Be There!
Vol. 31 No. 52 – Beloved Archangel Gabriel – August 20, 1988
The Staying Power
Be There!
O Light of far-off worlds, I, Gabriel Archangel, command Light to descend! Light, seal the pure in heart!
I come, the Divine Intercessor, in the name of the Mother. Therefore, children of the Sun and Sons of the Most High, I come to announce that gift of opportunity [which] is by [the] grace of the Seventh-Ray Masters and their dispensations of the violet flame.
Opportunity in this hour is a gate ajar that does not swing full wide but allows those who observe it to pass through unnoticed by the mass mind—yet it is a golden gate and the opening whereby the soul may pass over rather than under.
To ride the wave, then, beloved, and the wave of Light, is God-mastery endued in thy soul by the Divine Mother in this age. As the Light of the Great Central Sun does bear the Buddhic consciousness to earth, be there in the cusp of an age. Be there, beloved. For it must needs be that souls of a fiery destiny pass through and beyond the astral plane that has been called the sewer of the planet. Be not there: it is a point of danger. Therefore, cut through as you have done by the “circle-and-sword-of-Astrea mantra”!¹
I AM the Archangel of the Fourth Ray, as Elohim Purity and Astrea be the God consciousness thereof. As Serapis Bey does come to rescue your Light² and your soul, I do stand in this city. As I have stood in San Diego and in Lisbon,³ so I come again and again in this hour of cycles turning.
I AM an Archangel who does seek those who love the fiery white light of the Mother, who love the intensity of mantra, who have the staying power and the realization that that is indeed what it takes in this hour—staying power to hold a balance!
The keepers of the Light do recognize that in this age some must give accounting for the reckless, trackless, indulgent squandering of the Light of an evolution that knows not. But one day in the far distant past they did also know. They did make conscious choice to walk away from the Divine Mother as Guru and Teacher, as Master and as the Mother womb of cosmos.
Therefore, that decision, beloved, made consciously, is now recorded only in the unconscious. For souls who have ignored the Law and inherited a karma of ignorance by their ignoring have therefore forgot, at least in the surface mind, that at the point of that separation and [of] that rebellion against the Divine Mother they did also lose the gnosis of self—self-awareness in her Divine Light. It was a costly decision, yet respected by the Great Law as an act of free will.
I come because you have called to the Divine Mother. I answer by cosmic law, and I come in the name of Opportunity⁴ to deliver to you not only the mandate of an ancient decision but [also] the fiat of God “Lux fiat!”⁵
So the Light itself decrees opportunity this day to retrieve that which was lost,⁶ to enter a fiery coil and once again to know consciously that the decision to embrace the Starry Mother—the blessed Kuan Yin, the wondrous Mary, Mother of Jesus, and an infinitude, a plenitude of manifestations of the Feminine Ray—that that decision of the Omega in the ending will carry you back to the point of beginning[, of Alpha]. For it is the fount of the Divine Mother that does buoy up your soul and literally carry you to new dimensions of cosmic consciousness.
Why was it that the Saviour did choose, then, a rising fount of the water of Life to mark the Inner Retreat that is become the Royal Teton Ranch? Why did that Saviour then predict to Martha, your own Messenger, that that land should be marked by that water of Light?⁷
It is because it is the age of the Divine Mother when the fire of the earth does therefore propel the water of her caring into the sky as the sign and the mark[er] that this “Place Prepared” in the wilderness⁸ of America is the sign of the ascending ones who are carried aloft in the ritual of the ascension by the fire and the water of the Divine Mother.
Can it be that you do not remember that I did announce to you prior to your soul’s descent into this very life that this [incarnation] should be for you, beloved, the opportunity for the ascension, for freedom from the round of rebirth?
O ye of fiery hearts and eyes and wills and chakras, I truly have come on a rescue mission with my legions of seraphim for [the rescue of] many children of the Light who are not here in this hour in this hallowed place, for they had not the momentum to carry them here or to be magnetized by an Archangel.
Blessed ones, I come in the eleventh hour—half past eleven and a quarter to twelve.⁹ Know truly, beloved, that an Archangel does desperately seek those who may implement the divine plan and carry a Light for more than themselves, but for the many.
So I come, I come in the name of Mary. I come sent by the Mother Omega, and I come sent by God from the throne of grace to love you, to illumine you—to tear, then, the scales from your eyes that you might have a taste for heaven and no longer desire the lesser unsatisfying drink of the lower octaves.
It is the nectar of the Spirit I would have you quaff. It is the Light of the crown chakra. Would you be initiated by an Archangel, beloved? [“Yes!”]
My very own, I tell you, on this day of Wesak and Saint Germain’s ascension day, know this: that the LORD God would defer speaking to you through these blessed Sons¹⁰ that you might seize opportunity to gain for a planet a greater momentum of violet flame, of intercessory power of Archangel Michael and our bands.
