, the seven beloved archangels and their divine complements, their legions of white-fire and blue-lightning angels, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! I decree for a triple blue-ring protection around the students of the Ascended Masters, America, and the world:



Blue lightning is thy Love,
Flood forth to free all;
Blue lightning is thy Power,
In God I see all;
Blue lightning is thy Mind,
In pure Truth I find


Light will overcome,
Light will make us one.
Light from blue-fire sun,
Command us now all free!


Blue lightning is thy Law,
Blaze forth as holy awe;
Blue lightning is thy Name,
Our heart’s altar do enflame;
Blue lightning maketh free,
In God I’ll ever be. (9x)




      And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!

       Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!



      Let us give again the “Traveling Protection,” 6.05.

Traveling Protection


      In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Archangel Michael, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! I decree:



Lord Michael before, Lord Michael behind,
Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left,
Lord Michael above, Lord Michael below,
Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go!

I AM his Love protecting here!
I AM his Love protecting here!
I AM his Love protecting here!


          (Repeat decree nine times)

          And in full Faith…

      Won’t you sing with me now song 283, the “Sword of Blue Flame,” to beloved Archangel Michael, to the tune of “Beulah Land.” Please stand and sing it with full voice and gusto and heart. Visualize the Central Sun above you, a large disk of sacred fire blazing. This is the Sun behind the sun, the Spirit of the living God. Standing in the center of the Sun is none other than beloved Archangel Michael, Prince of the Archangels.

Michael’s Sword of Blue Flame


Blest Michael, great archangel bright
To help raise earth to heaven’s height
Fashioned a sword of love’s blue flame
Let all adore and praise his name.


O sword of blue, in love so true
We e’er invoke thy mighty stroke
That cuts away by love divine
All not of God’s own pure design
And in its place gives joy and peace
To bring to all love’s sweet release.


The sword of flame such freedom brings
With gratitude each heart now sings
Its mighty pow’r both sure and fast
Transmutes all errors of the past.


Dear Michael’s sword of flame so true
Our vict’ry brings in all we do
To it we bow and bend the knee
And bless it now most gratefully.


O Central Sun and Lords of Light
Give earth her vict’ry for the right
And bless Archangel Michael, too
For his great love and sword of blue.



(Repeat refrain after each verse. Sing entire song three times.)

The Sealing of the Rosary

      Our beloved Father, we call to the holy angels who serve at Thy Throne of Grace to receive now, by the heart of our own Holy Christ Self, the full-gathered momentum of our prayer.

      Let this rosary to Saint Michael the Archangel be multiplied now by the immaculate heart of Mary, by the sacred heart of Jesus, by the purple fiery heart of Saint Germain, by the magnanimous heart of Lanello, the obedient heart of Godfre, the pure hearts of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux and all saints ascended, and the just and true and faithful and righteous hearts of all saints unascended.

      In the name of the living Word, let our prayers be caught up in the very heart of the Cosmic Christ Lord Maitreya and be sealed in the very heart of Archangel Michael for use in those hours when loved ones and lightbearers are in need of an immediate transfusion of Light and the protection of the Captain of the Lord’s Hosts.

      So let this reservoir of our rosary of Light in your heart, O mighty angel of the sacred fire, O beloved Maitreya, now be for the healing of nations, the protection of the Holy Church, the faithful and true witnesses, and the Ascended Masters’ activity on planet Earth.

      In the name of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, I consecrate these hearts as chalices of the living Light of Archangel Michael and Archangel Michael’s Rosary. So it is done in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Mother. Amen.




“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.‘”

Archangel Michael’s Rosary was released through the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Good Friday, April 5, 1985, during the 5-day Easter Conclave at Camelot and on May 12, Mother’s Day, at Deer Park Chapel, Royal Teton Ranch, Montana.

[1] Use this Pearl of Wisdom as your official text for Archangel Michael–s Rosary. Recite aloud everything that is in heavy (bold) type except the titles, following the instructions as given. You may begin right now with this first prayer and continue to the end, skipping everything that is not in bold.

[2] Synod of Laodicea, “Canon XXXV,” in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, eds. P. Schaff and H. Wace (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., n.d.), 2d ser., 14:150.

[3] St. Michael, Defend Us in Battle (n.p.: Marian Press, n.d.).

[4] Chaplet of St. Michael (n.p., Imprimatur 1897).

[5] You will find these songs sung by Excelsior on the 2–cassette album Harpstrings of Lemuria (A7963).

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