Thus, to postpone their dictations as far ahead as the sign of the Mother in Cancer in the Heart of the Inner Retreat is thought [to be] the better part of wisdom. For to bring no news is not good news in this case, and to bring no advancement beyond last year’s message¹¹ does truly inform, then, the Keepers of the Flame of a planet that Light must intensify ere the greater intercession take place, if at all.
But, beloved, by the very nature of her office Kuan Yin does come to stand for those who have called for Light. [Inasmuch] as Lightbearers may receive her intercession, each one according to the fruit of his heart, so it¹² may be [made] known [to you] in this hour.¹³
And I, Gabriel, tell you that the initiation of an Archangel of the Fourth Ray is somewhat of an obstacle course; for it does set before you prophecy of astrology known and heard by you to which new students may have access—prophecy, then, that has come from many corners of history and [many a] telling by the Messenger.¹⁴ Therefore, to direct the blue lightning [of the Mind of God] and the course of Archangel Michael’s Rosary,¹⁵ and all decrees you have been given, into the obstacles of fiercely descending karma of the Dark Cycle—[this is likewise the part of wisdom:] let it be done.
Let those mounting the spiral to come to the Inner Retreat for a fortnight, recharging the seven chakras in the Alpha and Omega [polarity]—let them know that we prepare a feast of Light for that summer conclave for those who will feast in the Light and make it a perpetual mantra of the hour for that saving grace.
Lightbearers of the world, I call! I AM Gabriel imploring those who are of the Most High God worldwide, and as I speak I promise you that my words are recorded not only on the ethers but in the souls and hearts of all who have once known their God and risen to heights of golden-age civilizations!
You whose auric field yet remains even a conductor of the Great Central Sun Magnet, attention! Be aware! For through you and only through you can the LORD God save that which can be saved¹⁶ in the hour of planetary darkening and transition.
May all who love the Light respond as you have responded to tarry here and give these mantras by the hour. And some [of you] who have not done so in this life, I tell you, it is commendable and does return hope to the heart of my complement, whose name and quality is indeed Hope. Because you have hoped in the Divine Mother Kuan Yin and all of heaven and your God, let there be, then, a continuing stream of white fire from your heart and let us see what the rendering [of the Solar Logoi] shall be [by way of response].
For on this first of May we do seal, seal again and seal Lightbearers and certain places that there might be the opening, O the opening of the way to the inner temple of the Holy of Holies.
Seraphim of God, sanctify! sanctify! sanctify them in holiness in this hour. (Legions of seraphim of the Central Sun [are] descend[ing now] upon the shaft of the mantras of the Divine Mother.) May you now tarry and give those additional mantras.¹⁷ In so doing, therefore, a seraphim shall arrive at each one[’s seat] and place his electromagnetic field around your own [aura and electromagnetic field]—quickening, sealing, spinning the chakras.
O dearest ones, in dearest love I, Gabriel, who have known you from the beginning, salute you in the hour when the Victory is nigh and the Goal can be seen and the sunbeam can be traced back to the Source. O mount it! Mount that sunbeam! And face the Sun until eternity is thine.
I AM in the eternal flow of the Ganges. I AM in the eternal flow of the River of Life. I AM the moving waters and the flowing fire and the golden liquid light poured down upon you as blessing of Buddha, blessing of Christos, blessing of Mary.
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee and with thy spirit. I AM Gabriel. Hail, Ma-Ray! Hail, O Light within these temples of the Mother! Hail, O soul who does rejoice in her God, in her Saviour.
The Light does touch the crown, and the crown chakra is quickened in the name of the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha.
This dictation by Archangel Gabriel was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet upon the occasion of Wesak and Saint Germain’s ascension day, Sunday, May 1, 1988, at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel, San Francisco. In the service prior to the dictation, the Messenger led the congregation in giving Kuan Yin’s Crystal Rosary, the bija mantras to the Hindu feminine deities, and the “Decree to Beloved Mighty Astrea.” Excerpt of the service and the dictation by Archangel Gabriel on 90-min. audiocassette B88067. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Archangel Gabriel’s direction for clarity in the written word.]
Wesak is the festival that commemorates Gautama Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana (final nirvana following the Buddha’s passing after which he would not be reborn). The festival derives its name from the month of the Indian lunar calendar in which it occurs—Wesak or Vesak (Sinhalese), from the Sanskrit Vaisakha, corresponding to April-May on the Western calendar. On the full moon day of this month, disciples gather in a valley in the Himalayas to receive the benediction of Lord Gautama. Some say that the Buddha is seen physically by certain adepts and devotees as he brings his “flood of blessing” to the earth. Buddhists consecrate the day to prayers and mantras, holy processions and ceremonies, and the performance of compassionate deeds in honor of the Buddha. It is also the time for the sacrifice of the elements of the lower nature, that the higher nature of God may descend into one’s temple. Because the Indian lunar calendar may differ from that of other nations of the Far East, this festival may fall on various days in those areas. For more information on Gautama Buddha’s life, see 1983 Pearls of Wisdom, p. 33; glossary “The Alchemy of the Word,” in Saint Germain On Alchemy, p. 366.
- “Decree to Beloved Mighty Astrea,” 10.14: no. 42 in Heart, Head and Hand Decrees: Meditations, Mantras, Prayers and Decrees for the Expansion of the Threefold Flame within the Heart, p. 32; Kuan Yin’s Crystal Rosary: Devotions to the Divine Mother East and West, cassette 1, p. 19 of booklet; no. 60 in Mantras of the Ascended Masters for the Initiation of the Chakras, p. 16, on audiocassette B85137.
- Light, when capitalized, is the equivalent of the Christ consciousness, Christhood, or the God consciousness, Godhood, whose effect is a spiritual light and awareness; a powerful presence of enlightenment personified as/in the Person(s) and the Mind of God.
- Archangel Gabriel in San Diego and Lisbon. 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 31, pp. 235; no. 32, p. 239.
- Opportunity. Name for Portia, twin flame of Saint Germain, who is the Goddess of Justice; hence she is called the Goddess of Opportunity. See glossary “The Alchemy of the Word,” in Saint Germain On Alchemy, p. 436.
- “Lux fiat!” [Latin]: “Let there be Light!”
- Saving that which can be saved. Gautama Buddha, 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30 no. 1, p. 1.
- The mark of the Inner Retreat given to Martha by Jesus. 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 42, p. 340, note.
- The Place Prepared in the wilderness. Rev. 12:6.
- The eleventh hour. This dictation was delivered 11:27 p.m.-11:46 p.m.
- Refers to Gautama Buddha and Saint Germain as blessed Sons of God.
- Wesak Address 1987. Gautama Buddha, 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30 no. 24, p. 239.
- This dispensation.
- Kuan Yin’s intercession. 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 25, p. 209; no. 46, p. 367; no. 53, p. 423.
- Partial list of the Messenger’s lectures on prophecy: 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 29, pp. 229 n. 3; no. 50, p. 408 note.
- Archangel Michael’s Rosary. 1985 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 28 no. 19, p. 243; 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 37, p. 288 n. 6.
- Saving that which can be saved. Gautama Buddha, 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30 no. 1, p. 1.
- Following this dictation, the “Bija Mantras for Chakra Meditation” were given, nos. 62-64 in Mantras of the Ascended Masters for the Initiation of the Chakras, p. 17, on audiocassette B85137.
“I Cast Out the Dweller on the Threshold!”
by Jesus Christ
In the name I AM THAT I AM ELOHIM,
Saint Germain, Portia, Guru Ma, Lanello,
Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ,
I CAST OUT THE DWELLER ON THE THRESHOLD of (Give appropriate inserts here according to the teachings on the dweller on the threshold and the Cosmic Clock.)
In the name of my beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, Archangel Michael and the hosts of the Lord,
In the name JESUS CHRIST, I challenge the personal and planetary dweller on the threshold, and I say:
You have no power over me! You may not threaten or mar the face of my God within my soul. You may not taunt or tempt me with past or present or future,
For I AM hid with Christ in God.
I AM his bride. I AM accepted by the Lord.
You have no power to destroy me! Therefore, be bound! by the Lord himself. Your day is done! You may no longer inhabit this temple.
In the name I AM THAT I AM, be bound! you tempter of my soul. Be bound! you point of pride of the original fall of the fallen ones! You have no power, no reality, no worth. You occupy no time or space of my being.
You have no power in my temple.
You may no longer steal the Light of my chakras. You may not steal the Light of my heart flame or my I AM Presence.
Be bound! then, O Serpent and his seed and all implants of the sinister force, for I AM THAT I AM!
I AM the Son of God this day, and I occupy this temple fully and wholly until the coming of the Lord, until the New Day, until all be fulfilled, and until this generation of the seed of Serpent pass away.
Burn through, O living Word of God!
By the power of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, in the name Brahman:
I AM THAT I AM and I stand and I cast out the dweller.
Let him be bound by the power of the Lord’s host! Let him be consigned to the flame of the sacred fire of Alpha and Omega, that that one may not go out to tempt the innocent and the babes in Christ.
Blaze the power of Elohim!
Elohim of God–Elohim of God–Elohim of God
Descend now in answer to my call.
As the mandate of the Lord—as Above, so below—occupy now.
Bind the fallen self! Bind the synthetic self! Be out then!
Bind the fallen one! For there is no more remnant or residue in my life of any, or any part of that one.
Lo, I AM, in Jesus’ name, the victor over Death and Hell! (2x)
Lo, I AM THAT I AM in me—in the name of Jesus Christ—
Is here and now the victor over Death and Hell!
Lo! it is done.
From Jesus Christ, March 13, 1983, “The Awakening of the Dweller on the Threshold,” 1983 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26 no. 36, p. 385.